Everything Kaisoo

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[updating daily] your daily dose of kaisoo's rollercoaster love story. because who can get enough of the bitter sweet Kaisoo's love story?


No, this isn't my fanfic. This is the list of the bunch of fanfics that I found soooooo good. And yes, Everything is Kaisoo.



if you have no idea which one to read first or you're looking for specific genre, please ask me on my ask.fm


Q: I clicked on the title but it said "access denied" 
A: If you happened to click on the story and said "access denied", it means that the author of that story have deleted it. 




the lovely poster and background by baka_ming95

have any of you guys ever read jinxed? pleasseee tell me your favorite part and the most sbdsdashdvhsgdv part on my ask.fm i need someone to spazz with


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961 streak #1
Chapter 6: Oh dear. This journal has been deleted and purged.
Dkdlti #2
Chapter 330: how to get the access to this fanfic😭😭
Love-Kaisoo-8812 #3
Chapter 7: Seeing this description, I really want to read this fic.Unfortunately, I was late. It has been deleted
Love-Kaisoo-8812 #4
Chapter 1: This is the best fan fiction I've ever read. I cried every time I read it.