a Greek god

hey, soul sister
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Seungwan's plan is not working as she'd espected it be.

You see, the Canadian hadn't accounted for how serious Joohyun would be when painting. She's literally initiated a sort of competition to create the most realistic portrait out of the two. 

Seungwan's picking out a playlist to play over the speakers while Joohyun's furiously swiping away at the canvas. 

"Yah, hurry up Seungwan-ah," Joohyun grumbles.

Just as the younger is about to put down her phone, a text message tugs her attention to the screen again.


My place or yours?

Attached alongside the message is an image that elicits an intrigued quirk of Seungwan's left brow. 

"What is it?" Joohyun asks, impatiently holding her paintbrush mid-air as she waits for Seungwan to take her seat.

"A ," the Canadian deadpans, because it really is one. The older woman scoffs and just with her chin as an order to sit down.

Seungwan types back a response, punctuated by a suggestive emoji before muting her phone and slipping it in her back pocket.

I'm on a mission, Seungwan thinks to herself, I cannot be distracted by s . Not today at least!

"Who was that?"

"Karina," Seungwan answers honestly because what's the point in lying? She's always been an honest person soul or not. "Shall we start?"

She notices a pinch between Joohyun's but doesn't ask for it's origin. Seungwan knows that whatever's bothering the older will be revealed in due time. She can read Joohyun like the notes on her music sheets. 

"You're still going out with Karina?" Joohyun queries, attempting to sound casual but Seungwan eyes the right grip around Joohyun's paintbrush and murderous glare directed to the canvas. 

She must really hate Karina, Seungwan guesses. Is she jealous?

Now that Seungwan thinks about it, the two doctors are somewhat alike. From looks to personality--Karina even mentioned that she wanted to specialise in cardio.

She's basically a younger Irene, Seungwan thinks.

"I've never gone out with her. Not in a dating sense anyway," replies Seungwan. They steal glances at each other as they begin sketching out their portraits. 

Joohyun uses this as excuse to judge Seungwan's expressions as she talks about Karina. She's always very expressive, it'll be easy to see her true intentions, Joohyun thinks. 

"We're buddies is all," Wendy says matter-of-factly and Joohyun blinks in suprise, seeing how her brush has suddenly moved to the other side of the canvas; a thick, misplaced streak of paint stares back at her mockingly.

Luckily, they're facing each other so Seungwan doesn't notice the mess that she's accidentally placed on the painting. Joohyun's cheeks heat up; she's not sure if it's out of embarrassment of her own reaction and resultant painting mishap, or if it's simply from hearing such a blunt sentence from Seungwan. 

She's been hanging around Sooyoung too much, Joohyun thinks. 

And on the topic of Sooyoung, Joohyun then wonders back to when she'd walked in on Sooyoung and Seungwan, seemingly occupied in something very ual and indecent. 

So then Sooyoung is also Seungwan's... ' buddy,' Joohyun realises with a frown. 

Just how many does she have?

Has she always had them?

Why have I not known about this until now?

How long has she been doing this?

Why didn't she--

"Irene, you okay?" Seungwan's voice rips her back into reality and Joohyun nods furiously at the girl, hoping the movement hides the red in her cheeks.

"I..." Joohyun begins and gulps down a thick bunch of nerves, "How many people are you... Going out with? or not."

Wendy hums in thought for a while and Joohyun feels a cloud creeping over her head the longer Seungwan seems to be thinking about it. Might as well count on your fingers then, Joohyun thinks with a scowl.

Finally, Seungwan levels her with a shrug, "Dunno."

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GUYS i was supposed to update hey soul sister today because i did have a chapter drafted up in word, but today i found out that EVERYTHING that i wrote on it in the past 6 weeks didn't save :((( I'm so sorry, the hiatus will be a bit longer


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Favebolous 0 points #1
Chapter 26: Waiting
Favebolous 0 points #2
Chapter 3: Cute
Favebolous 0 points #3
Chapter 1: Hahahaha weird but hahahahaha like it
Chapter 26: Author!! No worries. I guess of course you know this story didn't turn out how you planned but the rest of us are blissfully unaware and are just here enjoying the story :') so thank you! I think you write nightmarish scenes so well. I could never.. in my brain they play out really well like some kind of scene from beetlejuice or something. Thats a compliment so yeah! Anyway thank you! 🥰
orangebearies #5
Chapter 5: enjoyed reading this story, well balanced humor crack fluff and their banters are so funny, the dialogues just flow, i’m excited for next chapters :)
1692 streak #6
Chapter 26: "HE has high hope for you" Who's this he? Is it only typo or someone else? And of course I still interested! These dual Wendy and Seungwan are like Wish you hell mv eh, tho I hope that real Seungwan didn't die.
wishwishwish #7
Chapter 26: don’t worry, i’m still invested eith this story. its interesting
jmjslrn #8
Chapter 26: If I could upvote this fic again and again I would
Leo0209 #9
Chapter 26: Im still interested! I love this story, to me it’s exactly the right amount of crack turning serious. It that you lost your drafts but ill wait patiently if you ever want to get back to it ( i like all your wenrene stories )! Just wanted to let you know, i was super happy when i saw this update :)
Chapter 25: Goddamn I stayed up the whole night finishing this hit the roof wdym only half the soul was put back omg I can't wait to see what happens next