One shot: Slice of Love

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St. James Hospital was like a small city, bustling with activity at all hours of the day and night. The corridors were filled with the usual sounds of beeping monitors, distant voices, and the hum of fluorescent lights. It was a place where chaos and order coexisted, and Colet found herself at the center of it all. She was known for her sharp precision and cold demeanor, a reputation that came with being the leader of the more focused, almost ruthless group of doctors.

Colet's crew shared her nonchalant vibe. Gwen and Mikha were quiet and skilled, often moving through the hospital with a hint of sweetness when no one was looking. Jhoanna was the odd one out, talkative and clumsy, often finding herself in spats with Stacey from the rival group. The rivalry between Colet's team and Maloi's was the stuff of hospital legend. Some said it was because Colet’s team always seemed to get the high-profile cases, while Maloi's group handled the lower-stakes patients. Others thought it was just a clash of personalities—Colet's icy approach versus Maloi's laid-back style.

Maloi's team was the polar opposite. Known for their easygoing attitude and camaraderie, they could make even the most grueling shifts bearable. Stacey was the comedic heart of the group, turning dull moments into stand-up routines. Sheena, a nurse, was everyone’s favorite, known for her kindness and bubbly personality. Aiah, mature and calm, had a dry sense of humor that could catch you off guard. And then there was Maloi, quiet and sophisticated, but with a warmth that made her a natural leader among her friends.

Despite the rivalry, fate had other plans for Colet and Maloi. During a particularly chaotic night in the ER, they were both called in for a major trauma case. Colet's approach to the case was intense, almost surgical in its precision. She barked orders without hesitation, her tone sharp and her movements efficient. Maloi didn't like her style, but she couldn't deny that it got results.

"Maloi, I need you to get that line in now," Colet snapped, her eyes focused on the patient.

"I'm on it," Maloi replied, feeling the tension between them. She didn't like being told what to do, especially by someone who acted like they owned the place.

As they worked through the night, Maloi couldn't help but notice Colet's precision and grace. She knew exactly what to do and didn't waste any time. It was hard not to be impressed, even if Maloi found her demeanor hard to like. Colet had a way of dismissing everyone around her, acting like she was the only one who knew what she was doing.

By the end of the shift, they had saved the patient's life, and Colet's icy facade seemed to crack just a little. Maloi caught a glimpse of relief in her eyes, a moment of vulnerability that she quickly hid. It was like watching a statue come to life for a brief second, only to freeze back into place.

After that night, Maloi tried to keep her distance from Colet and her group. The rivalry between them was still strong, and she didn't want to give Colet any reason to think she was interested in getting to know her better. But fate kept bringing them together, and they ended up working on more cases side by side.

During one of their shifts, Colet and Maloi were assigned to a difficult case. They had to perform a procedure that required precision and teamwork, something that made Maloi nervous given their history. As they worked together, Maloi noticed that Colet's movements were almost graceful in their precision. It was hard not to admire her skill, even if she didn't like her attitude.

"Hold that steady," Colet said, her voice clipped but not as harsh as before.

Maloi nodded, focusing on the task at hand. She didn't want to give Colet any reason to criticize her work. But as they completed the procedure, Maloi saw a different side of Colet—a softer, more caring side that she rarely showed.

When they were done, Colet looked at Maloi and said, "Good job. You did well."

It was a simple compliment, but it caught Maloi off guard. She wasn't used to hearing praise from Colet, and it felt good to be acknowledged. Maybe there was more to Colet than she had initially thought.

Over the next few weeks, Maloi found herself working with Colet more often. The rivalry between their groups still existed, but it didn't feel as intense as before. Stacey and Jhoanna continued their playful spats, while Aiah and Mikha provided a steady presence in the background. Gwen and Sheena were as sweet as ever, keeping the atmosphere light even during the busiest shifts.

But Colet... she was a different story. Maloi couldn't get her out of her mind. The way she moved, the precision of her work, and those brief moments when her icy facade cracked—it was all so intriguing. Maloi started to see Colet in a different light, and it made her curious to know more.

One evening, after a particularly long shift, Colet and Maloi found themselves in the break room. Colet was sitting at the far end of the table, her sketchbook open in front of her. Maloi could see the intricate drawings Colet had made during their downtime—landscapes, cityscapes, and even a few sketches of the hospital itself.

"Those are really good," Maloi said, trying to start a conversation. "Do you sketch a lot?"

Colet glanced at her, her expression as cold as ever. "It's just a hobby," she replied, her voice flat. "Nothing special."

Maloi nodded, not wanting to push too hard. "Still, it's impressive," she said, hoping to keep the conversation going.

Colet didn't respond, but she didn't tell Maloi to leave, either. It was a small victory, and Maloi decided to take it.

As the days went on, Maloi noticed Colet's softer side more often. She'd offer a small smile to a patient, or give a quiet word of encouragement to a nurse who was having a tough day. It was like she had these hidden layers that she didn't want anyone to see, but Maloi was determined to unravel them.

One night, as Colet and Maloi were leaving the hospital after a long shift, Maloi decided to take a chance. She asked if Colet wanted to grab a coffee before heading home, and to her surprise, Colet agreed. They walked to a nearby café, the cool night air a welcome change from the sterile hospital environment.

As they sat down with their coffees, Colet seemed more relaxed than Maloi had ever seen her. She even smiled, a rare sight that made Maloi's heart skip a beat. They talked about work at first, but then the conversation shifted to other things—hobbies, favorite books, the places they'd like to visit. It was like peeling back layers of a complex onion, and Maloi was fascinated by what she found.

That night was a turning point for them. The rivalry between their groups still existed, but it didn't matter as much anymore. Colet and Maloi were finding common ground, and Maloi realized she was falling for Colet, slowly but surely.


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565 streak #1
So Maloi and Colet....