Chapter 08

Captivated Hearts
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Two more weeks had passed, and Baekhyun and Serie hadn't been able to see each other due to their busy schedules. They had made plans to meet on the weekend, but those plans had to be canceled because Baekhyun had to travel to Canada for an important meeting with some Canadian investors.

During his business trip to Canada , Baekhyun had a demanding schedule filled with meetings, negotiations, and discussions with the investors. He spent most of his days in conference rooms, working closely with his team to ensure the success of the important project they were working on.

The trip required him to adapt to a different time zone, which often meant early mornings and late nights. But no matter how busy he was, Baekhyun always made time to call Serie and send her messages. He talked to her about everything that happened during his trip, the cool stuff he saw, and the hard things he had to deal with.

 She listened to Baekhyun's stories and gave him the emotional support he needed. Sometimes, when Baekhyun felt tired or stressed, Serie's comforting words made everything feel better.

However, throughout his stay in Canada , Baekhyun had felt a growing sense of longing for Serie. The separation had weighed heavily on his mind, and he had counted the days until his return.

After a long and tiring business trip in Canada , Baekhyun couldn't wait to see Serie again. The flight back home felt like an eternity. And he wanted to surprise Serie by paying her a visit.

After arriving to Korea,he quickly made his way back to his place, took a refreshing shower, and changed into a fresh set of clothes.

Baekhyun felt so  excited as he stood at Serie's doorstep. He really missed her and was looking forward to spending time with her.

He gave the door a little knock, and when Serie opened it, she looked surprised  to see him. They hadn't seen each other in a while, and the happiness of this unexpected visit filled the room.

"Hi, baby," Baekhyun greeted with a radiant smile that reached his eyes, conveying the sheer happiness of seeing Serie again. His voice was a gentle, warm caress.

Serie's eyes widened in disbelief at the unexpected sight of Baekhyun standing at her doorstep. "Baekhyun! What are you doing here?" she exclaimed, her voice a mix of astonishment and pure joy.

Baekhyun  responded in a mockingly sad tone, "Why? Don't you want me here?"

Serie couldn't hold back her laughter at his feigned hurt. "Of course not, I missed you," she confessed with a genuine smile as she stepped closer and wrapped her arms around him.

She pressed her head against his chest, her ear listening to the steady rhythm of his heart, Serie took in the familiar scent of his cologne, a blend of musk and cedarwood, and it filled her senses.

She snuggle closer to him, savoring the comforting and alluring scent that was uniquely his.Baekhyun laughed softly, charmed by her kitten-like behavior, and returned her embrace with equal affection.

Their hug lingered, a silent conversation filled with unspoken words.

Once they reluctantly parted from their warm embrace, Serie took Baekhyun's hand and led him into the cozy living room. She could feel his presence beside her, a comforting reassurance that he was indeed here with her.

Serie, with a smile that reached her eyes, called for her father. He was thrilled to see Baekhyun, his face lighting up as he warmly welcomed him into their home. Together, they set about preparing a delightful spread of tea and an assortment of delicious snacks. The room soon filled with the aroma of freshly brewed tea and the mouthwatering scent of pastries.

They sat around the coffee table, holding cups of tea and munching on snacks. The room instantly came alive with laughter, stories, and sincere talks. It felt like a cozy family gathering, where the air was b with warmth and the feeling of being close to loved ones.

After a while Serie suggested taking a stroll in the garden because the weather outside was really nice. Her father, pleased by the idea, gladly excused himself to rest indoors.

The garden was peaceful, with colorful flowers and lots of green plants. Serie guided Baekhyun along the paths, telling him about the different flowers and sharing stories about them.They found a comfy spot under a tree and sat down, enjoying the calmness of the garden.

"I couldn't wait to see you, baby. I was thinking about you like a crazy man all these past days," Baekhyun said teasingly as he gazed at Serie.

Serie felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. Even though Baekhyun had used the word "baby" frequently during their phone calls and video chats, it felt different hearing it in person.

Baekhyun couldn't help but wear a playful smile as he noticed how easily he could fluster her. He found her shyness absolutely endearing.

"Why are you getting shy now? You weren't this shy when we talked on the phone," Baekhyun teased.

"I'm not shy," Serie replied, her voice soft, "it's just that meeting in person after a while feels different."

Baekhyun chuckled. "Well, I don't feel shy at all," he said playfully as he moved closer to her.

"You weren't shy from the start," Serie retorted with a laugh.

Baekhyun laughed heartily. "Okay, okay then , you can be  shy all you want. I won't say anything," he said playfully, enjoying their lighthearted banter.

"Can we change the topic now?" Serie asked, her tone sounding somewhat defeated.

Baekhyun, unexpectedly, responded with a request, "Can I see your room?"

Serie looked at him, surprised by his sudden curiosity.

"You wanted me to change the topic," Baekhyun explained with a playful grin.

Serie raised an eyebrow, still puzzled. "So, you don't really want to see my room? You just said it to change the topic?"

"No, I really want to see your room. I didn't pay any attention to it last time because of our stupid argument," Baekhyun explained sincerely.

"Alright, then let's go," Serie said, standing up. She led the way inside the house, informing her father that she and Baekhyun would be in her room for a while.

As they stepped into Serie's room, Baekhyun's eyes scanned the surroundings with curiosity. He couldn't help but notice the wall adorned with cute pictures of Serie from her childhood.

Baekhyun made his way to the wall.His eyes roamed over each photo, his gaze filled with genuine curiosity and affection.

"Wow, you were such a cute kid, Serie!"
He pointed at one particularly adorable picture of young Serie and exclaimed.

Serie blushed but couldn't help but laugh as he about the photos. "Well, I guess we all have our embarrassing childhood pictures," she replied, a playful smile on her lips.

Baekhyun chuckled.

"Embarrassing? No way, they're absolutely adorable. Look at that smile," he said, his tone mischievous.

He picked another one up and held it out, teasingly remarking, "Look at this one! You were seriously the cutest kid on the planet!"

Serie couldn't help but blush, her embarrassment growing as Baekhyun went through each photo.

 "Alright, alright, you win," she said with a playful eye-roll. "I was cute back then, I get it."

Baekhyun grinned,"You're still cute now, you know," he said, his tone softening as he looked into her eyes.

Serie couldn't help but smile, feeling her heart flutter at his words.

After placing the photos back on the wall, Baekhyun grinned and turned to Serie. He then sat down on her bed, patting the spot next to him, inviting her to join him.

"Come here," he said, his tone gentle and inviting.

 Serie hesitantly approached him, and before she knew it, he pulled her onto his lap. She felt a rush of warmth flood her cheeks, blushing uncontrollably.

Baekhyun's voice was gentle, his eyes fixed on Serie's blushing face. "Don't blush like that, my shy baby. It's really hard for me to resist kissing you when you look so adorable," he playfully remarked.

Serie couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth at his words. Her heart fluttered as she gazed into his eyes, filled with affection. She bit her lip, a playful and coy smile tugging at the corners of .

Serie felt her heart skip a beat as Baekhyun gently took hold of her hand. His touch was tender, sending a delightful shiver down her spine.

"I have something to tell you," he said in a soft, steady voice that filled the air with anticipation. Serie's pulse quickened, and she couldn't help but hold her breath, fully focused on him.

"I'm listening Baekhyun" she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I know we haven't known each other for long, but I want you to know that I already in love with you Serie," Baekhyun confessed sincerely.

Serie's eyes widened in surprise, her heart skipping a beat. Even though she new baekhyun had feelings for her hearing it from his own mouth make her momentarily speechless.

"You know, it's okay if you don't feel the same way yet, but i know you have special feelings for me . And i understand if you want some time. But I promise to show you every day why I'm falling in love with you," Baekhyun said, his voice tender and reassuring.

Serie's shyness melted away as she met Baekhyun's gaze, her voice filled with sincerity. "You don't have to worry about making me fall in love with you, Baekhyun. I already love you..."

Hearing her heartfelt response, Baekhyun's heart swelled with joy, and a radiant smile graced his face. He couldn't help but express the overwhelming sense of love that engulfed him.

 "Oh god, I didn't know I could feel this much happiness," Baekhyun confessed, his voice filled with genuine emotion.

Serie nodded, her eyes glistening with affection. "I didn't know either."

Baekhyun slowly leaned in closer, their faces were so close that their noses brushed against each other, his lips hovering just inches from hers. He could see the anticipation in her eyes, the way her breath quickened.

Slowly, he cupped her face in his hands, his gaze filled with adoration. Serie's eyes sparkled,her heart beating rapidly.

In a tender and gentle motion, Baekhyun leaned in, his lips brushing against hers, sending a wave of electricity through their bodies. Their kiss was soft and sweet, filled with the depth of their emotions.

Little by little the kiss deepened, fueled by a growing desire  for each other. The only thing that mattered was the intoxicatin

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Hi!!!! I added a new chapter. It's just a fluffy one and hope you like it. Tell me what you think in the comments and upvote 🤗


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Chapter 17: Omo☺️ how lucky is serie,I wish I were in her shoe.
Chapter 17: Omo for real, i guess none can resisst sweet and lovely husband baek haha even shy and intovert serie ahhaha am loving this new serie! Thank you for the update authornim
Chapter 16: Omo 🥰why they are so adorable.
Done subscribe and upvote, will read later.
Chapter 16: It has been so long since you updated this but it's so cute I can't stop smiling while reading this. They're such an adorable couple ✨💕
Chapter 16: Finally you are back! I love the way they understand each other. They definitely make an ideal couple💛🧡
Chapter 16: Poor serie, but at least shes safe. Hihi the two is just in their early stage of wedding, its okay
Nlnz2016 #8
Chapter 16: Glad nothing bad happened to her.
740 streak #9
Chapter 15: They are so adorable, can’t wait to see what the parents have for them. 💖