[F] TzuYu Protection Squad


I've been a fan of 6mix (who is now known as TWICE) since their pre-debut. I've been recently angry at TzuYu's current controversey/situation.

Taiwanese or not, the girl is only 16. She didn't deserved to be put in such a difficult situation. The girl had suffered so much, from the survival show to TWICE's debut, the situation is just so unfair. I understand China's political views about TzuYu holding a Taiwanese flag on My Little TV, but to the point that you'll bring the rookie idol in a political matter is just far too cruel. I don't understand.

Don't get me wrong, I am not bashing anyone. But I would just like to inform everyone that TzuYu is only 16, she is far too young. To criticize her is okay, that's normal in the life of an idol, but to ban the entire company? I'm sorry, but I think that's just unfair. No offense, but please stop being childish and just forgive her. She certainly is a proud Taiwanese, so what? None of these matter because this is not a territory of the political issue you guys are handling. 

I do hope TzuYu is happy. Every person in this world has the right to be proud about where they came from. 

I understand that some of you guys felt betrayed at this sudden video, saying that JYP can't protect TzuYu and all, but guys, this is the only way JYP can protect her. Sometimes... you just have to swallow your pride and apologize. I admit that it's the move of a coward, but it was the only was to protect TzuYu, so please stop bashing JYP.


TzuYu's Nationality:


1) She's Taiwanese.
2) She speaks Mandarin, but she's still Taiwanese
3) She's still Taiwanese, black and white.
4. She was born in Taiwan. Period.
5) Speaking Mandarin doesn't make her a Chinese citizen from China. Period.
6) She has no freaking need to apologise just by holding her own country's flag. (Although JYP wants to lessen the damage/protect her/protect Twice)
Those against her are stupid.
8) Idiotic people who speak against a 16 year old, expecting her to know political stuff when she spent 3 years in Korea, training, attending Korean school and not knowing much about China and Taiwan is just wrong. She did nothing wrong. 
9) Summary: She's Taiwanese. She has the right to hold Taiwan's flag.








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peuntee #1
Omg what is this?! First of all she is only a young teenager and secondly what is wrong with holding the flag of her own country.
i'm just so frustrated at this thing! She's a TEENAGER for heaven's sake!
i don't know the issue... so China banned TWICE because Tzuyu was holding a Taiwan flag?