Just you [ Endless Waltz]

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You know I wonder, are we dancing an endless waltz? Are you still with me only because it's the only thing we know how to be with each other? Friends. Is that really us? 


Taking a hiatus from all other works 👍 this little story is based on what I'm feeling irl rn tbh, and it's also kinda based on my life... so I'm taking a break from my Spider-Man story which I wanna make semi happy, but if you like angst I think you'll like this hahah😅 


Trigger warnings: mentions of depression, slight social anxiety. 


and cancer, but the character does beat it!👍  


also it's messy writing since I'm quite the- emoTionAl right noW-

but I hope it's still enjoyable, do leave comments about how each chapter made you feel as it would make me happy to read and reply to all of them👁️👄👁️✨


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Hanechan #1
Chapter 2: I wonder who's pov is this... the later part I mean