Spazzing: Li Yifeng -- Anticipating Sparrow ^__~

Hahaha...actually posted this before under one of my "stories".  XD

*sigh...* as I'm currently waiting for his new work to appear on the screen again, for now, I'll have to settle on just roaming over his pictures on LOFTER (no, I don't like him as in "crushing" on him or anything like that, his face is just really soothing to look at  XD), listening to his music (though I wish he has better songs...most of the songs he has at the moment are wasting his voice somewhat ;A;), googling news about him (I don't really seek news on the tieba forum since there's way too much spazzings there, and not enough of real news  ^^"), and continuing my hunt to find some high quality Li Yifeng wallpapers (mainly on google again -- yes, google is my best friend).

Currently, I am anticipating Sparrow (麻雀) the most.  It is an espionage story set during the Chinese Civil War era...meaning that this drama will be filled with a lot action, thriller, romance, bromance, and pretty clothes.  ^^  Despite my dislike for the leading actress (Zhou Dongyu) because she has shown time and time again that she's a very disrespectful & rude person, I will still watch it for the plot and Li Yifeng.  I just pray that her acting won't ruin the drama because her face is already giving me a Green Tea B*tch vibe.  =___="

Elegant & "official" posters for the drama.  ^^ made posters are just as awesome, it seem~ here are a couple below (I saved it as wallpapers ^^"):

Lol is it bad to like the fan made posters more than the official ones?  ^^"


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