Miss Them!

I'm shipping them from the start, I don't know while but I just got the feeling that these two maknaes, Exo-M and Exo-K maknae were really close. Things were really proved when I watched Exo Showtime showed that this two guys really love company with each other.

Kyaaa >////< start from that I start to ship them more and more....







Can I see TaoHun moments in the future? That's questions have been in my mind lately. T_T


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I ship them so hard!!! Those cutie things >.<
I ship sechen/chenhun too <3
I ship them too :3
Dragneel09 #3
Hoi alien...xhbs2 dgn taohun mu ni,,,XD
TaoSoo =_=...kenapa jarang yg nk shp diorang. Huhuk