newbie here lol

hey guyss... recently i watched attack on titan where kiko acts as mikasa. i really love it and i think i should start digging more about this anime. any of you guys have any idea where can i watch Shingeki no Kyojin Movie 1: Guren no Yumiya ?? and if possible some other suggestion of where should i start lol.


(out of topic : currently I am in mid term holidays. Would probably (i really mean it) to write new chapters. Sorry for the delays)


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2am-ramen #1
Before SnK's movie, you should watch the anime series ^^ The movie is just a consolidation of the anime series so if you want to understand it, you'll need to watch the series xD
If you watch subbed anime, you can watch it on any anime site ^^

In my opinion, the live action movie balls T^T I'm sorry, i was looking forward to it a LOT, but... that was NOTHING like what SnK really is Q_Q