Confrontation III.

Touch of Fear
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As Ara turned around, she noticed that Lee Byunghee was still standing in front the door, the key in his hand, therefore blocking her way. Her books and gym shoes were next to the door. She eyed him for a moment before her eyebrow twitched a bit. Actually, she could finally confront him on what he did in the forest. She had pushed away the anger at that moment, in order to concentrate on the most important thing – which had been trying to get out of the forest at that time – but now things were different. 


“Step away from the door, Lee Byunghee,” she said coldly. Thinking about it, class had already begun since a few minutes, so causing ruckus on the school's rooftop wasn’t such a nice idea. Confronting him would probably be better after school and without having Lee Miyoung, who was still standing at the handrail, behind her. However, if the said male wasn’t going to retreat that easily, she had no other choice.


“No,” was his answer as he put the key inside his pocket. He shot Ara an arrogant glare. All the time he had been listening to what Miyoung said. And even if he hadn't heard everything due to the girl's soft tone, the bits he did hear were more than enough to grasp the most important point. Park Ara and Oh Sehun were in a relationship. A smirk spread across his lips. Oh, how sweet the feeling of knowing one will taste victory soon was. He could use this knowledge to go against Park Ara. He could spread it at school and therefore cause all the girls to go against her, to gang up on her.


“Step away, Lee Byunghee. I won't repeat myself.” Ara returned the glare with coldness.


Seeing that the girl seemed fairly annoyed with his answer, his smirk only widened. “Try me.”


Annoyed by his answer and attitude and still extremely angry about what happened in the forest, Ara rushed forward and violently pushed Byunghee against the door. Not only was she angry about the incident, but also about the fact that she couldn’t even properly make him receive his punishment by informing the school – all that because of money. She knew, she couldn’t. And she wasn’t stupid enough to try out to only end up as the victim of the school's hunger for money.


The boy hadn't expected such a move, since Ara had always ignored him the past three years whenever he annoyed or insulted her. She had never gone on the offensive. But instead of being satisfied about her silence, which would have amused him if it had been due to fear, the cold glares had only provoked him even more. So, when his back hit the hard door, his eyes widened in surprise, before he instinctively grabbed her arm, ready to get his revenge.


He stopped, though, having grabbed her arm. “I wouldn’t be so cocky, if I were you, little . With a snap of my finger, I can cause the whole school to know about what you and that Oh boy have. Know your place, Park Ara,” he spat.


Ara narrowed her eyes, both in pain due to his strong grip and in anger that he was threatening her.


Damn it.




Having closed the door, Sehun immediately ran to Ara's locker. Class had already begun since a few minutes and the girl hadn't returned from her little detour to get her books. Where could she have gone? He knew that something had happened. Ara wasn’t someone to simply come late or skip. His first thought was the infirmary and he immediately made his way to the room in the school's fourth level – the highest.


Besides the nurse, however, the infirmary was empty and as he asked the older woman if a third year female student had come here, she shook her head. Uncertainty rose in him. Just where was Ara?


As he was about to go downstairs again, he heard the faint sound of a thud coming from the opposite direction. Frowning in suspicion and assumption, he walked towards where he thought the sound was coming from.


When he was faced with the door leading to the rooftop, his mind began working. Maybe Ara was up there. And chances were that she wasn’t alone on the rooftop. Although there were many possibilities as to who could be with her, Sehun reduced his suspicion to – as much as he didn’t want be suspicious of her – Miyoung, Lee Byunghee, or a few female students who adored Sehun a little too much for their own good.


He opened the door and walked up the stairs. The closer he got, the clearer did his ears perceive voices.


When Sehun finally reached the door, he grabbed the handle in an instant, only to assess that it was locked. He squinted his eyes in an attempt to detect more through the alabaster glass that took up a square in the door, but he could only make out the contours of two figures. At least, though, he could detect that the smaller figure, whom he immediately recognized as Ara, was being held or grabbed by the taller one, whose identity was still unclear.


“ … so cocky, if I were you, little . With a snap of my finger, I can cause the whole school to know about what you and that Oh boy have. Know your place, Park Ara.” He had to prick up his ears to understand it, but one thing he was absolutely sure of: it was Lee Byunghee.


At first he felt alarmed as the other boy knew about his and Ara's relationship, but that worry got immediately replaced when his mind whirled around the thought of Ara and Lee Byunghee being alone on the rooftop and the door being locked. Although he knew that Ara was strong, he wondered if she was physically on par with a male. Strength-wise Lee Byunghee was stronger. Sehun was sure of it. And the thought of Ara being in danger sent shudders down his spine. What if Lee Byunghee– before he could think about it further, the said male's voice snapped him back, “Tch, to think the oh- so-great heir of the Oh hospital line was seduced by a like you. Your methods must be too dirty to be said aloud.”


Upon hearing what the other one said, Sehun could feel it: pure, burning anger filling him up. His grip around the door-handle tightened as he gritted his teeth. How dare that bastard insult Ara this way … Calling her , calling her dirty. But Sehun shook his head. There was no time to waste on what this bastard thought of Ara. Ara's safety was his priority and so he quickly exited the stairs and the little corridor. He needed to get the key from the teachers' lounge in this instant. Who knew what Lee Byunghee might do?


And so he ran, filled with both anger and worry.


In the teachers' room, he swiftly lied about having forgotten something on the rooftop, and as a teacher opposed him, he, even if he hated having to use it, flaunted his family name to quickly get access to the key and therefore make sure Ara was going to be unharmed. There was no time for any pride and so he used his family's reputation as one of the biggest donators of this school.


As he arrived at the rooftop door again, four minutes later, he hastily unlocked the door and pushed it open without thinking further or looking through the alabaster glass. His mind was spinning from worry. What if Lee Byunghee lost it and pushed Ara off the – No! Sehun reminded himself firmly. He had to forbid his mind to think about such things. It would drive him crazy otherwise– the sight he was faced with made him widen his eyes and all his thoughts were washed away. Contrary to every single scenario his mind had created, the reality was that Lee Byunghee was currently back-facing Ara, with his arm twisted and grabbed by her one hand and her other one forcing him to cower a little, determination and confidence evident in her eyes. “Lee Byunghee you are a bastard.”


Sehun, too surprised by the sight, could only stare. He was too immersed in what he was seeing, his mind still taking it in

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49 streak #1
Chapter 2: Oh no! Falling in love with the prices at the school ain't good, especially if they are one of the Kings. This turn of event swill either make Ara more protective or create a small break in their otherwise tight bond.
49 streak #2
Chapter 1: Ara doesn't want to crash her sister's happiness but she will find out herself when she goes to the school and sees how her sister is treated.

An exciting start!

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qinwang #4
amazing story
905 streak #5
Chapter 6: What is their mother works for his father's company?
But she already got fired so.. don't think so
905 streak #6
Chapter 5: I was thinking about the calm before the storm thingy and even author said that xD now that was funny
905 streak #7
Chapter 4: i was holding my breath :)
905 streak #8
Chapter 4: i was holding my breath :)
905 streak #9
Chapter 3: and it's kai! xD i'm worried about her.. it's really a 50-50 chance whether those kings would be good or bad
905 streak #10
Chapter 2: she's in love with kai im guessing?