
Life unlived

Kim Hanbin can sleep anywhere. 

Hanbin, or as he liked to call himself, B.I, had a reputation among his family for being a serial napper. They even speculated he might have a rare sleeping disease, considering his ability to doze off at the drop of a hat, anywhere, anytime.

So, when Mr. Yoo's history class felt more like a lullaby than a lecture, B.I decided it was time to stage his great escape. The world outside beckoned with promises of excitement and inspiration, far more captivating than the stuffy confines of the classroom.

As the sun bathed the classroom in a warm glow and the sound of Mr. Yoo's monotone voice filled the air, B.I slipped on his headphones and cranked up "Here Comes The Sun" by The Beatles. With a mischievous grin, he made his exit, leaving behind the dull drone of the classroom for the vibrant colors, sounds, and life of the outside world.

Stepping into the open air, B.I felt alive. The sun kissed his face, the breeze tousled his hair, and the greenery of the park beckoned him with open arms. Finding a cozy spot on a wooden bench, he stretched out horizontally, gazing up at the endless expanse of blue above.

As he lay there, birds chirped overhead, a butterfly fluttered by, and the sky seemed to ripple with endless possibilities. Lost in the moment, B.I let time slip away, content to soak up the simple joys of life and revel in the beauty of the world around him. After all, who needs a history lesson when you can write your own story under the open sky?

Time was not to be accounted for. Time was just a measure of what had passed. For Hanbin, time was to be spent enjoying what we have left of it. 

Here comes the sun,

doo, doo, dun, doo

Hanbin blinked, his eyes adjusting to the sudden change in scenery. The serene blue sky had transformed into a chaotic whirl of tangerine nylon, leaving him disoriented and bewildered. With a sharp inhale, he sat up, his clothes clammy and cold against his skin as he realized he was now soaked to the bone.

Grabbing the umbrella that had mysteriously appeared above him, he surveyed his surroundings. The once sunny park was now shrouded in dark grey clouds, the promise of a downpour looming overhead. Rain pelted down mercilessly, drenching him from head to toe, even soaking his underwear.

With a grimace, Hanbin pulled his headphones down to his neck, the cheerful tunes of The Beatles replaced by the deafening roar of rain hitting the ground and the nylon above his head. He glanced around, catching sight of a purple backpack and its owner, a girl darting away from the park in a desperate attempt to escape the deluge.

Despite the uncomfortable dampness and the looming specter of his mother's wrath, Hanbin couldn't suppress a smile. Another unexpected adventure in the unpredictable world awaited him, and he couldn't wait to see what it had in store.

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