Don't you have those friends that pretend to be you on your social media? Well, I have one. A close one, that pretends to be my brother (but he's my roomie) and I just play along with that. I don't like it when he goes on my accounts to troll my friends though. With my best friend, Lan, it's fine cuz' he already knows the difference between how we speak/text. With my other friends... err, not so much. So when he decided it'd be fun to troll one of my online friends through my facebook... my life.

As he pushes me away and I'm here on the sidelines watching him mind one of my friends, I'm here like, "NOOOOO!!! I HATE CHUUU! NUUU!!" And he's like, "Ahahahahha." He really doesn't give a and does it anyway. But I feel like he's gonna ruin friendships of mine, oh gawd. I'm here whining and he's being all hulk-like strength, managing to keep me away (or I'm just weak, i dunno) but man, I can't explain how much I hate him right now. I don't hate hate him but he pushed me to the last straw. Me having a brother isn't a complete lie.


One, he is close to me like a brother.

Two, my sis is gender fluid. So I guess I have a brother and sister in one.

Three, would you consider a really close cousin to be like your brother? I dunno.

Four, I'm going to have a brother-in-law, so 'eh'. He's practically my brother already, even if they are not married yet.

Five, brudda is just brudda. (anh)


Well, I am scared less to clear up the misunderstandings to that friend of mine. 'Brudda' is a , all "innocently" smiling at me as I glare at him. Grr...  Not only that, my mom never listens to me when I tell her not to feed my dog chicken bones when I'm not paying attention! How many times do I have to tell her that chicken bones are hazardous to dogs. "He hasn't died yet so it's okay," doesn't mean ! BULL! Chicken marrow is poisonous to dogs, and the bones are a choking hazard.

Goddamn, please listen to me for once! No one really listens to me, though. In my house, that is. Wait, is it even considered my house? Well, I live in it. This is getting confusing now. If there is anyone confused about it, I technically don't have a brother, but he's like one, so I just call him brudda anyway. (lived together since practically birth) Man, my friend is pissed at him and I'm scared to actually clear it up since I might make the situation worse. I don't exactly have people skills..

Plus, the thing about having an online friend is that you can't meet them in person anytime you want and clear it up face to face. Lan, he's different. He knows the difference between brudda and me, so even if brudda tries to troll with him, he already knows it's not me. Good thing about being best friends. Speech pattern. lol

What would you guys do? Would you beat the out of him ina million pieces for the bull he's done? I don't have the heart to do that except yelling at him, "I HATE CHUUU~!" Well, I'm screwed, he's screwed, we are all screwed! ; v ;


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TheTakenUsername #1
Scream at him, get in trouble for it because he's the precious SECOND child, and clear things up.
I'm slightly confused.... Anh's not your bro by birth?
Anyways, yep. You sound weak -haha, Lan's right! I'd have beaten the outa him
i would go off on him and, cuz im like that, i woukd end up talking about how it would be more unacceptable in the real world. and log out of everything and change ur password every now wand then
and i will listen to u :D