Before the storm

The Warmth of Spring

Early the next morning, Su Jin was stressed before her presentation but her brother and husband’s texts before she left home and before the meeting helped boost her confidence. She did and said as Jaejoong had told her.

The shareholders were amazed by her presentation and were convinced by the cash ratio, dividends, profit and other numbers she provided.

At the end of the meeting, her brother came to whisper in her ear, “The benefit and advantage of having a strict CEO as a husband.”

“My presentations were never good before?”

“They were good, but not this convincing.”

After the meeting, it was lunch time and it was time for Su Jin to go to her therapy with her psychologist. Su Jin always chooses lunch time because of the few patients there. She went home after the session with the therapist, put on some comfortable clothes - skinny jeans and sneakers, and decided to stop by her husband’s office. It would be her first visit since their marriage.

She brought him a designer briefcase as a gift. The moment she stepped into the huge building, the employees bowed to her. She returned their bow with a smile.

She arrived at Jaejoong’s office floor. His secretary was at her desk doing some work on her computer. When she saw her, she didn’t bother to stand up nor bow but only said, “Oh, what a nice surprise.”

“Hello, how are you Minyoung-si?”

“Great.” She smiled and continued her work, not bothering to ask if Su Jin was here to see her husband.

“Is Kim Jaejoong here?”

“Yes, he is.”

“Is he busy? Can you tell him I’m here?”

“He has a meeting in his office…Mmm, why don’t you wait here?”

“Okay, thank you.” Su Jin sat down and took out her phone to kill time.

She started to text her friend Minju. Even though they just met this morning at the meeting, they had many things to talk about. Texts was only going to work so long as Su Jin found it is much easier to call, which she preferred anyway.

After just one ring, Minju answered with her loud voice, “Yah! Explain how did Hana break up with Nichkhun? Why didn’t she tell me?”

“I texted her yesterday and she told me they fought. I wanted to meet her but she is in Busan.”

“Why? Hurry up and tell me what happened.”

“She wanted to be alone. Well, they fought because of Nichkhun’s mother. His mom didn’t seem to like her and humiliated her in front of Nichkhun. And he didn’t really take her side. I told her that he can’t make a scene in front of his family.”

“What did his mother say?”

“You know Hana. She doesn’t get mad easily. All I know is that the lady criticized Hana and they got into a fight. In her text, she was so angry and said some mean things about Nichkhun’s mom. Wait, wait, I will put on my earphones to read the texts she sent me.”

“Okay, I’m waiting.”

The moment Minyoung heard this, an idea popped into her head and she recorded Su Jin’s conversation with her phone.

“Omonim is an . She does not realize that I’m with her son, not with her. Why does she stick her nose and tells me what to do? Can’t she zip her lips shut for a second? All she does is criticize. I sincerely hate that old fart. She is the most critical, manipulative, evil woman who is always wearing a fake smile. She is a witch who loves to cause family strife. Screw her.”

“Woah, that’s too evil from Hana. She shouldn’t say that.”

“Yeah, I know. I told her that she is angry and she should reflect about what she said. Nichkhun’s mother is Thai and Hana is Korean. They won’t understand each other easily. Two different cultures, maybe Hana did something that made her pissed off.”

After another five minutes of chitchatting, Minju had to go. She was busy. When Su Jin hung up, she turned to the secretary and said, “Sorry for disturbing you and using harsh words in your office.”

“Don’t worry…Dear.”

Just then, someone left Jaejoong’s office and headed straight for the elevator. Both Minyoung and Su Jin stood up and the secretary said, “Just wait. I will check to see if he is busy.” She didn’t even wait for Su Jin’s answer as she walked towards the door to Jaejoong’s office.

Su Jin got so angry. She took her gift, knocked on the door and walked into the office. Jaejoong was shocked to see her but at the same time, happy. He stood up and went up to her to give her a side hug, “I heard you did great today.”

“Yes, thank you.” She looked at Minyoung who was glaring at her.

“You just came?”

“No, the almighty Kim Jaejoong was in a meeting so I had to wait.”

“Minyoung, why didn’t you tell me she was here? You knew the meeting was not that important. You could have let her in to wait in a comfortable place.”

“I’m sorry, I thought you were busy.”

“It’s okay Jae, I was talking on the phone so I would have bothered you.”

When the secretary left the office after bringing cups of coffee, they both sat and talked about the presentation.

“If only I could have been there to see you.”

“Noo, if you were there, I would have laughed. Thank God you will never see me present since we work for two different companies.”

“Did you forget the purpose of our marriage? A new business will be set up in the coming months so you will probably have to present new projects. And Kim Corporation will soon submit their offer to you so we will surely meet in a meeting room.” 

After they talked about business, Jaejoong changed the subject, “Did you have lunch?”

“No, I only had an apple.”


“I had a meeting with the psychologist.”

“Oh, you didn’t tell me. What did he tell you?”

“I need courage to overcome my fear, I need time.”

“How about the medicine?”

“He added a new one. Hope I can feel better. To be honest, I’m tired of this phobia.”

“You have made great efforts. Now, you just need a little bit more effort and we will overcome this together.”

“Thank you, Jae...”

“Let’s go have lunch.”

“You didn’t eat too?”

“I already ate.”

“I don’t want to eat. I’m full and I want to be hungry because you will cook dinner.”

 Jaejoong laughed and nodded his head, “Okay, I will prepare dinner.”

“By the way, this is a small present for you.”

He smiled as he took a look at it, “Thank you, it’s beautiful but you didn’t have to.”

“Stop thanking me. I wanted to do it. You did many things for me.” She stared at him for a long time and then smiled.


“You look good - serious and intelligent with your eyeglasses.”

“So you are telling me that when I don’t wear glasses, I look dumb?”

She laughed and hit his shoulder. “Can’t you take my compliments seriously for once?”


Weeks later, Jaejoong, his wife and friends went on vacation to relieve some stress. They went to the Kim’s luxurious vacation home in Jeju Island. They had decided to spend 4 days there.

“You have a very nice house.” Minju said while contemplating the design of the house.

“Thank you, feel at home. Choose the room you like.” Jaejoong thanked her with a smile.

“I will have the room I always sleep in. Same thing with Jaejoong. Yoochun hyung and noona, choose your room. And Chang Wook hyung, do the same.” Junsu said playfully.

Everyone took their luggage to their room. Su Jin stayed alone in the living room, wondering why Junsu didn’t even bother suggesting that she chooses a room.

Junsu left his room after putting his luggage away and saw Su Jin sitting alone, “What are you doing here with your luggage?”

“Well, I don’t have a room yet.”

“With Jaejoong hyung! Isn’t it obvious?”

“There are some rooms left, why would-“ She was cut off by Jaejoong who took her wrist and pulled her towards the stairs, taking her suitcase with his other hand.

When they arrived at his room, he let go of her wrist and looked at her, “I think it shouldn’t be difficult to share the bed with me these couple of nights. We already shared it before and as long as I remember, you are not afraid of me.”

“Ha Ha, you are too funny. Of course I’m not afraid of you. As long as you can control yourself, I’ll be fine.”

He puts his forehead on hers and he felt her shiver. So to make her heart waver more, he teased with a seductive voice, “I thought that we could have a real wedding night here. My bad, I should wait more…Or you will give in, in no time.”

“Yaaah, dream on baby. It will never happen. And stop fantasizing about me and my body.”

“You don’t look arrogant and full of yourself normally.”

“It’s just when I’m with you babe.”

“I like it when you call me that.”


They changed their clothes and went out to walk a little bit. They didn’t want to drive as they wanted to enjoy the fresh air, far from Seoul’s pollution. The two girls were walking side by side with Su Jin holding Minju’s little girl and the 4 boys were walking behind them.

“Why didn’t Hana join us?” Chang Wook wondered as the two girls are always hanging out with Hana.

“She has some problems. Why? You need more girls in the group?” Minju turned and teased Chang Wook.

“Yes, do you have a problem with that, Miss Park?” He responded with a loud laugh.

“Then you should think about dating someone, honey.” Su Jin took the opportunity to bring up the girlfriend subject again.

He lifted his leg and kicked her . “Mind your business.” She turned and stuck her tongue at him.

The boys continued talking and the girls did the same.

“My baby girl enjoys being with Su Jin.” Yoochun commented as he sees the little girl laughing in her aunt’s arms.

“Yes, Su Jin does great with babies.” Chang Wook replied with a smile.

“I wonder what kind of mother she will be. Right, Jaejoong?” Junsu tried to tease his cousin but he was not successful because Jae just looked at him without answering.

“Jaejoong-ah, do you like kids? Are you thinking about having kids?”

Jae answered his brother-in-law's question without thinking twice. “I like kids but to be honest I don’t want to have them. I won’t make a good dad so I prefer not to have them.”

Su Jin heard what he said. She discovered a new thing about him. She never thought that he would not want to have babies. She didn’t want them either. At least not now but what he said disturbed her a little.

“What if Su Jin wants them?” Yoochun questioned out of blue.

But Jaejoong laughed and remembered what Su Jin once told him. “You know what she told me? She begged me to tell the family that she is barren so that we can divorce.”

“That was long ago. Now I know you can’t live without me.” Everyone laughed at what Su Jin said. Their friends were happy that the couple came this far and have started to crack jokes, and even share a room.

The next day, after breakfast, everyone put on their swimsuit and went to the vast swimming pool in the garden. They sat on the deck chairs by the pool, still in their swimsuit cover-ups. Su Jin came with a tray full of iced drinks. Minju took off her daughter, Ji Won’s dress and the little girl started to run around. She was happy and excited.

“She looks adorable with her swimsuit, and the way she runs …cuuute.” Su Jin couldn’t hide her love for the little girl and her cuteness. Her parents smiled. Yoochun removed his shirt, held his daughter and took her into the pool, where the little girl was laughing her heart out.

“Yoochun, I didn’t apply sun screen yet.” Minju was annoyed but he didn’t care.

Su Jin applied the sun screen on her brother, then on Junsu. She was left alone with Jaejoong, who was ready to join his friends in the pool.

“Let me put some lotion on you.”

“Ah yes, thank you Jae. Wait, let me get this dress off.”

“Wearing the same swimsuit in Cancun?”

“Stop it. I don’t have many swimsuits since I don’t swim.”

“I will buy you some.”

“I don’t need them for now.” She was laying on her stomach as he applied the sun screen on her back. He liked this feeling but did not want her to know.

“Here, let me put some on your face.” Su Jin said to him and stood up to touch his face.

“Look at Ji Won. She is enjoying the water. Give me your hand and let’s try.”

“No, no, I really can’t.”

“Let’s only put our feet in there?”

She looked at him. Her eyes were clearly telling him how terrified she was. But he held her hand and made her sit on the edge of the pool. He took her feet, one by one and put them in the water. He then stood in front of her in the water, both hands holding her arms and telling her to keep her eyes on his instead of looking at her feet in the water. Her fear made her clutch his shoulders tight. Her eyes, though full of fear, were locked on his. If people didn’t know them and didn’t know that he was simply helping her, they might have mistaken it for an intimate moment.

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2026 streak #1
Chapter 5: I'm not sure if I like Jaejoong's character here or not. I mean he's like a bipolar character or someone with DID. Don't take me wrong. He's sweet and everything for a moment and then turns the exact opposite the next. Especially when he started acting like a couple with her at the park and then got angry that she didn't play along. Shouldn't they have discussed something like that beforehand itself? Anyway, I'm hoping there's gonna be some character development in the future and can't wait to see how things turn out between them. Will be back later to read more ^^
Chapter 6: yeayy the wedding is happening ❤️ at least jaejoong know how to propose romantically 😚
Chapter 4: that was one tense family meeting...Poor her, her father is so strict for threatening her like that 😭 all in all really excited about their marriage, hope they'll both open up to each other.
Chapter 2: Hi new reader here!!! I really like the storyline and considering this is my first jaejoong fic I really look forward to it... I like the character of sujin a lot, she's really cool n nice with people despite being famous..Jaejoong seemed to misunderstood her at first, hope he will warm up to her soon.. thanks for writing this ❤️
TVXQ4everJJ #5
Can't wait to start reading this story
2026 streak #6
Chapter 4: Ah so that's how their first family went? I'm not sure if either of them were right with their rude behaviour but at least they have come up with a plan. I'm curious how things would go herein and if their plan would work or not. Also Junsu was briefly mentioned here. Can't wait to see his role as well. Anyway, I will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 3: I have kinda forgotten that this was supposed to be an arranged marriage story. So I was gonna guess who her father was gonna set her up with XD my bad! Anyway, coming back to the chapter, she and her brother seems to have a good dynamic and/or chemistry between them. And talking about her brother, is that actor Ji Changwook? Just curious... Nonetheless, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #8
Chapter 2: The first thing I'm most curious about from this chapter is, what was the picture that YC took? I mean what is it that made Jaejoong angry. I'm really curious of that. Also, I was surprised too that she kept her promise with the employees when she returned to the lobby after the meeting. I had to Google who were Sidus HQ artists XD Was Kim Woo Bin under that agency back then? I found out Jay Park was (from Google) and for some reason I don't like him either. LoL... And she did the modelling for Balmain with Won Bin? Are you a fan of him? I'm just curious. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
EllyStephanie #9
Chapter 38: Thank you for the update💓
Chapter 38: Thank you for the update 🥰