I Saved 3 Lives Today!! ^_^

Today I saved 3 lives!!! I'm so proud of myself (^_^)

Every year my school has a blood drive twice a year. The Red Cross sets up a station in the Library.

In past years I couldn't donate because I wasn't 17 and I needed my parent's permission. My mother would never sign the papers :( But now I can legally do it without her consent. 

I'm not gonna lie. I was nervous as hell. I wasn't even scared of the needle but rather all that blood flowing out of me. It just seemed so weird to me.

So 30 mins or so before my appointment I got really anxious. I was even 5 mins late because I was stalling in the bathroom T_T

The nurse took me to this little booth and asked me to pick myself out in the yearbook to verify that I was who I said I was. She also looked up my birthday to make sure I was of age. 

I had to answer some questions about my health and ual activities. I almost got excluded because I got a piercing in the last 12 months but I told her it was done with a sterile needle. And my temp was slightly higher than normal but I said I felt fine. It was hot in the room.

And then the hardest part came... The anemia test!!! She had to prick my finger and test my blood to make sure I had enough red blood cells... TWICE!! The first time is was slightly under the limit. The second time was perfect. Hmm... strange. But the prick felt like I got stabbed (O.O) Well actually I did get stabbed haha My fingers were aching for an hour afterwards. T_T 

Then the nurse took me over to the cot and I laid down. She put some cleaning stuff on my right arm, which was cold and tickled XP And then she stuck me with the needle. She got it on the first try!!! A lot of times they have trouble because I have deep veins. It didn't even hurt that bad either. Soon my blood started flowing. It only took about 15 mins to give a pint of blood. She said my blood flows well. It was probably all the water I had.

Afterwards she gave me a snack and told me to wait 15 mins at the table just to make sure I was well before leaving.


I don't know if it's because I ate breakfast and drank water that morning or if being overweight means I have more blood in my body than others but I felt great. I wasn't dizzy or nauseous. One guy turned really pale and fainted. He's OK though. And a lot of people said they felt weak and tired.

My mom said our family has that strong blood ^^

Anyway, that was my interesting experience giving blood for the first time :D I would do it again~




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OMFG I actually donated blood for the first time a few weeks back too and my experience was kinda the same as yours?
but the thing was I woke up late that day and rushed to school on pretty much an empty stomach O.o and when the people there asked if I ate a good breakfast I lied and said yes because I was afraid they might not let you donate if you didn't? they made me eat anyways LOL so I ate before and after and I felt fine throughout the entire thing but afterwards while I was headed to my next class I got dizzy climbing up the stairs but shrugged it off and told myself it was nothing to worry about but it ended up with me fainting in front of the class I TA for and having to get wheeled out of the classroom in a wheelchair and the office having to call my dad LOL oops O.o and I had to lie my way through everything because my dad didn't really know about the blood drive and he didn't sign it... my mom gave permission a few weeks before the actual event but it was before I had the actual paperwork and I knew my dad would be reluctant to sign it and might refuse, so I forged my mom's signature LOL O.o I know it's technically illegal oops but she knew about everything and already gave permission, she just wasn't physically there to sign it because she was on vacation... so... ehh... but yah my dad never figured it out and the school didn't either and I regained consciousness and stayed in school the rest of that day so it all turned out well LOL it was kinda embarrassing though... half the office crowded around me and everyone watching O.o note to self: eat more food before the blood drive next year ._.
okay that was a long ish story LOL but yas I'm proud of you for donating blood too and saving lives XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Good job! Thank you!
Thats a very good deed :) Well done