Translations, Posting to another site, Stealing and Plagiarism of my stories

Please give time to this read this


So, I discovered my stories "The 7th Demon" and "The 7th Demon: Forever" were translated into two different laguages and two different sites just this week without my permission. And as an author who works hard for my stories it saddens me and it also disrespects me. It happened to me for like how many times already and I realized it's really hard to stop this since anything that is in the internet is easy to steal. Everything is just like one click away.

Starting today, I will no longer accept requests for translations of my stories. Except for the previous translations that I've given permission to, posted on the foreword of my stories. If you see any of my stories posted to another site or translated, whether they credited me or not please don't hesitate to inform me. 

These are also only my sns:

Wattpad : I am reposting my stories here as well. In my opinion, it's another way for me to prevent plagiarism.




I hope you understand me and I apologize for those who are recently asking for my permission for my stories to be translated.

Thank you very much and Have a nice day.


- littlepenguins. 


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I feel bad for you,, but this means that your story was too awesome!! Hwaitingg author-nim !! Much love from me <3
I feel you author nim, i've been in that situation before and it saddened me so much. Your story is too good but I've only managed to read half of it. Couldn't finish it because you made the story for only invitations. Can you invite me to read it? Don't worry, I have no intentions of posting or translating it. I just want to read it until the end.
Candy888 #3
Gosh.. That's really rude to be doing that. Some people are just too inconsiderate nowadays -.- But cheer up, I'll be here to support you!! Good luck ;)
Such a cheap dare they steal someone else story ... i always support you authornim... you are an amazing author and i will always love your story.. fighting!
heartcupcake #5
Same thing has happened to my 'mortals touch' and 'One shot'. I get sick to think they were stealing my hard earned work. When I confronted the person they lashed back saying I was stealing from them. -.-
Such a cheap person. I can called they are thief, for stealing idea from another.
milkagalarza1 #7
I hope they stop reposting your story in different languages :(
Have you had any luck reporting the thieves? I hope this helps you get the situation under control! :(
ashkhen #9
That is the right thing to do and people shouldn't steal peoples stories without giving credit to the original author.