
So I just entered a contest by one of my friends on this site and I dont know if your interested so I'll just leave the link in the picture below.

My story is called 'The Room Behind the Iron Door' and please subscrib to it if your interested. I'll justleave the Discription and forward here:

Bae Suji is an aspiring fashion designer. She has side jobs of selling art and delivering to pay for her rent, food and all the other necessities she needs. This whole mess started one morning when she went out to deliver a package but before we get into that let me introduce the rest of the main characters.

Shim Changmin: An unknown man who we could say has never really seen the light of day.

Jung Joon Young: An undercover Agent who is soon hired to look for Changmin but a certain somebody soon makes that almost impossible by unconsciously taking his heart turning him into a lovesick office worker who cant properly control his feelings.

Jung Jessica: She is a well known fashion designer who soon gets an intern who messes up any possibility of her hooking up with her cute new secretary with her little face following them everywhere and stealing all his attention. Too bad she can't fire her because of her dads orders.



Bae Suji's P.O.V

It was a normal day so far for me, well, up until I had to deliver to this huge mansion. Honestly who needs all that space?

My outfit was the comfortable and I have to admit I look pretty cute today. I had on blue jeans with Nike shoes, a striped t-shirt and a snapback hat. All this exercising I've been doing is paying off.

The old lady who opened the door lead me into a room even though I did let her know I could just wait outside. The room she led me to was deep into the mansion and I don't think I could find my way out of this place alone if I tried because I would probably get lost and  die of starvation.

"Place the box there and sit." She ordered me with such a stern voice it made me miss my grandma and she was a strict woman.

I sat down obediently and said "Yes Ma'am."

"I will be back with you check." She announced before stepping out of the room.

The Grandma was really taking a long time and I'm not the most patient person. I stood up wiping the invisible dirt on my jeans and took a good look around. Across the room I spotted a closed door. Being my curious self I made my way across the room and  attempted to open the door but it didn't budge at all. So I cracked my hands and stretched before going at it again. It took me a couple of times before I successfully opened the door.

"Yes!" I fist pumped the air proud of myself. No job is too hard for Bae Suji.

I started to hear faint sounds of a piano being played some distant away and I started to really look at what I opened up. The door led to a long hallway and when I say long I mean looong. I could barely see another door with faint light creeping out at the edges.

I sighed as I started my long journey through the mysterious hallway. When I reached the end I could clearly see the door now. It was an Iron door with lots and lots of locks on it but who ever went in there must've forgotten to lock the door because it was slightly ajar.

I swear this was the heaviest door I have ever opened. It literally took both of my hands to open it and believe me I'm a strong girl. I was slightly blinded when I opened the door due to how bright it was but once I got used to it I couldn't believe what I found in the room behind the Iron door.




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