This is progress

it started with nudes (don't let it end)

A wet puddle slowly spread on Jisoo's cheek. She rustled in her bed still being in her dreamlands.

"Oh Jennie~" She moaned at the contact on her left cheek. It steadily left a trail to her nose. "More~"

"WHAT THE JISOO!?" The loud and annoying voice made Jisoo shoot her eyes open and see Dalgom and a cat sitting on top of her.

"I have no idea what kind of sick this is but don't molest my Luca!" She walked over to Jisoo's bed and pulled Luca away from her.

"He was molesting me!" Jisoo quickly stood up in defense.

"Is that why you were ?" Lisa gave her a cheeky grin. "Oh hold on... didn't you moan a name..?" Lisa rubbed her head, pretending to be in deep thought. "Hm... what was it again..? Was it Jen–"

Jisoo cut her off by throwing a pillow straight in her face. Jisoo's face was flushed red from embarrassment. "You will keep quiet about this."

"Will I really–"

"More importantly who the hell is Luca?" Jisoo furrowed her eyebrows. "I only know Leo. Did you get another cat?"

"I sure did!" Lisa grinned, holding Luca up. "Isn't he cute? Although Leo is way cuter."

"Woah." Jisoo snuggled with Dalgom. "Did you hear that Dalgomie? That's what you call a bad mom."

Dalgom barked quietly in response.

"He is agreeing with me." Jisoo translated.

"I'm a good mom! Mom's who say they don't have a favourite child are lying anyways!" Lisa claimed.

"I highly doubt that." Jisoo shook her head. "But instead of building a cat farm in our apartment you should just ask Chaeyoungie out." She suggested with a wink.

Lisa swatted her hands in disagreement. "Are you crazy!? She will reject me right away."

Jisoo sighed. "How can you know if you never tried?"

"I just know!" Lisa rolled her eyes. "Don't you have a book to return unnie?"

Jisoo nodded. "Nice way to change the topic but yeah I have to." She walked to the drawer and pulled shirt and pants out. "Still ask her coward."

"I'm good unnie." Lisa just pulled Luca further into her arms. "I have Leo and Luca, you know. There is also Thunder and Hunter."

Jisoo gave Lisa a hard look that totally judged her.

Lisa took in the meaning of what she just said and nodded in shock. "You are right. I should ask her out."

"Yes you should." Jisoo said before she left Lisa behind and entered the bathroom to dress herself up. She brushed her teeth, then went out to go to the library. It was only a few blocks away from their apartment which was one of the main reasons for them to settle here.

Once she was inside she spent minutes reading mystery novels and minutes became hours. The sun was about to set, so she made her way to the receptionist to return the book.




"Hey Jen." A deep voice rang in Jennie's ears.

"Hi oppa." Jennie responded into the phone, flipping the last page of the book she held in her hands over. "What's up?"

"Did you buy my Cosmopolitan interview? They asked about our relationship." The man informed her.

"Yeah I did." Jennie sighed. "You got my favourite fruit wrong by the way."

"Oh did I?" He chuckled. "Sorry about that."

"Seriously oppa," Jennie scolded him over the phone. "That was no important question but I expect you to pay more attention to me as a person. What else is the point of going on dates?"

"You tell me." He said bitterly.

"What do you mean?" Jennie asked confused.

"Lately you pay no interest to me." He scoffed. "I mean I'm not asking you to be head over heels for me but could you at least not sound like a monotone robot when you talk about our relationship?"

Jennie tried to remember her last visual interview and she bursted into laughter. "Pfft... I really sound like that, don't I? Hahaha."

"Stop laughing!" He whined. "Am I not charming enough? Am I doing something wrong?"

"Nope." She denied. "You are a heartthrob, oppa but you do know that I like girls right? And I know you have the same taste as lesbians but–"

"I know! And why is everyone calling me a lesbian..?" He rolled his eyes. "What kind of boyfriend wouldn't know the uality of his girlfriend?"

"The same kind of boyfriend who doesn't know the favourite fruit of his girlfriend." Jennie replied sassily.

"That's really bothering you huh?" He asked amused.

"I'm a strawberry enthusiast." She stated firmly. "Don't you ever claim I'm into bananas again. I hate bananas." The brunette sounded genuinely offended.

"Oh yeah, definitely a lesbian." He nodded in confirmation. "What are you doing right now, babe?"

"Don't call me that." Jennie said disgusted. "I'm reading a book."

"A book?" He asked in disbelief. "Really?"

"Shut up." She ended the call and finished the last page of the book with a smile. Afterwards she excitedly typed a message.



Jensetter [18:42]



Jichu [18:48]



Jensetter [18:49]

I'm done reading your books


Jichu [18:52]


...What do you think?


Jensetter [18:53]

Love them


Jichu [18:53]

Because you like the books or because you like me?


Jensetter [18:54] 

Both actually 😉

I like the way you think

You put your characters in unusual situations

And how they find a way out is creative

Not some the-power-of-love-saves-the-day crap

But an use-your-brain-or-die way


Jichu [18:56]

Wow you actually read and thought about them


Jensetter [18:56] 

What do you think of me?

I like reading

I just have no time whatsoever


Jichu [18:57]

If you have no time how did you read them so quickly?


Jensetter [18:57] 


I squeezed in time for them

Like when I had a few minutes break and stuff like that


Jichu [18:58]

That's so cute

You didn't have to rush

I appreciate it tho 😊


Jensetter [18:58] 

I appreciate your existence ❣

Jichu [18:59]

So do I ❣

I'm glad I drunk texted you ㅋㅋ

I have to return a book now

Am in a library

Text you asap 



Jensetter [19:00] 

Of course you are, you cute nerd

I'll be waiting 💗



Books in every shelf. Warm silence. The calm atmosphere of the library never fails to put Jisoo's mind at ease. She walked through the library to return Nietzsche's Words Reinterpreted In Modern Words by Haruhiko Shiratori. Nietzsche is one of the greatest philosophers in the nineteenth century. This reinterpretation of his words is filled with courage and optimism.

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." Is Jisoo's favourite line of the book.

She walked to the young libarian and put the book on his receptionist table.

"Already done?" He asked impressed.

Jisoo nodded.

"Well, at least it took longer than when you returned Malice after three hours." He chuckled in reminiscence.

"Thank you for recommending this book." She told him with gratitude in her voice. "It was great."

"I was sure you would like it." He took the book and stored it underneath the table. "You are always full of positivity and have such a warm personality."

"Thanks Jinyoung." She gave him a smile.

"Sure.." He blushed. "Umm... I was wondering..."

He rubbed his head shyly and looked to his feet. 

"What is it?" Jisoo said softly, encouraging him to speak.

"I was wondering.. if you would like to go on a date with me?" His face turned beet red.

"Oh." Jisoo responded.

"Oh?" Jinyoung asked sadly. "Are you already seeing someone?" He looked disheartened suddenly.

"No, that's not it–"

"So you are not...?" He looked hopeful again. Jisoo thought it was cute but she also felt bad for him because she wasn't interested in anyone other than Jennie.

"No but I'm not interested in dating right now." She lied. "I'm sorry."

"I see..." He sighed in disappointment. "Well, if you change your mind you know where to find me." He said with an eye-smile.

Jisoo nodded with a polite smile and walked back to the table where she already gathered a bunch of books in advantage. She was about to open another one when her phone vibrated in her pocket. Quickly she muted her phone before she opened the message.



Joohyun unnie [19:58]

You got the job

MC Chu [20:01]

omg really


Joohyun unnie [20:02]


Spoke with her manager


MC Chu [20:02]

Can you tell me who it is now?


Joohyun unnie [20:03]

Jennie Ruby-Jane Kim


MC Chu [20:03]







MC Chu [20:03]






Jendeuk [20:05]

I am listening!

What's up?

Breathe cutie ㅋㅋ


MC Chu [20:05]



Jendeuk [20:06]

Something good I hope


MC Chu [20:06]





Jendeuk [20:06]

Tell me :)


MC Chu [20:07]

I just got a new job!

And it's not just some job!

I'm supposed to write a book for Jennie Ruby Jane Kim!!

Crazy right?


Jendeuk [20:07]

Wait what


MC Chu [20:07]

The supermodel


Chanel muse and house ambassador

CEO of Hera

Duh! You don't know her?


Jendeuk [20:09]



MC Chu [20:09]

You even have the same name

You should know her ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Jendeuk [20:10]

What kind of logic is that Jisoo ? ㅋㅋ


MC Chu [20:11]

It's mine!

Jennie's should stick together, you know?

Don't worry you are still my favorite Jennie


Jendeuk [20:12]

I'm honored

You are also my favorite Jisoo

Not that I know others but you would still be if I did


MC Chu [20:13]

That makes me happy 😊

I'm so excited Jendeukie

She has been in the industry since she was young

I'm sure she has a lot to say


Jendeuk [20:15]

I'm sure...

Can I ask how you got the job?


MC Chu [20:15]

It's thanks to Joohyun unnie!


Jendeuk [20:15]

Joohyun unnie?

As in?


MC Chu [20:17]

Bae Joohyun!

Have you never seen them on tv?

They are like the coolest friends

When they step in a room all eyes are on them


Jendeuk [20:18]

You sound like you really like them


MC Chu [20:18]

I scooby dooby do


Jendeuk [20:18]

Good for you 🙂


MC Chu [20:19]


Suddenly that emoji seems terrifying


Jendeuk [20:19]

Dunno what you mean 🙂


MC Chu [20:20]

Are you jealous?

Don't be!

They're out of my league anyway haha


Jendeuk [20:20]

So I shouldn't be jealous because they're out of your league? 🙂

What if they weren't? 🙂


MC Chu [20:21]

Stop that smiley

It's creepy


Jendeuk [20:22]






MC Chu [20:23]

You are mad, aren't you?


Jendeuk [20:23]

Why would I be? 🙂

Because you are crushing on them? 🙂


MC Chu [20:25]


I'm not into them like that

It's just a celebrity crush

That means nothing

I'm into you

And that's not just a crush out of admiration

You mean everything


Jendeuk [20:27]



MC Chu [20:27]

I promise


Jendeuk [20:28]

So you don't like Joohyun?


MC Chu [20:28]


Also she is dating a friend of mine


Jendeuk [20:29]

What about Jennie?


MC Chu [20:29]

I really like her ❣

Can't wait to meet her ❣


Jendeuk [20:31]

Oh...Have fun then 🙂


MC Chu [20:32]

The creepy smile is back

At least it shows me when you are jealous


Jendeuk [20:32]

I'm not jealous 🙂

Why would I be jealous? 🙂


MC Chu [20:34]


You have no reason to be

I just said that I really like you ❣

And I can't wait to meet you ❣


Jendeuk [20:34]



MC Chu [20:35]

You are the only Jennie I know


Jendeuk [20:35]




MC Chu [20:36]

What's so confusing?

You asked me about Jennie

That's your name

So I answered how I felt about you


Jendeuk [20:38]


Of course you did!

That's exactly what I thought!

Okay then when we talk about the other one

Let's just say Jennie#2


MC Chu [20:39]


Jennie#2 is so hot and y

As well as kind from what I've heard

But she also seems intimidating

I'm kinda nervous


Jendeuk [20:41]

Hot and y huh?

You are not wrong


MC Chu [20:42]


What if she hates me?

Joohyun unnie said she rejected everyone who applied for this job


Jendeuk [20:42]

Only a fool would hate you

Maybe she was waiting for the right one


MC Chu [20:43]

Then she would have to keep waiting

I'm nothing special


Jendeuk [20:43]

Shut up

She'll love you

I promise


MC Chu [20:44]

If you say so


Jendeuk [20:44]

I assure you!








MC Chu [20:44]



Limario [20:45]

Was up!


Rosie [20:46]

Something going on?


MC Chu [20:46]

I'm writing a book for Jennie Ruby-Jane Kim!



Limario [20:46]

You are joking


MC Chu [20:46]

I'm not!


Limario [20:47]



Rosie [20:48]

That's so cool unnie 😱🙌

I'm sure she will love you!

Who wouldn't? 


Limario [20:48]



MC Chu [20:49]

@Limario  Wtf Lisa

@Rosie  Jennie said the same!


Rosie [20:50]

You already met her?


MC Chu [20:50]

No I meant my Jennie


Limario [20:50]

Oh you mean your crush

You told her before us?


MC Chu [20:50]

I guess?


Rosie [20:51]

Wow 💔

Can you believe it @Limario


Limario [20:51]

Ooof 💔

We are getting replaced @Rosie


MC Chu [20:53]

Stop being so dramatic dimwits

I didn't even realize

I told her out of reflex


Limario [20:53]



MC Chu [20:53]

What? 🙄


Limario [20:53]

You really like her 😉


MC Chu [20:54]



Rosie [20:54]

You do


MC Chu [20:54]

I do





Jensetter [20:45]


Baechu unnie [20:50]

new phone who dis


Jensetter [20:50]


You gave Jisoo the job?!

You threw me into the cold water!!!



Baechu unnie [20:55]

Oh hey Jennifer

I'm fine

How are you?


Jensetter [20:55]

Why are we friends again?


Baechu unnie [20:57]

 Because everyone thinks we are cold es

And don't dare to speak with us

So we found each other

Since we are those es


Jensetter [20:59]


I remember

You still could have given me a heads up


Baechu unnie [21:01]

I was going to

How did you find out already anyway?


Jensetter [21:01]

Jisoo told me


Baechu unnie [21:02]

Jisoo told you?

You know Jisoo?

Then what's the problem?

If she's your friend even better


Jensetter [21:03]

The probelm is

Jisoo is the girl I told you about


Baechu unnie [21:06]

The hot stranger?

The one you keep ting with?

The one you said you want to wife up?

The one you don't want to meet because you are a scaredy cat?



Jensetter [21:06]


That's her


Baechu unnie [21:07]


Jensetter [21:08]


Baechu unnie [21:09]

What about Jongin?


Jensetter [21:09]

What about Jongin?


Baechu unnie [21:10]

Good point

In that case say thank you Joohyun

You wanted to see her in more than pixels anyway


Jensetter [21:11]


What if she's seen with me??

I can't involve her in my messy life


Baechu unnie [21:12]

You are a coward Jennie

A Geobjennie ㅋㅋㅋ

Loser oetori sen cheokhaneun Geobjennie~

[겁쟁이 geobjaengi = coward]


Jensetter [21:13]

I hate you

I'm the biggest OT4 VIP

Don't turn one of my fav songs against me

And stop laughing over your own puns


Baechu unnie [21:15]

If you want her.

Take her.




Jensetter [21:15]

Don't you dare leave now


*Baechu unnie is offline*


Jensetter [21:18]



Jensetter [21:23]

I'll so pay you back for this


Jensetter [21:24]

Just you wait


Jensetter [21:25]



*Baechu unnie is online*


Baechu unnie [21:25]

What did you just call me?


*Jensetter is offline*


Baechu unnie [21:25]

Thought so brat


*Baechu unnie is offline*

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1120 streak #1
Oh congrats on being featured authy
565 streak #2
Oh featured!
2072 streak #3
Congrats on the feature!
reveluv316 805 streak #4
cant wait to start reading
idkwhattoputheree #5
Chapter 27: love this!
reveluv316 805 streak #6
congrats on the feature
2072 streak #7
Congrats on the feature!
1104 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
theoriginalhigh19 #9
Chapter 21: this is literally comedy gold with the right amount of uwu and awesomeness too. IM HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE READING THIS LMAO
mikaiori #10
I'll reread this in the future. I love it, thanks authornim! 🤍