「 CRAYON(S) 」Cho Iseul | Iseul



Ami_A_Rin • Rin • 6



real name » Cho Iseul

- Kangaroo; father + Iseul jumps around a lot when she's around her father (she's hyper)
- Choco; best friends + she loves chocolates
- Seul; classmates + they leave out the 'i' in Iseul


birthDATE+AGE » November 22, 1993 + 21 y/o
BIRTHPLACE » Gyeonggi, South Korea

hometown » Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity » Korean

languages »
- Korean ; Fluent + She was born and raised in Korea
- English; Advanced + She learned it in school and her mother is an English teacher


face claim » Ann

backup face claim » Kim Sujin/ Sinbi


appearance » Iseul has easily chapped lips and long black hair that falls over her shoulder, cut in layers. She has side swept bangs and dark colored eyes. When she was young, a stick got poked into her right hand (the side under the pinky finger, I don't know what it's called), so there is a small and short dark brown line there. She doesn't eat a lot eversince she was little so she's pretty skinny. She also wears reading glasses with black frames.


style » Iseul loves to wear hair accesories, from hats to ribbons, you name it. She wears warm clothing. She used to wear heels but now she wears boots and flats, and she isn't that used to wearing heels nowadays. She tries different styles of outfits sometimes.

CASUAL. 1 2 3 4 5 6 
AIRPORT. 1 2 3 4 5
FORMAL. 1 2 3 4 5 6
SUMMER & SPRING. 1 2 3 4 5 6
WINTER & AUTUMN. 1 2 3 4 5 6


" Writing is a freedom from reality "


" A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determinaton and hard work"


the girl/boy next door.

personality »

POSITIVE. Athletic, Compassionate, Playful, Eloquent, Imaginative, Well-Mannered
NATURAL. Curious, Stubborn, Friendly

NEGATIVE. Clumsy, Gullible, Vulnerable, Untidy, Impatient

Iseul is a mixture of a well-mannered and sporty girl. She would be reading a book quietly in the corner or be at the gym or sports complex. She's not a tomboy nor is she elegant; she's more of an inbetween. She can fit in with the jocks, the geeks and the preps. Being a sporty girl, she's very athletic and loves to run for miles. She's very fit because of that but she's still a er for snacks. Even so, she is quite clumsy and can trip over her two feet. She once fell down during her annual run and scratched her knee. Iseul is very friendly and playful, she can make you laugh easily with her corny jokes and contagious laughter. Although she would fall for any harmless prank or trick you pull on her even if you pull it again and again. She doesn't hold a grudge though and would just brush it off with a laugh.


Iseul is popular amongst her friends as she cares a lot for other and would lend a hand or an ear. But she can be very stubborn if she thinks her judgement is right. She is a big imaginer and this helped her to become a great fiction author. She believes that her writing can move a person. Iseul is very curious about things and wants to know everything. She is easily affected by insults and critism. She is untidy and would leave her stuff lying around somewhere. She is also impatient and would sometimes throw a small tantrum from time to time if you keep her waiting for too long.

likes »
- Yellow
- Number 22

- Ice cream and chocolate
- Hot Chocolate; who wouldn't like a warm cup of hot chocolate
- Tea; always start your day with a hot cup of tea, with four teaspoons of sugar please!

- Fall; the leaves are yellow and the weather is perfect

- Mathematics; "they just think I'm crazy for loving it"
- Ballad, especially sad ones; they help her ease the pain of losing him
- Biscuits; "my favorite snack!"
- Movies; "who wouldn't love to sit back and watch some movies with a bowl full of buttered popcorn?"

- Reading english novels

- Smokers; "smoking is bad for you and we, passive smokers, are in danger of breathing in your smokes *rants about the dangers of smoking*"
- Insects; get them away from me!!
- Alcohol: did you know that digesting too much alcohol damages your liver?
- Bullies

- Anti-fans of Pastelz and SNSD

- Immature fans

- Writer's block

- Writing articles

- Taking pictures
- Reading
- Solving puzzles and maths equations
- Listening to music while staring out the window
- Watching movies

- Listening to music

- Rubbing her nose when she's concentrating, it's a natural instinct to do so
- Playing with her hair when she's nervous, it's either pushing her bangs back or twirling her hair around her finger.
- Singing a random song before going to bed
- Crossing her legs when sitting down and sit with her back straight, like a princess.

- Furrowing her eyebrows when she's annoyed
- Squealing when her fav groups' songs are played

- Ghosts and horror movies/stories; they will never leave my brain and haunt me when I'm alone or want to sleep
- Insects; keep them away from her if you treasure your ears cause she will scream
- Falling; even sitting in an airplane scares her, you never know when the floor breaks and you'll fall.
- Zombie apocalypse
- The dark

- She works as a web writer under Warren Publishings (oc) and she mostly writes about anything related to Korea.
- Her phone is a Samsung s3 and the cover is a light yellow in color

- She knows how to cook but struggles with a knife

- She would always have sweets with her

- Every morning, to start her day, she drinks a steaming hot cup of her favourite tea (lemon flavored) without fail

- She enjoys solving sudoku.
- She has a collection of hair accesories
She once lost her phone for a whole day. It turns out that she left it in the pocket of her coat, which she had carelessly thrown in her closet.

- She has never tried sushi before.

- She loves watching Youtube gamers.

- Her favorite subjects in school were Mathematics, English and Physics.

- The first kpop group she liked was SNSD and the second is Pastelz.

- As she is the youngest in the family, she lives with her parents.

- Her first ever job was working part-time at Starlight cafe during her second year of high school. It was for experience and to earn some money.

- She has written a lot of books. The first book she published was The Originals (originally by Cat Patrick) (in early 2013). After that was the first book of the Shadow Falls series, Born at Midnight (originally by c.c hunter) (in late 2013) followed by the second book, Awake at Dawn. The third and fourth book was published in early and late 2014, entitled Taken at Dusk and Whispers at Moonrise respectively. The final book was just publish a few weeks before Pastelz debut. She's now working on her next series (Land of Stories Series, originally by Chris Colfer).

- Every morning after eating a light breakfast and before beginning her work, she would jog around the neighbourhood to get some ideas. She would usually listen to music when jogging.



forever with pastelz.


NAME » Iseul

- Seullie; most of Pastelz members + it's a cute nickname for her
- Candyseul; maknae line + Iseul would always have candy with her
persona » Morning Dew

HEIGHT » 168cm
WEIGHT » 46kg

EDUCATION » Graduated from National University of Singapore with Journalism degree

- morning.pastelz (Instagram//Fanaccount)

- chocoseul (Personal instagram)
- http://morningpastelz.com (blog)

- chocoseul_ (twitter)

- chocoseul (daum cafe account)

- iseulchobooks.com (official website for all her books)

- beautyofasia.warrenpublishings.com (the website where she works at)

since when you become crayon(s) » Since she first found out that Jiyoung was going to debut.
BACKGROUND » Iseul knew Pastelz from Jiyoung, a close friend of hers and a member of Pastelz. She supported Jiyoung and Pastelz from the beginning and encouraged others to support Pastelz debut too.

BIAS IN PASTELZ? » Erin. Iseul always falls for the quiet ones in the group. She loves Erin's voice and her acting as well.

Why do you love pastelz? » Iseul was never really interested in other groups since she always had eyes for SNSD but Pastelz caught her attention especially since Jiyoung was in it. She loves listening to all Pastelz songs and loves all the girls different personalities and how they interact with each other. She feels at peace listening to Pastelz songs.


MOTTO » "Don't hold back from doing what you love to do. No one is holding you back, only you."



home sweet h0me.

background »

Cho Iseul was born on November 22, 1997 in Gyeonggi, South Korea. She had two older siblings who took care of her when her parents were busy with their work. She was a smart kid, just like her siblings and often scored high marks at school. She moved to Seoul when she was seven so that her brother could easily go to his new high school located in Seoul. She became a fan of SNSD in 2008 and since then became interested in Kpop.

She befriended Hwang Jiyoung and the two became close friends. One day, Jiyoung accidentally spilled that she was going to debut in a girl group. Since Iseul has heard Jiyoung sing, she supported her friend and became a fan even before they were announced publically.


Eversince middle-school, Iseul dreamt of being an author. She wanted people to enjoy reading, like she does, and hope that her books will inspire people and connect them. She wants her books to become something someone enjoys and possibly value. She wrote short stories and always tried her best when writing compositions. She studied her English very hard because she wants her books to be published in the English language, mostly because her favorite type of books to read are written in English. She researched on how to become an author and saw how hard it was to be in that profession so she wanted to start small. She began taking Journalism and was part of the school's newspaper. She took Journalism degree at National University of Singapore. During her studies there, one of her professors saw great potential in there. Her professors had a high position at Warren Publishings and sent one of her works there. She did an internship at Warren Publishings located at LA during a holiday. When she finished university, she went to work at Warren Publishings. They wanted her to write about Korea, her hometown as she was from there. She benefited greatly from there. Warren Publishings helped her publish her book too.


family »

- Father. Cho Dohyun + 58 + Office Worker + Funny, Humorous, Protective + 9
- Mother. Bae Seulgi + 58 + English Teacher + Supportive, Strict about education, Loving + 9
- Brother. Cho Daewoon + 28 + Surgeon + Loves to prank Iseul, serious about work, sporty + 8
- Sister-in-law. Oh Rijin + 26 + Kindergarden Teacher + Kind, Helpful, Optimistic + 7
- Sister. Cho Sulli + 24 + Scientist + Quirky, Protective, Bubbly + 8


friends »

- Best Friend. Park JaeIn + 21 + Doctor + Funny, Dramatic, Caring + 8
- Friend. Hwang Jiyounng + 17 + member of Pastelz + Caring, Humble, Well-Mannered, Blank, Moody & Shy + 7
- Friend. Woo Sunghyun + 22 + Owner of a coffee shop named Paradise + Kind, Friendly, Helpful, Funny + 6




love interest » Woo Sunghyun (oc)

backup love interest » Park Doojoon (oc)


personality » Sunghyun, in Iseul's eyes, is Mr. Perfect. He's kind and helpful and would always be there to lend a hand. He has that friendly aura around him that makes people more comfortable around him. He can brighten up a room with just a smile or a laugh. He may be blank sometimes but it makes him  more cute. He's also dorky and responsible.

relationship » Friends, ex-coworkers and neighbours


love story » Iseul fell in love with his kind personality and his smile. He would help her in time of need and would instantly cheer her up. He could read her like an open book, well except for her crush on him. Unfortunately Sunghyun already had a girlfriend during that time. Iseul did date another guy but she didn't feel like she was in love with the other guy. She tried to forget Sunghyun but it was difficult since she always met him during work. She did come to his graduation. During her stay in Singapore, she tried to move on from Sunghyun. But every love story she wrote was about him. When she came back to Korea, Sunghyun had already broken up with his girlfriend. (The break up was a year after Iseul left to Singapore). The two rekindled their friendship. Iseul would always come to Sunghyun's coffee shop to work and each time she came, she would stare at Sunghyun secretly. He would sometimes give her inspiration. Sunghyun also felt something from Iseul, she made his heart race. He doesn't know if he likes her or not.

history » Iseul and Sunghyun first met when Iseul first entered Hansung Science High School. She was lost and due to her being so nervous, she didn't have the guts to ask someone for directions. Fortunately Sunghyun, the class president, helped her out. She didn't talk to him much since he was her senior but they became closer when Iseul started working part-time at Starlight Cafe where he also worked part-time at as a barista.

interactions » Back in high school, Sunghyun would always walk her home from their part-time job at Starlight cafe. He treated her well and took care of her during work. When she came back to Korea, he was with her parents at the airport to pick her up. He for being so short (he was 180cm tall). Sunghyun would always accompany Iseul for her morning run and Iseul would come to his coffee shop to do her work.


last words.

comments » I think I'm becoming really hooked on Pastelz. I just tried watching Lovelyz Hi mv on Youtube and accidentally typed Pastelz instead of Lovelyz. Some of these are copy and pasted from my last app and I made Iseul and Vanilla friends so that she could know Pastelz, hope you don't mind, I didn't know whho else to choose. :3 The books Iseul has published are my favorite books, if you haven't read them then I strongly recommend you to, because these books are really good.
- New Secret Box
- Pastelz True Colors

- An action type show, like power rangers, where the girls are ordinary people who one day receives the honor of protecting Chae-yeon (Crayon), someone important. They are given a diamond or something precious or ordinary (like an umbrella or something) that can be powerful, which is the color of their pastel color. Each episode, one member is brought to the spotlight. Probably gonna be an 8 ep. show, the last episode where they defeated the evil one.
-Pastelz Date Cam
-After School Club

scene requests »

- Iseul squealing whenever she meets Erin.
- Pastelz helping Iseul confess to Sunghyun.

- Pastelz read one of her books.


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Annyeong ^^ Done reviewing :))
I really love her character but there's something didn't right.. Don't worry, it's only one thing ~
Okay, first, since she is the president of Crayons, she should be older than 1997.. Change it maybe above 1993 and sorry for not stated the years limit /bows/

A same thing happened to me too, I wanted to look for Lovelyz's photo but I typed Pastelz /lol/ It seems like 'Pastelz' like a real group name x) And, I don't care if you make Iseul and Vanilla as friends /grins/ I'm sorry about 'Years' in Forever with Pastelz section, I wrote it wrongly.. It supposed to be 'Since when you become a Crayons' , it was my mistake ~ Sorry again >< I hope you change the 'Years' ... And there's no anything else :D Anyway, I love Iseul /big heart pose/