Li Yifeng - BAZZAR Men behind-the-scenes video, photos, & gifs

One of the biggest reasons why this guy is an idol to me is because he really has that top star quality that I'd rarely see in most celebrities nowadays (asides from being witty, intelligent, full of positive vibes, handsome, and etc.).  >///<

Anyways, here's a behind-the-scenes video from his photoshoot with BAZZAR Men magazine that continues to show off his charming side.  Rough translation from me immediately below the video:

BAZZAR Men poses 3 "interesting" questions for Li Yifeng (starts around 1:02 in the video)~

BM: What do you always style your hair by parting a split in the middle?  
*(Me: Yea, I've been wondering about that for the longest time too...=__=")

LYF: looks good.  But I didn't today.

BM: What kind of girl is your type?

LYF: The type that I actually like...well, leave it up to fate.

BM: Describe your first love.

LYF: Beautiful, pretty, amazing.  Because I think 'first love' is a great thing so I'm willing to attach all the great adjectives onto this term.

And here are the beautiful photos & gifs (original source from BAZZAR Men weibo): 




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