Let’s Make It Forever


There is one cardinal rule you should do as a Sugar Baby, and that's not fall in love with your client!


He was warned that hiring a sugar baby would only drain his bank account, no one told him he was going to fall in love!


Hello my lovelies, 

Thank an you for checking out my newest idea

Just a little introduction of my story, it's going to be an story it has to be one for this whole sugar daddy/sugar baby troupe to work. Plus you all know me I love a good story. Yes as always Chanyeol will be older, and Baekhyun younger.


I hope that it will be classy too, and it will be detailed where needed -it wouldn't really be a story of mine with out detail and intensity. 


I'm doing this a little differently too, Baekhyun will already be in an established contract with Chanyeol. Hopefully the idea I have works, more on the schematics of the agency and how Chanbeak met will be revealed as the story progresses. 


I hope you will enjoy this,  it here's a look at my characters 


Byun Baekhyun 24 years old

The Sugar baby - became one as a last resort to help his family back home, they do not have the best relationship though, they do not approve of his choice to study fashion or his lifestyle. Despite this Baekhyun  dropped out of college to support them, when his father got sick. 

Taking night classes in textiles and purchasing in the hope of becoming a fabric buyer for a major luxury fashion chain 

Works two part time jobs one in a high end men's fashion boutique and the second a little street bar (believe in Korea they are called pongchangs)

Lives with Suho in the city 

Kind, gentle, shy 

Has pink hair 

Fallen in love with Chanyeol 




Park Chanyeol 40 years Old

Only Son of the prominent Park Family Chanyeol's grandfather was the once the president

His father didn't follow in politics but owns and runs a hedge fund, his mother is the typical born in too a wealthy family, that typical socialite who cares more about status then anything else however they do support Chanyeol in being gay 

Chanyeol technically will inherit billons, due to his family's prominence and investments but is also worth millions in his own right as an in investment company

Is amazed by Baekhyun's humble and kind nature 

Got involved with a sugar baby as a way too kept his mother from setting him up with sons of her upper class friends But has Fallen  deeply in love with Baekhyun 

Intelligent, and Powerful, all consuming 





Zhang Yixing 41 Years old 

Chanyeol's friend from university

Runs an entertainment company whilst being a successful actor and singer himself 

Is mistrustful of Baekhyun's intentions, thinking he is just a young pretty face and just draining Chanyeol's bank account, everything Chanyeol said he didn't want! 

Even though Chanyeol and Baekhyun have an established contract Yixing has never met Baekhyun 

Realises how wrong he is when he finally meets Baekhyun 





Kim Jongdae 39 years old

Chanyeol's childhood best friend and business partner

Has a protective nature of Chanyeol, has seen how manipulative his mother is! So understands Chanyeol's decision to enter an agreement with a sugar baby. He does however feels like Yixing about Baekhyun especially when  he misunderstands a situation regarding Baekhyun and an outfit. 

Becomes Baekhyun's confidant and helps him navigate the world of the upper elite! 




Kim Junmyeon 25 years old 

Baekhyun's roommate,

They met at uni before Baekhyun had to drop out, 

Suho took Baekhyun under his wing when Baekhyun was struggling with paying for classes, helping his parents and working 

Very much the parental figure Baekhyun's needs

He knows Baekhyun has joined a sugar baby agency, whilst he doesn't approve he knows where that money is going and couldn't be prouder 



There is one cardinal rule you should do as a Sugar Baby, and that's not fall in love with your client!


He was warned that hiring a sugar baby would only drain his bank account, no one told him he was going to fall in love!


I hope your excited, this time you don't have to wait for my first chapter- its here!!!


Please let me know what you think


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740 streak #1
Chapter 11: It took me a minute to remember where we left off but it all came back as I was reading. Baek has suffered so much, I hope the tide is finally turning. Looking forward to reading the continuation.

I am so sorry to hear about your friend, please accept my condolences. Hopefully, writing will be therapeutic for you.
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 10: I had forgotten how truly ugly the dinner party had been but I'm very happy with the next chapter!!
Chapter 11: Ah. I want to be the ba ajumma with tongs
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 10: Chan is certainly having a bad night too - can he get to Baekhyun without having to punch someone??
TIZZI91 #5
Chapter 9: Wow just discovered this story and i love it! Hope that Chanyeol will fix it asap !
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 9: So intense and said - why do people of privilege think that they can say anything and get away with it?? I love the fish lips visual even though it was so mean to Baek!
Chapter 9: Ugh poor Baek. They'll all get what's due in the end.
Beau1996 1371 streak #8
Chapter 8: so her strategy is to embarrass Baek by comparing him to someone else - how mean!! I am envisioning a storm coming followed by a storming out of the house!!
Chapter 7: Whew 🥵🥵
Beau1996 1371 streak #10
Chapter 6: At least Baek can honestly say he is no longer a sugar baby to Chan's mom!!