By the end of 2015.. { racism / ual orientations / discrimination / religion / etc }

** this is a blogpost which will be soon turned into a video for my YouTube channel . / my channel, click here.

By the end of 2015, I want everyone to..

  • Be able to accept each other no matter what age, gender, race, religion and uality they are.
    • At the end of the day, we are all humans. We breathe, and live like each other. So why can't we accept each other for what we are?
  • Using 'gay' as an insult is never okay. I mean -
    • ok you labelled me as a ual orientation. how am I supposed to feel offended / how am I supposed to react?
  • 'Like a girl' - first of all, how does one even act like a girl? Do we have to be all have long hair, wear pretty floral dresses, etc. etc.?
    • No, no we do not. So please - don't use it as an insult as there are girls who are pretty strong.
      • e.g. Oprah Winfrey, Indira Gandhi, Marie Curie, etc. etc.
  • Body/fat/skinny/-shaming is never okay. 
    • Don't tell someone they are fat, or skinny as it is rude. Some have faster metabolisms than others, and some just naturally have big bones. Telling someone they've lost weight is fine. But telling them " Did you even eat??? You're too skinny!! " or " Did you eat a cow??? You're too big!! " is wrong. Some are struggling so please, do not shame them.
      • E.g. Fat-shaming Ariana Grande when she was in the show Victorious, in the first season of it and calling her fat is wrong - and now, now that she's changed her diet and lost weight, still making fun of her body is still wrong.
    • Before you call someone a ' ' please make sure you know what it means. According to trusty google, a '' is someone who has performed in many ual activities, not someone who wears clothes that they are comfortable in.
      • E.g. calling Fifth Harmony as s as the clothes they were to perform and the way they dance for their songs. That's basically, calling Nicki Minaj, Iggy Azalea and well - Jessie J and Miley as s for what they wear. If someone is comfortable in what they are wearing, there is no need for you to call them a . What they do in their own private time is for them to know, and for you to be curious about. lol.
  • I want everyone to know that telling someone to kill their selves means that you are encouraging someone to commit suicide.
    • Please don't ever tell someone to commit because 1. It is stupid and rude. 2. If they do commit, and there is proof of you telling them to- you can get fined and get charged with manslaughter.
  • I want parents to be able to accept their child no matter their uality is and no matter how good and bad they are in school.
    • I want parents to know that not every child can get As / A*s on their exams, sometimes your child won't be able to get that. Just be proud of your child for trying, and to well not have such high expectations.
  • I want adolescents to mature up a bit - No, I don't mean it like you have to act like an adult all the time. I mean it as well, trying to be mature a bit e.g. not sending death threats to other people, etc.
  • I want everyone to know that you can't judge a person by their music taste just like how you can't judge a book by it's cover.
    • e.g. " lol you like one direction ur 8 "
    • But yes. Just because a person like a certain artist does not mean that they cannot like another type of genre.
    • e.g. " wait you listen to english music??? i though you only like that asian music !!! "
    • e.g. " ew no stick with pop, you can't like rock "
    • etc. etc. etc.

Did I miss anything out? If I do comment below and I'll be sure to add you on my video! < 3


++ edit: I forgot to add about respecting and accepting each other's religion. The thing is for me, I'm an Athiest but, if someone believe in something I wouldn't hate them for that. We shouldn't judge people just because their religion is different compare to yours. Also - I've seen this lately how some people are shocked that a Christian woman decides to wear a hijab for lent. So what if she wears a hijab, and why is everyone so surprised that she's wearing hijab for lent? She's doing it to help herself, she wants to learn new and other ways to show hospitality to others such as neighbours, strangers, etc.

In the end, I want everyone to respect each other. Why? To have a better future.

You like girls? guys? everyone? plants? Great for you.

You don't believe in anything or you believe in something? Then that's also great.

In conclusion - you do you, and just worry about yourself. Don't disrespect others just because they aren't like you. Don't disrespect each other just because they don't believe in the same things as you do.


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gonexx #1
and maybe you want to add really judging religious people? judging people bc their muslims/ catholic etc. i'm a muslim and majority of the ppl worldwide seeing us, islamic people, as terorists. its rather insulting tbh.
but besides that, you're awesome ♡
Oh my god, you hit on point. Maybe talk about religious affiliations, if you feel like you are okay with that. I get discriminated against because I don't believe in God. I am not atheist, but I am not super religious either. But out here with a majority of LDS, I get told that I will be going to Hell because I don't believe in what they believe. That seems to be a touchy subject, so that is up to you. But otherwise, you hit really hard on all the major points