Injured my knee. FML

I was dancing to BTS

moved wrong

knee popped like 8 times and gave out and i hit the floor

this hurts so bad. 

idk how bad it is. 

i havent gone to the hospital. 

now i cant workout for weeks. im so pissed.

thank the gym guy who picked me up and made sure i was okay before he left. I see him in there all the time. I appreciate him. 

but since I'm injured, that means I'm writing a new oneshot. 

Yep I write oneshots when I'm injured/sick. 

This one is JhopexYOU

Because I need some Hoseok lovin to make me feel better. 

rated PG/PG 13 for maybe some language. 

You can find it here. 

Your Biggest Fan, Your Hope, Hoseok.


I hope youll give it some love. This one is for you all my fellow Hobi lovers. 




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Oh no! Get well soon :-(
Make sure to see a doctor if it gets worse.
Take care and may u get well soon
You need to go to the hospital asap, im not kidding - i have two knee injuries with one being more severe than the other. Your knee popping and giving out is bad signs - please check it out asap.