everyone please log out i want to be alone right now.

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alone with y/n. :smirk:


reposting because aff is out to get me but consider this a sign if you haven't responded. 

if you clicked on this thinking we were about to smash, i have some bad news. (last sentence is a lie, we might.) LF: my next unattainable crush and new friends. this is my first aff ad ever but i'm soo bored save me! if you're looking for someone to play games with, hb, vc, share music, yap, whatever you want IDGAF i'll do it! you want to stream? i'll watch! you want to play game? I PLAY! you want to have e? only for mystbloom valo bundle. you want me to carry you in valo? click off this ad NOW. you want to carry me? hey beautiful.

i'm oa so obviously and preferably . a minus with the worst sleep schedule the world's ever seen so you do not need to worry about late replies because my yearning will always find a way. idc about your fc but i fc mostly women so unfortunately your precious jimin will not save you now. 



  • a true yearner.
  • game (will play almost anything.)
  • big s.
  • i do not care what your gender is. i want you.
  • i love to yap about music and will make you playlists.
  • my kinks are- *gunshots* *cash register noise* *baby crying* SHUT THAT DAMN BABY UP! *car crash* MY LEG! *explosion*


  • i was lying about the kinks. i will not have e with you. unless it is for mystbloom valo bundle then we're breaking your pc from how crazy it's about to be.
  • we will probably never date... i love to yearn. 
  • i cannot carry you on valorant (but i can talk the eboys to defend your honor.)
  • one of my pros is a lie. not saying which one.
  • no cons for friends, i'm god's perfect little angel. pleasepleaseplease.


if this sounds like your future situationship or the bestie of your dreams, pm with your dc user and a short description / tell me anything about yourself. if you ghost i will show up to your house with a weapon. p.s. i already got mystbloom but i do not feel like updating. new incentive is e for nitro. mwah!


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