My Playgirl

Hey, Playgirl!  

Chaejin got to back to school right when second period ended. The students were piling out of their classrooms and heading towards their next one.

Squinting, Chaejin managed to spot Jun.Q's head in the midst of the crowd. He jogged over to him and grabbed his arm. "Jun.Q hyung."

Jun.Q turned around and nodded in greeting. "Chaejin, what's up? How's Soomin?" He asked. "She's...fine, I think." Chaejin replied uncertaintly.

"Are you going to see her after school?"


Chaejin and Jun.Q walked together through the throng of people, silence enveloping them. They were both angered by Soomin's expulsion.

"I can't believe it. It's all that Eunhee's fault." Chaejin muttered.

"What's all my fault?" A chirpy voice spoke up.

Chaejin and Jun.Q both cringed in disgust when they heard Eunhee's voice. She skipped forward and stopped in front of them. A cat-like grin adorned her face.

*Ugh, she reminds me of a cat. But not one of the cute ones, she's like those ugly hairless ones.* Jun.Q thought as he glared at the girl in front of him.

Eunhee's facial expression remained bright, even under the scrutinizing looks the boys were giving her. "So, what's my fault?" She asked again.

"It's your fault that Soomin got expelled." Chaejin said venomously. Eunhee's eyes widened and she feigned shock. "What? My fault? I don't know what you mean." She answered.

Chaejin grabbed her by the collar. "You. Know. Exactly. What. I. Mean." He spat. Eunhee wasn't fazed by this, in fact she seemed amused.

"Sorry, I still don't know what you're talking about." She said, a smug look on her face. Chaejin was furious by this point, so he  pushed her against the wall.

"It's your fault that Soomin got expelled!" Chaejin shouted. People in the hallway stopped and stared at them. Eunhee cringed a little at the volume of his voice but she still looked at him with a defiant spark in her eyes.

"It is not my fault. She would have gotten expelled anyways since she attacked me first." Eunhee stated. "Oh, and it would be best if you let go of me right now. I can manipulate this entire school and have them turn on you." She whispered so only Chaejin could hear. A devious glint flashed across her eyes.

"I don't care what you do to me, if I can ruin your ugly face then I'll be satisfied." Chaejin growled.

"Then, what about your friends? I could hurt them instead of you. Or... maybe that you call your girlfriend, I mean everyone in school despises her. Some of them wouldn't have a problem with harming a girl." Eunhee continued, her tone light yet provocating.

Chaejin's eyes flashed with anger and he raised his fist in the air, poised to strike. Eunhee flinched and raised her arms to protect herself.

Then, Chaejin released his grip on her and let his arms hang limply at his sides. He took a deep, cleansing breath and exhaled slowly.

"Soomin is not a . And, if you harm her or my friends, I won't hold back next time." Chaejin threatened in a low voice. Eunhee smirked.

"Should you really be making threats right now? It could turn into you versus the entire school, there's no way that you would win."

"Why are you doing this?" Chaejin asked, his eyes boring into hers. "You know that I'll never fall for you."

"I know. I don't care about that anymore. I'm doing this because I hate you and your ty girlfriend." Eunhee said.

Chaejin wanted to punch her right then and there but he could feel the stares of other people all around him. All he could do was look at Eunhee with pure hatred before stalking off. Jun.Q didn't say anything and followed him.

Eunhee watched the pair go, a smile playing on her lips. *This is so much fun. Messing with these people is too easy.*

A guy went up to her and lightly tapped her shoulder. Eunhee turned towards him, an angelic smile on her face. "Eunhee-ssi, are you alright? Did Chaejin hit you?" He asked.

Eunhee shook her head. "No, he didn't hurt me. I'm fine. Thank you for asking though." Eunhee responded. The guy nodded in satisfaction. "I'll walk you to class." He offered, taking her books for her.

*All the guys in this school are so easy to manipulate, it's just Chaejin and his friends that are weird.* Eunhee thought to herself.


The bell rang, signalling the end of the school day. Before anyone could even move an inch, Chaejin was up and out the door. He dashed through the halls towards the exit.

But, he skidded to a stop when he remembered his presents for Soomin. *I wonder if she got them. I should go check.*

Chaejin backtracked and headed to Soomin's locker. He opened it and was shocked to find it empty. Everything was gone, her books, her folders, and even the presents.

Then, something caught Chaejin's eye. There was a lone card in the locker with bold, red writing on it. He picked it up and read it.

', we're glad you got kicked out. Don't ever come back here again. And if you want your stuff then check the dumpster.'

Chaejin crushed the note in his hand, slammed the locker closed, and strode off. He chucked the spiteful letter into a trash can and went to the back of the school.

When he got to the dumpster he noticed four figures standing nearby. Chaejin's eyes narrowed to get a better look. As he approached, the figures became clearer.

There were four girls from one of his classes standing there and their eyes widened in alarm when Chaejin came up to them. "What are you girls doing here?" He asked, knowing fully well why they were there. *They're waiting for Soomin.*

"Ch-Chaejin oppa, we were just..umm..discussing our research project." One of them said meekly. Chaejin raised an eyebrow.

"Really? This is a weird place to do that." He said. The girls could hear the malice in his voice and they quickly scurried away. "Bye oppa, we'll see you in class tomorrow!" They called back as they retreated.

*Jerks. They were definitely going to gang up on Soomin and hurt her. What's wrong with this school?*

Shaking his head, Chaejin walked over to the dumpster and opened it. He found Soomin's belongings in there as well as the presents. He grunted as he leaned in to grab them. The pungent smell was wafting from the trash, the stench making him wrinkle his nose in disgust.

His hands grabbed all the books and whatnot, then he left the dreaded dumpster as quickly as possible. The smell still lingered on the items but it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

Chaejin took off towards Soomin's house again, carrying the bundle of stuff in his arms. *Hopefully, she'll have something to spray on it so the smell will go away.*

Soomin's house was in sight now so Chaejin picked up his pace. When he got to the front door, he lightly rapped his fingers on it. Several seconds later, Soomin's father opened the door.

He did not look happy when he saw Chaejin. "Can I help you?" He asked. Chaejin bowed. "Umm, I came to see Soomin."

"Sorry, you can't see her right now." Mr. Shim said.

"B-but, it'll only be for a second." Chaejin pleaded. Then, Soomin came down the stairs. Her expression brightened when she saw Chaejin.

"Chaejin!" She called out happily. Mr. Shim stepped in between her and Chaejin, blocking their view of one another. "I'm sorry but I would like it if you left immediately. Soomin is not allowed to see you anymore." Mr. Shim said.

The door shut with a click. Chaejin's eyes widened in disbelief. *Did that just happen?* He blinked a few times. *It did.*

Chaejin began to knock on the door rapidly. Mr. Shim opened it and gave him a look. "I thought I told you to leave."

"I will sir, but at least take these. They're Soomin's books and stuff. Although you might want to spray it with disinfectant first." Chaejin said. He bowed and walked away.

Mr. Shim blinked once in confusion, then he shrugged and brought the things inside. Soomin had already retreated into her room after he had shut the door in Chaejin's face. He brought the items up to Soomin's room and knocked on her door. "Soomin, can I come in?"

He didn't hear a response but he went inside anyways. Soomin was sitting on her bed, sulking like a child. "Here, that boy brought your stuff from school for you." Mr. Shim said, placing the bundle on her bed.

Soomin didn't turn around to look at him. Sighing, Mr. Shim left the room, gently shutting the door behind him. Once she heard the click of the door, Soomin plopped down backwards on her bed.

*Ugh, Soomin what the hell are you doing? You really are acting like a brat right now. But still, I'm not allowed to see Chaejin? That's bull .*


Soomin sat up, completely alert. *What was that?*


This time, she pin-pointed the source of the sound, the window. Slowly, Soomin got up and walked over to it. She looked out and saw Chaejin standing there, a pebble in his hand. His eyes brightened when he saw her. He smiled widely and waved at her.

Soomin chuckled and opened the window. "Hey playgirl! Did you miss me?!" He shouted. Soomin grinned and nodded. For some reason, when Chaejin called her 'playgirl' she didn't mind it as much as she did when U-Kwon or his friends did.

"Don't worry, I'll find a way to fix this mess! So, just wait for me alright." Chaejin said.

"Alright, I'll wait. But, don't think of me as a damsel in distress or anything like that, because if you do, I'll kick your !" Soomin called back. "I could definitely get out of this on my own but I wanna see how you'll do." She winked.

Chaejin laughed and held his thumbs up. "No need to worry, you'll always be the tough playgirl to me. But, you're my playgirl." He responded.

Soomin felt her cheeks redden at the 'my playgirl' part. *Geez, when did this kid become such a sweet talker?*

"Hey, Soomin. Who are you talking to?" Mr. Shim's voice came through the door. Soomin's eyes widened. She waved to Chaejin and mouthed 'I'll talk to you later', before shutting the window.

She plopped onto her bed and picked up a random book right when Mr. Shim opened the door. He raised an eyebrow at her and Soomin just smiled back at him innocently.

"Give me your phone." He said, holding out his hand. "What?! Why??" Soomin protested.

"I don't want you calling or texting that Chaejin boy either." He stated. Soomin huffed angrily but dropped her phone into his hand. Mr. Shim bent down and kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry that I have to do this sweetie, but you need to learn your lesson. You have to become more responsible."

Soomin stuck her tongue out at the door after her father left. *Jerk. I am very responsible.* She slouched back, propping herself up with her hands.

Her hand touched something soft and squishy and her eyes widened. *What the hell did I just touch?* Then, she looked at what it was, sighing in relief when she saw a teddy bear.

*Wait, a teddy bear?* She picked it up, along with the box of chocolates and the broken bouquet of roses. A note was attached to the bear's back.

'To my playgirl Soomin, this is just a gift to make you smile. -Chaejin.

P.S You might want to spray some disinfectant on them. Don't ask why.'

Soomin couldn't stop the smile that grew on her face. *My playgirl, huh? I'm alright with that nickname as long as he's the only one that calls me that.*

She hugged the bear to her chest and took a whiff of it. Her nose crinkled. "Gross, why the hell does it smell?! Did he drop it in the dumpster or something?!"



I haven't updated in a while because of school, I'm sorry. I hope you liked this chapter! :)

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 38: That is the cutest, and bad- story !!!! Some of the characters were a tad weird... and I was expecting for some embarrassing bomb to occur to Eunhee or something - and that everyone finally realise who's the real b****. Anyways... the story is very good and very amusing ^^

Great hob authornim <3
ItzJaeKay #2
Chapter 38: Awww at least they are happy
The prinicple is weird so is the school
MYNAME are funny lol
Chapter 38: i luv it!
though im a lil' bit disappoint that the school never find out that eun hee is the real .
jinjee #4
Chapter 38: i love this story~~
Chapter 38: YAAAAAY! I love the story. I couldn't leave my laptop reading it. I just love it!! I fell for this story, keep it up author. (:
Just finished reading!! Actually this is the first fanfic starring Jinnie that I've read and it was just great!! Se Yong can be sooooo funny. Anyways, keep writing!!
hehe lol seyong so funny xD
All I can say is....... DAEBAK! hehehe I love it!