Fanboy and Fangirl couple~

I found it very funny when I came across these two facts.

We all know that Sehun has always said Miranda Kerr is his ideal type. A few weeks back I watched an Amber cut from Radio star. Amber was talking about her ideal type. Her first choice was Orlando Bloom.(The MCs made her change it later) rofl~ Β  Miranda Kerr's ex-husband. :p So Sehun's type is Amber(and vice-versa) because Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr were a couple?

My delulu mind connected the dots and now I hold this as a good fact which supports hunber. XD It was funny and very cute at the same time. Fanboy and Fangirl couple - hunber!~ If only Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom were still together it would have been perfect . hehehe

*laughs at self*


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Its freaking true!!! O.M.G!! My hunber heart😍
BangDivAhMagicMoveMd #2

lol I've heard others say that too I kind of think HunBer was a thing idk how accurate I am though but here is my evidence.
Sehun why so flustered about learning english
Sehun holding onto Amber's hand;feature=share;feature=share