I Guess I'm Not Over Him *sigh*

Okay, well, y'all probably know I have an ex-boyfriend. I know, I am too young blah blah blah. I'm stupid and I was like "Okay."


Well, on October I had told my brother that I broke up with him and I was talking to my guy friend. And he starts telling me that if he ever hurts me he's going to him up and make him regret hurting me because he loves me and I start crying. He's buzzed and my dad comes over as well and I pleaded with my eyes that he wouldn't tell my dad so he didn't, but he said,"You would let me mess her boyfriend up if he ever hurt her right?" And my dad said.


"Oh, yeah. You're my little princess and no one is going to hurt you." And I was crying even harder because it was actually the first time in four years that I'd felt comfortable around my dad. 


And my brother has just gotten his apendix removed, no one knew this happened, it was just so sudden. So, right now he's in pain and he came downstairs and was serving himself some juice and tells me.


"What's your boyfriend's name? Israeli? I know it has an I, and you won't belive who told me." I was like okay, whatever it's just his meds but he kept on going so I went into the kitchen and told him.


"How many times have I told you that he and I are completely done? He and I aren't together anymore." My eyes started to tear and I couldn't even look him in the eyes because I knew he was dissapointed. 


He kept on blabbering about me being too young and him not caring if he sounded like my dad. I just really couldn't even belive the fact that I missed him. I miss my ex and I don't want to. These past couples of weeks I've been with Robert and hanging out and talking and I actually felt good and happy but whenever I hear his name my heart just goes into it's own world and it feels like someone is putting all their weight and pressure on it. 


I didn't even know I still felt this way. I just want to get over him already!! I thought I was but just... ugh. I feel like crying but I can't because my mother and step-father are here. Just... ugh...





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was he your first love??? i mean forgetting first love are quite touf.. i knw that feeling well he wasnt my first love it was a huge crush!!! and we did know each other.. but then u knw.. we were talking every single tym... and once he mentioned he have to go on a date and he asked me a suggestion and i went blank... and it came out that it was my enemy in my skool... the girl he was dating.. but i forgot him.. i mean i cut off all the connections.. he turned out to be a bad person... not the sweet nice person i knew... so all u have to do is just forget and move on... i mean there are millions of things u can do to forget him... ^_^
I know that feeling... >.< It really ! >:(
Was he perhaps your first love? If so I hate to break it to you but I doesn't die. I still love mine and that was almost 8 years ago that we broke up. You just have to move past it and remember that the past is past for a reason. And being young doesn't mean anything. Its better to live your life to the fullest than revert in the future and trust I know. There is still I a lot of things I wish I had done but was too scared to do. Anyways hope this helps.
Everything will be better with time. Just don't think about him anymore. He isn't worth it. I haven't had any experience in this but one thing is for sure. Just be happy that you have people around you who are special to you. He is in the past. I know the break-up was recent, and it will take time, just go to someone you know for comfort if you are feeling these emotions again. Look forward and you will meet the person you will truly want to be with. Keep your head up high, smile and fight this. Feel better soon.
InvisibleSoul #5
Look, man come and go. You will fall in love again and you will get hurt again. That's just life.
I love the same guy for three years now. I confessed him this year and got rejected. But it only made me stronger. Sure I cry from time to time about it and feel bad and frustrated and like I was never made to be loved by anyone. But being rejected by the guy I love also made me stronger. I care more about my looks, my desires, I met new people and a new guy that I like. I'm only 18, I'll meet new people until I find the one I am willing to leave everything I have for him. And so will you.
Your ex is the past. What ever you had with him is only here to make you a stronger woman. You will get over him, and the best way is to start looking and the things in front of you, rather the people in front of you. See how much people are around you, willing to make you happy, love you, be with you. Don't worr, it will pass, that feeling, and you would be so busy with you present emotions and future activities, that you won't even remember your ex and your feelings for him unless you'll HAVE to think about them.
Hope you'll feel better ♡♡♡
kenyattabat #6
if you fell like your mom is not listing to you then go to your best friends mom and tell her whats on your mind, it will make you feel better
kenyattabat #7
good for you girl.