Chapter Two — Friday

Encore of Emotions
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Fridays held a special place in my heart, unlike any other day of the week. While it was true that most people adored Fridays for being the gateway to the weekend, my affection for this particular day ran deeper, entwined with the anticipation of spending the evening with Jimin.


For nearly a year and a half, Jimin and I had upheld our cherished tradition of movie nights, steadfast and unwavering. Come rain or shine, even amidst the chaos of our demanding schedules, we always carved out this sacred time to be together. Whether we were nestled in the comfort of our dorm or navigating the whirlwind of tour life, our commitment to these cherished moments remained unshaken.


Reflecting on our shared memories, one particular movie night stood out vividly in my mind. My favorite one was definitely when we blind watched "The Handmaiden" without knowing a thing about the movie, well, I knew about the sapphic theme, which was the reason why I picked that movie, but that was about it. The mere mention of that evening sent a rush of memories flooding back, each one carrying the weight of anticipation and vulnerability. I couldn't help but recall the way my heart raced as I selected the film, a daring choice veiled in the guise of casual indifference. Yet, deep down, I longed for the chance to share something meaningful with Jimin, to bridge the ever-widening chasm between us.


As the opening scenes unfolded before us, I stole furtive glances at Jimin, my heart hammering in my chest like a caged bird desperate for freedom. Would she notice the subtle tremor in my hands, the way my breath caught in my throat with each passing moment? Or was I condemned to suffer in silence, forever trapped in the confines of unrequited love?


Jimin didn’t seem too worried about that like I was. Her demeanor remained composed, her attention fixed on the unfolding narrative with unwavering focus. I couldn't help but admire her calm demeanor, and the way she navigated through life's uncertainties with grace and poise. It was a stark contrast to my own turbulent emotions, which threatened to engulf me in a whirlwind of longing and despair.


As the story of forbidden love and clandestine desires unraveled onscreen, I found myself drawn into its intoxicating embrace, my senses ablaze with a kaleidoscope of emotions. Every glance, every touch between the two protagonists seemed to mirror the unspoken yearnings hidden deep within my own heart. And yet, as much as I longed to lose myself in the fantasy of their love, the reality of my own unrequited feelings loomed large, casting a shadow over our shared intimacy.


By the end of the movie, my cheeks flushed with a rosy hue that betrayed the tumultuous storm raging within me. I stole a hesitant glance at Jimin, expecting to find a similar blush staining her porcelain skin. To my surprise, however, she met my gaze with a serene smile, her eyes shimmering with a newfound appreciation for the artistry of the film, but unfortunately, nothing more.


Contemplating the events of the past week, I toyed with the idea of canceling our movie night. The weight of my unspoken feelings for Jimin hung heavy on my heart, casting a shadow over our cherished ritual. However, as quickly as the thought had surfaced, I banished it from my mind. To deny myself the solace of our Friday evenings together would be to relinquish a vital lifeline, a sanctuary amidst the storm of conflicting emotions.


No, I resolved, Fridays belonged to JiminJeong. Our movie nights were more than mere tradition; they were a testament to the enduring bond between us, a ritual of connection that transcended words.




I shuffled into the kitchen, feeling a familiar pang of anticipation as soon as I heard Jimin's footsteps retreating towards the bathroom. It was Friday night, our movie night, a ritual we'd cherished for so long. As the designated movie picker this week, I'd settled on "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." There was no hidden meaning behind my choice this time, unlike when I selected "The Handmaiden" with its subtle nods to my unspoken desires, but simply because it had garnered rave reviews, and I'd been itching to watch it for ages, especially since it marked its 20th anniversary.


With nimble fingers, I prepared a bucket of popcorn, the aroma wafting through the air, teasing my senses with promises of cinematic indulgence. I settled onto the couch, the soft cushions cradling me as I awaited Jimin's arrival.


"Hey, everything's ready--" My words trailed off as Jimin entered the room, and I couldn't help but marvel at her beauty. She was always stunning, but tonight she looked particularly radiant in a sleek black dress, her makeup flawlessly done. Meanwhile, I was still in my pajamas. "I know it’s movie night, but we’re not going to the Oscars," I quipped, attempting to mask my unease with humor.


Her expression softened with a hint of remorse as she regarded me. "I'm so sorry, Minjeong. I forgot to tell you, I have a date with Jaewook tonight. Is it okay if we cancel tonight’s movie night?"


The words struck me like a blow to the chest, each syllable carrying the weight of disappointment. 


No. ing. Way.


This couldn't be happening. 


Not tonight, of all nights.


"Yeah, sure. No problem," I managed to choke out, plastering a facade of acceptance over the ache in my chest.


With a fleeting smile,

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reveluv316 805 streak #1
my heart continues to be broken
oofiee 1072 streak #2
Chapter 4: damn that call could be an emergency...... pats ryujin
kasterian #3
Chapter 4: the stories are all sad today 😞 this one too ☹️
oofiee 1072 streak #4
Chapter 3: forgot their tradition 😔
Chapter 3: Why you got to hurt us like this author-nim 😔😔😔
Chapter 3: 😞😞😞
mammt_ #7
Chapter 3: damn this hurts
reveluv316 805 streak #8
Chapter 3: Poor Minjeong, all she wants is Jimin to lover her back 😭
Chapter 3: 😭😭😭😭 Poor Minjeongie, what’s gonna happen??
Chapter 2: Nah why did i read this before sleeping 😭