i feel like crying

my finals are coming in less than a week and i didn't really learnt anything, yet i'm so stressed out that i started getting white hairs (maybe not enough nutrients lmao) for such a young age :(

i wanted to cry, my teacher gave me a high target and i know i barely can do it. my parents too have expections and i shan't disappoint them.

everything around me is so noisy (even a clock ticking annoys me) that i can't concerntrate at all. my dad won't drive me to the library (damn, it's so quiet there i like it), he keeps asking me the same question of why would i want to go there when the obvious answer is to study! and like what do you want me to do?! I get distracted too easily i just want to get off my mind and scream.

my parents are so clueless about my life. they didn't know my school is way different that other normal schools. it's like you're 15, but you're currently learning grade 11 stuff.



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All the best in your finals.
emmetropia #2
aw bless you :(. I had problems like this where I couldn't concentrate at all and the people around me weren't really helping. I got so fed up with it that I studied my own study habits and found that I'm more productive in the night. A lot of people are actually like this since our productivity is usually behind our mindsets. For example, in my house it's absolutely hectic during the day; my younger siblings screaming, other distractions, but at night when everyone is asleep, the house is so quiet. I study on my desk next to a lamp (probably an unimportant detail but lol whatever). I feel like I'm able to do more without getting distracted since no one during the night would need me since they're all asleep. I know you might not like this, but have you tried listening to classical music while you revise? There have been a lot of studies showing that students who listened to classical music while studying for an exam usually recall more information. When you write, you trigger the right hemisphere of your brain, when you listen to music (without lyrics) it triggers the left hemisphere of your brain, apparently. But this is good because it's exercising your brain in a way. Any music without words is good actually, but I prefer listening to mozart or others like that because it helps me concentrate more, and trust me, I get distracted so easily and procrastinate a lot, and listening to classical music really helped me. There's something called the mozart effect or something which is good for your brain and concentration, but I don't remember much about it.

And don't think so much about when your finals are, stress actually makes you insecure when it comes to the actual exam and can lower your performance. You probably have tried talking to your parents numerous times before, but if it's affecting you that bad, pester them about how you feel until it becomes annoying, sometimes we have to do that to get what we want if it doesn't work the first few times.
I can relate. And they'll be so mad if I get a very low grade though the others have lower grades than mine. TT_TT