On the way

Lily- A story of rebirth
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Flashback September - 2024

Maggie and Bob Armstrong fell in love with Freen, and it was mutual.

The actress didn’t accept to be treated like a princess. So she was always helping the couple with domestic chores.

The British lady developed a full respect for the brunette because she was exactly like that while expecting her son Robin.

On the other hand, Becky’s grandfather enjoyed pampering his guest. And he would do everything he could to make her days and nights more comfortable.

Soon, the male started repairing the old garden swing so that the pregnant girl could sit there to enjoy the view.

When she realized the man’s effort, Freen also offered to take care of the flowers in the garden.

Grannie Maggie only allowed it until the artist’s 28th week of pregnancy. And with her supervision.

The trio had long talks during their meals and the couple decided one of them would always go for a stroll with their guest and her pet.

They also found out the brunette’s talent for art and manual activities and the husband suggested they gave Freen an extra room where she could produce anything.

The 26-year-old was extremely touched.

Nonetheless, she commented with the elders that she would like to find a house nearby to build her new life with her child.

Freen asked if they knew any person who might have properties on sale.

Bob grinned and winked at his partner before saying:

__ Actually, I may know the perfect house for you. It’s on the street behind ours. Would you like to take a look at it now?

__ But...Shouldn’t you contact the owners first?__ The actress was concerned.

Maggie shook her head and affirmed while smiling:

__ We are close to everyone in the city. Don’t worry, darling. Let’s get Fluffy’s leash.

The trio got out of the house in their casual clothes and walked for 5 minutes.

Even though Freen had been living there for 1 month, she hadn’t seen all the neighborhood yet.

To her surprise, there were few houses in the street behind and some lands were more like a ranch or small farms.

Bob guided them until the last property of the street, which was marked by white face.

The Thai girl looked at the house, and her eyes shone brightly.

__ Oh, it’s so cozy and beautiful! Look at this garden! But this is not just a house, Grandpa Bob. This is part of a farm or something. I don’t know if I can afford it.

Mrs. Armstrong smiled and rubbed the pregnant’s back affectionately.

__ Don’t worry about it. It’s our belated birthday gift to you.

Widening her eyes, the actress became speechless for a few seconds.

__ I can’t accept that, Granny Maggie. This property must worth a fortune.

The 75-year-old man opened the short gate and signaled to the two women to enter first.

__ Sweetheart, I bought this land 200 years ago, when it wasn’t worth a penny. Be a good girl and take the gift.

Shaking her head, the brunette protested:

__ Still...This should be inherited by Robin. And Richie and Becky.

The 73-year-old lady stuck her tongue out and replied:

__ Our properties, our rules. Come on, darling! Becky is rich on her own. My son built a small empire throughout the years. And Richie is good at making money too. Neither of them need this land.

__ I don’t know...I still think it’s not right.

Bob placed his arm on the dark-haired female’s shoulder and gently pulled her to see the house inside.

Then, he spoke in the softest tone:

__ I mean it when I say you can keep it. It’s from the bottom of our hearts. The kids will still inherit more than can chew. For the lord’s sake, darling! Think of the little one growing inside your belly. This will be a great place for your legacy.

__ Exactly. And you’ll have space to produce your candles, to grow flowers, to let Fluffy run freely. And we’ll be so close that we can support each other.

The husband nodded but raised his finger.

__ Of course, the place needs some repairs and adjustment. And we won’t allow you to move before the baby is born. But it’s your house. Or a ranch, if you prefer.

Freen found the old man so sweet and funny that she opened a smile.

__ I don’t even know what to say...

Maggie pinched the actress’s cheeks and affirmed:

__ Tell us if you liked it. And what we can do to make it better.

Sighing, the 26-year-old hugged the old lady and murmured:

__ You are both as loving as my grandparents. Thank you so much for your kindness.

__ Heeey Heeey! Nobody is allowed to cry here. Let’s go back home. This place will affect your allergies. I’ll hire someone to clean it up.__ The Grandpa Armstrong joked around to mask his emotions.

__ x __

Flashback- November 2024

Freen rubbing her belly while sitting on the armchair and listening to music.

Maggie came from the kitchen with a plate of fresh homemade cookies and placed them on the coffee table.

Fluffy lay by his owner’s feet and fell asleep.

__ Are you feeling homesick, darling?__ The old lady sat on the couch on the opposite side.

The artist sighed and confessed:

__ I miss my mom and some friends. I never stayed far from her for more than a week. Until I had to change things in my life this year.

__ How about your job? Did you like being an actress? Which are your future plans?

The 26-year-old smiled and glanced at the old lady.

__ I don’t make plans. Just live a day at a time. I had to work since early age to pay for my studies and not be a burden at home. So I became a Miss teen by chance. Then, a model and later an actress. Life brought me nice opportunities, which I grabbed. It was fun acting. And it was thrilling being pushed to sing. I also enjoyed having to challenge myself to dance. I miss interacting with my fans. And giving life to a new character. But I don’t miss the fame.

Maggie hesitated before asking:

__ May I ask what happened?

Freen exhaled and considered the question for a little while.

__ Grandma, do you know anything about Becky’s career? I mean...Did you follow her works?

The 73-year-old woman smiled with embarrassment before admiting:

__ Not really. To be honest, I only watched her first role. And of course, her early years, as a singer. I don’t know how to use the internet properly. And the Thai series aren’t broadcast in England. I just know she is doing well. Robin said she is very successful.

The 38-week-pregnant bit her lower lip while deciding what to say.

__ Okay. In my country, BL series are very popular. It’s about love between men. This type of series became so powerful over the last decade that it’s consumed worldwide. China is the strongest market, and it’s like a...mafia. Bec and I were invited to share the lead of the first Thai GL series.

__ Which means...?__ The woman was puzzled.

Freen adjusted her body to feel more comfortable.

__ BL is boy love. GL is girl love.

__ Ah, I see...__ Maggie slowly nodded.

A bit worried, the artist continued:

__ Not sure how you feel about the LGBT community. But Becky and I did our best to represent those who suffer to be themselves and love freely. Success came as a tsunami and suddenly, so many peopl

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0 points #1
Chapter 28: Hahaha...the hurricane 🤣🤣
Chapter 27: Im so happy for them! 😢 As long as they are safe, healthy... Other occurances will be just a passer by 👍 This is avery good chapter to me... Thank you for the update! Take care stay safe 😊
story19 #3
Chapter 8: Hmmm, becky, arent u a laywer yet, hahaha.
story19 #4
Chapter 7: Dun dun dun.. Go Becky, just kiss and make up alreqdy.
story19 #5
Chapter 6: Ohh, i though the meeting will happen, i got excited but well, it will happen eventually.
story19 #6
Chapter 5: Good chapter, would becky cry a river or go berseck once she found out about the baby.
story19 #7
Chapter 4: That was fast, freen is pregnant. I feel bad for becky though, she deserve to know but she gave up on freen, better not.
story19 #8
Chapter 3: Hmm, back story.. Interesting.
story19 #9
Chapter 2: Omg, another sad chapter, i wondered how many chapters to sadness before the sunshine.
story19 #10
Chapter 1: Ughh, chapter 1 is heart breakingly sad. Why o why. Good start there. Congratulations, author-nim.