Part III

For You I Will
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Disclaimer: Again, I do not know the specifics of chemotharapy and other treatments for this specific illness. I apologize for any inconsistencies as I took a lot of liberties writing about the treatment to fit the plot. 



“Wait, what? Bestie, say that again?” Ning leans closer to Karina on the couch, cupping her ear to ‘hear’ Karina better. But no, she heard Karina loud and clear. Ningning just really wants to see Karina stutter her way out of her embarrassment. Because she knows and Karina knows that she is ready to rub it in her face. Her ‘I told you so’ is already at the tip of her tongue. 


Karina purses her lips, clearly getting annoyed at her manager slash best friend. This was inevitable. Ningning’s impish smile is already telling how this will pan out. And Karina thinks that she is never ready for Ning’s machine gun of a mouth. 


With a sigh, she repeats what she just said to Ningning a minute ago. “I slept with Winter.” 


Ningning laugh is akin to that of Toad from Mario Kart. It’s annoying, it’s loud and it really gets into your skin and years of friendship with Ningning has not made it easier for Karina. She is still not used to it. 


Ningning throws her head back, laughing maniacally at Karina’s admission. “You slept with your wife!” She wipes the tears (actual tears) on the side of her eyes. “I can’t believe you slept with your wife! God, why does it sound so scandalous?” She breaks into a fit of laughter again, still reeling at the information.


Karina just waits impatiently for her manager to have her fun. She crosses her arms across her chest, puffing her cheeks as she watches Ningning physically die from laughter. 


“Are you done?” 


“Wait, wait, wait,” Ningning grabs Karina’s shoulder and shakes her lightly. “How was she?” 


Karina, horrified, pushes Ningning off her and prepares to stand up but Ning just stops her. She is freakishly strong for someone so small. “Oh come on! You can’t tell me you slept with your wife without telling me how it was. That’s not how it works, Kat. You gotta spill. So, come on. Did she rock your world? You know, she plays the guitar so she must be great with her…you know?” Ningning wiggles her eyebrows as she proceeds to do spirit fingers. 


The immediate flush of red that travels to Karina’s cheeks does not go unnoticed by her manager. And even if she doesn’t want to, Karina’s mind automatically thinks back to that night and while the day, or should she say, days after, weren’t so great, that night was something to remember. Karina definitely remembers the delicious ache she felt when she ran out of Winter’s bedroom.


“You’re ing blushing, Kat! You little minx. You know I’m not going to stop until you tell me.”


“Fine!” Karina screams, exasperated. “Winter was amazing. Happy?” 


Ningning squeals and pushes Karina so hard, she almost flies off the couch. “Very. But wait, I thought you’re her first? Like relationship? You said that she said that right?”


“She didn’t move like it was her first time, Ning. She knew what she was doing.”


“And very well, might I add. Mrs. Kim was satisfied! Should I get you a cake? Congrats on the ? The river is definitely flowing, Kat.” 


Karina only slaps her best friend on the shoulder. "Shut up." 


"Okay, you little prude. So what does this mean for the both of you?" 


Karina frowns, bitterly reminded of what happened between her and Winter. Winter's proposal came out of nowhere and it shook her. How do you even react to that?


She remembers the defeated look Winter had when she left her in the kitchen and she feels like breaking down every time her mind replays how broken Winter sounded when she greeted her 'happy anniversary.'


It's like a broken record that loops in her ears, haunting her of her stupidity.


And it feels so weird, seeing Winter unlike herself. 


She looked so down. And if Karina wasn't so up in her , she would've noticed the bruises on Winter's arm.


"That's the thing, Ning." Karina squeezes her temple. "There's nothing." 


"What do you mean?" 


"Winter wants a divorce." 


There’s confusion written all over Ning’s face. You can see how her forehead creases trying to make sense of what Karina just said. 


“Okay? You slept with her, now you’re getting a divorce?” Ning asks, very confused. “But also, you don’t even love her so wouldn’t you want this divorce, Kat? Make it make sense. Explain it to me like I’m a toddler. From the very beginning, Kat. You’re giving me a headache.” 


Karina straightens her back and clears before she tells Ningning the whole story. It’s a lot to take in and Karina can already tell from Ningning’s facial expression that she’s going to get an earful from her. 


Admittedly, she said things she shouldn’t have and didn’t say things she should have. 


And maybe, it wouldn’t be this complicated if she just let Winter say her piece before she cut her off with such a nasty statement. So, now she’s left regretting everything that transpired between the two of them that day.


And it hurts, hearing Winter utter the word ‘divorce’ to her. It was so unexpected that she wasn’t prepared to feel like she was just run over by a freight train. 


“So Winter said she will divorce you in three years because you said you were still miserable with her? Even though you’re not?” Karina nods. “But you hate being married so shouldn’t you like this idea? Also you accused her of cheating?” 


She doesn’t answer. Because truthfully, Karina doesn’t know.


Right then and there, Ningning already knows what’s running in her best friend’s mind. Even if she doesn’t want to admit it herself. Ningning has no problem slapping her with reality, though. 


“You’re a , you know that? Why would you make her think that you hate being with her when you clearly don’t? And now you don’t want a divorce because clearly, you are starting to like the idea of being married to Winter.” Karina is about to protest but Ningning cuts her off. “Don’t even weasel your way out of this, Katarina Yu. I know your stubborn is refusing to admit anything so let me do the honour of telling you what’s going on.” 


Karina grumbles and sulks, sinking herself further in the couch. 


“You like your wife.” Ningning deadpans. Karina shakes her head profusely but Ning only puts a hand to stop her. “Okay, if you want to play this game. Why don’t you want to divorce Winter, then? Why did you get mad that Winter has another woman? You have been complaining for the first six months of your marriage but you shake your head at the mention of divorce? You're jealous as well? Colour me intrigued, bestie.” 


“Because I don’t believe in divorce?” Karina answers unsurely. She cringes when she hears herself say it, too, totally unconvinced by her own words. "And I wasn't jealous!" She adds.

Ning only snorts and says, “Okay, you catholic lesbian. Keep lying to yourself. You’re definitely going to heaven,” she says sarcastically. “But seriously. You would’ve said yes in a heartbeat to divorce like a year ago. What’s different now?” 


Almost immediately, Karina’s mind drifts to all those times she actually enjoyed Winter’s company. And she thinks that she actually wouldn’t mind staying in a loveless marriage if her days were spent like that: peaceful and relaxing. 


Karina’s occupation is so taxing and can sometimes up your mental health so coming home to a place that’s blanketed in serenity and warmth makes a big difference to her day. 


But Karina sighs, mentally exhausted with all this thinking. “I really don’t know, Ning. I’m confused.” 


“You know what kind of people say that, Kat?” 




“People who actually like their wives,” Ningning smirks. “The fact that you’re confused means you’re thinking about that sliver of possibility that you like her. Why is it so hard to admit that? You already said so yourself you like her company. It’s the same damn thing, bestie!” 


Karina mumbles something incoherent, but Ningning hears it and just proceeds to laugh at her best friend. “I know I’m right.” 


Pouting, Karing gets up from the couch and grabs her bag from the coffee table. “I’m going home.” 


“That’s right, go home to your wife.” 


She hates it when Ningning knocks some sense into her. She hates when she becomes the voice of reason, especially when Karina vehemently denies something. She doesn’t like to be proven wrong but it’s Ning’s specialty to make her eat her words. 


So she thinks. 


On her drive home, Karina thinks about Winter and the way she paces around the living room when she’s talking to Bibi about her schedules. Karina thinks about Winter and the way she calls her sweetie. On the elevator to their penthouse, Karina thinks about Winter and how delicate she always looks — so fragile that sometimes she’s afraid that she might break her. 


Keying in the passcode to their door, Karina thinks how sad she would be if Winter would continue not talking to her. Because it’s been days and she hasn’t seen Winter, not even her shadow.


And when Karina walks in their home, constricts at the sight of Winter wheeling a luggage out of her room. 


“A-are,” Karina clears when her voice suddenly breaks. “Are you going somewhere?” 


Winter nods, not even looking at Karina. “Business trip,” she replies curtly. 


Her luggage is too big for it to be just a day or two like her usual business trips. It looks like Winter will be gone for a while so Karina wills herself to ask, “How—how long will you be gone?” 


“A while.” 


Winter scurries back to her room because she can’t stand the awkwardness around them. It’s worse than before and Winter thinks what a waste her efforts have been in the last year for it to end up like this. 


She’ll be gone for at least three weeks. She’ll be undergoing chemotherapy and as much as possible, she doesn’t want Karina to see how weak she’ll be when she starts her first cycle of treatments. 


After Winter told her parents about her illness, everything was arranged very quickly. She can still remember how her parents reacted when she broke out the news.


The room grew still. Winter’s mom wept silently while her dad had an expression she couldn’t read. He just stared into space, hands clenched into fists. Winter flinched silently when he finally cleared his throat and looked at his only daughter. The pain in his eyes was obvious and yet he remained stoic.


Winter’s dad was a hard man. He was strict but he wasn't a cruel man. He was quiet, a man almost devoid of affection but always found ways on his own to show Winter his love. So when he finally spoke, it’s like Winter’s world had turned upside down. 


“The partnership with the Yus…does your wife know?” Was his first question and Winter grew terrified. This was going to be a legal battle waiting to happen and she didn’t want her sickness to be the cause of a potential rift between two families. 


But Winter’s mom rose from her seat and screamed at her husband. “How dare you ask that question when your daughter is dying? Our only daughter!” 


Winter's mom wailed as she went to hug her daughter. She repeatedly apologized for not knowing, for not being around when she was at her weakest. And Winter released a breath she had been holding, trembling in her mom's embrace.


Winter's dad finally came to his senses when he saw how broken his child was. He got up and scooped his family in his arms. 


"I'm sorry," he whispered.


"Why didn't you tell us, Winter?" Her mom asked. "The wedding…we could've —"


"Eomma. The board of directors pressured both of you. There was nothing you could do." 


"We could've tried to stop it. Jongin would’ve been better suited…"


"It's okay, Eomma. I know how hard it is to go against the whole family." 


Silence fell inside the room. Winter's mom couldn't help but feel so helpless for her only daughter. If only she knew, she would've fought tooth and nail not to let Winter be trapped in a marriage she didn't want.


"Winter, your wife doesn't know?" Winter's dad asked again and Winter shook her head. "Okay. The Yus are gaining more from this partnership than us," he explained. "Your treatments, where are you getting them?"


Winter went on to tell them about Dr. Kwon and Mijoo who has been assisting her ever since London. Winter's dad nodded along as Winter went to explain the plan for getting treated at Yonsei.


When Winter finished, her dad explained what would happen with the board of directors. Winter would have to maintain a low profile, even at the company. They would excuse her absence to her working on Bibi for mobile and would let her cousin Kibum handle the onboarding. A handful of people from PR and communications would be informed of the situation to keep the paparazzis at bay and block any potential leaks. As much as possible, Winter's illness will be kept under wraps. Even the Yus should not know about it.


And he had advised Winter not to mention anything to her wife just yet as their main goal is to get Winter better.


It would do more harm than good for Winter's health if the news of her illness were to be publicized so prematurely. 


Mijoo would continue to provide care during and after Winter’s treatments, just like she has been doing ever since London.


How Winter will excuse Mijoo’s constant presence in their penthouse, she doesn’t know but she’ll deal with it when the time comes. 


Winter thinks she’s not ready to go through that ordeal again. Already, she can taste the arsenic  and can feel the scratch in for all the times she would have to puke her guts out every chemotherapy session. 


It was hard dealing with her illness before because it was just her and Giselle. But now with her parents, Winter feels she’ll be able to push through with her treatments a little better. 


The plan was for Winter to stay at Yonsei for the duration of her treatment and recovery. She’d hate to leave Karina for that long but with what happened between the two of them, it might be best to have that time apart. 


The tension between the two of them would do no good for Winter's health. If anything, it would make her worse. 


But she would miss her, that’s for sure. 


It has been hard trying to avoid her wife because every time Winter would look at her, she thinks she’s going to do something stupid like break down and cry. 


It hurts knowing that everything Winter has done and felt have all been one sided. Just when she thought that they could maybe go past being friends and explore the idea of having romantic feelings for each other, Karina reminds her that she’s an actress and everything was just pretend. 


Because that’s what actresses do — they pretend. 


It broke her heart when she woke up alone in her bed and with no word from Karina. Winter wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt because maybe she needed time to think. Winter could give her that. 


But Karina only proved her wrong. 


Winter sighs as she tells Bibi one last command before she leaves.


“Hey Bibi,” she calls out. “Ask Karina how her day went every time she comes home,” she says because despite it all, she still cares. And even in her absence, she doesn’t want Karina to feel the emptiness in their penthouse. “Have one light on at all times, Bibi. So Karina doesn’t come home to a dark house.” 


“Will do, Miss Kim,” Bibi replies. There’s a whooshing sound and chimes that signifies Bibi has programmed the command. 


Winter sits in silence in her bedroom hoping that when she goes to leave, Karina will be in her room. There’s a huge part in her that wants everything to go back to the way it was. 


But she’s not a masochist. Winter does not like to be in pain.


She loves herself enough to choose herself over her feelings for her wife. And it’s sad to think that prior to their fight, she would’ve been okay if Karina chose not to pursue anything romantic with her. She would respect Karina's decision. 


Winter just wanted to let her know because she thinks that’s the right thing to do. And Winter is not one to hide her feelings. She proudly wears her heart on her sleeves. 


Just then, Bibi interrupts her thoughts when she announces that Giselle has arrived to pick her up.


“Winter, you ready?” Giselle is already grabbing her things when she comes out of her bedroom. Nodding, she fishes out her phone to check the time and grabs her purse on the couch. “Mijoo unnie and Mingyu are waiting downstairs too.” 


Along with Mijoo, Winter’s dad assigned Mingyu to be Winter’s eyes and ears. He’d help Winter go in and out of the hospital without getting the attention of Dispatch or anyone for that matter. 


Having a large security presence at the hospital would attract too much attention and while there is patient confidentiality at the hospital, you never know who will break the rules and run their mouth to the press. 


“Let’s go.” Winter walks towards Giselle but stops in her tracks when she finds Karina looking at her from the kitchen. 


She really wishes she wasn’t there because she doesn’t know what to make of the expression Karina has on her face. Winter doesn’t want to think about the creases on Karina's forehead as her eyes follow her every move. 


Winter doesn't want to think about why Karina looks like she wants to stop Winter from leaving. 


Winter wants to ignore it. She wants to just leave without looking at Karina because every time she does, she's just reminded of the misery she brought to her life whether it was her fault or not. 


And right now, it hurts. Because despite it all, she really just wants to make her wife happy while she can. 


It's awkward and the tension between the two of them is palpable. Giselle thinks that she should leave and give space for them to talk but Winter only reaches out to tug on Giselle's shirt. 


Not being able to resist her wife at all, Winter clears before she says, “Uhm, Bibi will let you know…about my schedule and stuff."


Karina wants to say something like 'where are you going?' and 'when are you coming back?' but she bites her tongue before she could even open . She doesn't know why she does it. She's not even sure why she's holding herself back.


So she just stands in the kitchen, wide-eyed as she watches Winter leave the penthouse. 


When she hears the familiar lock beep, Karina finds herself longing for Winter to tell her not to miss her too much. 


And for once, Karina doesn't like the silence in her home. 




Karina stops midway in taking her shoes off when she catches herself asking Bibi if Winter is home.


Of course she isn't. It's only been two days. 


She groans, frustrated at the storm that's been brewing in her head. She hasn't had much sleep either, her mind is always occupied by her wife.


It really shouldn't bother her but it does. Especially when Bibi starts asking her about her day. Because then she just misses how Winter asked the same and even though she was always apprehensive of sharing, Winter always respected her and waited for her to continue talking. 


Karina didn't realize the kind of patience Winter had with her. And she feels guilty for being so difficult when Winter was only trying to be accommodating of her needs.


Like the small light in the living room.


Karina doesn't think Bibi was programmed to hide her command activity but when she asked about the light, Bibi just blurted out that it was what Winter wanted. And then Bibi started going through her activity history, listing all the things Winter did before she left the penthouse.


Winter has made it so Bibi can detect the contents of their pantry. If Karina would run out of tea, Bibi would automatically order it online and have it delivered. 


And Karina feels like even more for not even trying to patch things up with Winter. Funny how you really don't know what you have until they're gone.


Because Karina even misses Winter's little hums while she's cooking in the kitchen. She even feels so stupid for setting up the kitchen island for two, completely forgetting that Winter wasn't home.


There's a sinking feeling in her stomach that she can only associate to Winter. 


It's a melting pot of emotions, guilt being the obvious one. Longing crept up to her like a shadow in the night and a desire to see Winter hit her like a truck. 


Karina feels so uneasy with the realization that she starts to grow increasingly frustrated that she can't even do anything about it. 


There's no use denying when all she can think about when she closes her eyes is Winter.


Winter. Winter. Winter.


Karina thinks about texting Winter, just anything because she is dying to know where she is and how she is. And she wants to know what she's doing. And damn it, she just wants to hear Winter call her sweetie again. 


Her thumbs hover over the phone screen, her conversation with Winter already open. Karina tries typing but then stops herself before her fingers can even touch the phone. 


She bites her lip, contemplating, because what if Winter ignores her?


What would she even say that would warrant a reply from her wife?


A simple 'hi' would go unnoticed.


But with how they left things, Karina doesn't think it's appropriate to just text 'hi' as if nothing happened. 


But she can't also just send an essay about how sorry she is for the way she acted and could they please talk and patch things up?


That's stupid and quite embarrassing. Karina would still like her pride intact and her confidence unscathed. 


Karina feels so silly even doing this.


Winter is her wife! She should be able to easily text her wife like what a normal wife would do.


Giving up, she locks her phone and tosses it to the side of her bed. She can't believe she's going through this emotional rollercoaster because she thinks she has strong, romantic feelings for her wife.


It's funny how quickly her heart betrayed her mind. 


Her phone suddenly dings and she lazily reaches for it and looks at the screen with one eye open. 


Ningning just updated her schedule. 


She's to start promotion for the movie she filmed a year ago. It's a big budget film slated to become a blockbuster hit so her and the cast members are to embark in a promo that includes a press junket tour all over Korea and a big red carpet premiere in Seoul by the end of September l and then a film festival in October. 


Looking at her schedule, Karina begins to form an idea — an excuse, really, to text Winter.


She first checks her shared calendar with Winter if her schedule is synced and then browses through the end of the month to see Winter's. Karina notices that Winter's calendar is mostly empty but doesn't think too much about it. She finally smiles when she finds the premiere date of her movie is empty on Winter's calendar and begins to draft her message. 


'Hey Winter,' she types and then immediately deletes the message. "Hey Winter? After what happened? Am I okay?" Karina grumbles to herself.


She continues typing and deleting her message, exasperated at how difficult it is to send a text message to her wife. Karina hasn't done this before. Normally, Winter would be the one to ask about their scheduled appearances together but Karina wants to invite Winter, personally, at the premiere. She wants to go to the premiere not because it's a scheduled event, but because she wants Winter to be there with her — for her.


Finally, after deciding to just be neutral with her message, Karina sends the text to her wife. 


Karina: my movie is premiering at the end of the month. Are you free to come? Your schedule is empty


It doesn't sound too friendly, it also doesn't sound too demanding. I think my message is good enough? Karina thinks to herself.


She bites her nails in anticipation. Her eyes keep flitting down to her phone, looking at the time, and sighs when she realizes how dumb she must look for timing how long it's taking for Winter to reply. It's only been five minutes, but to Karina, it felt like five hours. 


Frustrated, Karina stuffs her phone under her pillow. She doesn't know why it's making her nervous waiting for Winter's reply. So she goes out of her room instead and asks Bibi to make her some tea to help her calm her nerves. 


"Is there anything else you would like, Miss Yu?" Karina just recently noticed how Bibi sounds like a caring mother. She wonders if Winter hired a voice actor for her or if she developed it through AI. Because Bibi's gentle voice makes the penthouse a little less lonely. 


"Do we have any madeleines, Bibi?" Karina asks. Madeleines would pair so well with her tea and Karina has been craving. 


It takes a couple of seconds for Bibi to reply, "We do not have it in our pantry. Would you like me to order for you, Miss Yu?" 


"Please and thank you." As Karina continues sipping on her tea, she proceeds to ask Bibi another question. "Can you really do anything, Bibi?" 


"I can do anything Miss Kim has programmed me to do. She has made it so it's easy for you while she's away, Miss Yu." 


Another pang of guilt strikes Karina hearing those words. Her mind drifts back to Winter again and the message she just sent. 


"Hey Bibi," Karina starts. "Do you know where Winter is?" Curiosity got the better of her. Since Bibi is connected to everything Winter does, she wondered if Bibi would know as well.


Winter has never told her anything about her business trips in the past but this one is eating Karina alive. Why was it so long? 


"I'm sorry, Miss Yu but Winter has not updated her schedule in the last few days." Karina's eyebrows knit in confusion. So the empty calendar was on purpose? Why the secrecy? she thought. It's a bit odd and there's a gnawing feeling at the back of her mind that's hard to ignore. She's instantly taken back to the time she saw a woman come out of Winter's room.


"Would you like me to call her?" 


Karina furiously shakes her head and says no. She thanks Bibi for her time and walks back to her room, tea in her hand. 


She tries to shake off the nasty feeling, not wanting to think about it. Admittedly, Karina jumped into conclusions and accused Winter of having another woman.


And even then, Karina feels like she had no right to react that way. Despite being married, they aren't committed to each other. Karina wanted that much but now it's biting her back in the . 


Remembering her text to Winter, she grabs her phone under her pillow and checks it. 


Her face instantly falls when she reads Winter's text.


Roommate: sorry i can't


Karina feels a bit rejected somehow. And the thought of Winter with another woman only worsens. 


Not wanting to think about it, she decides to call Ningning and tell her everything. She can already hear her mocking voice so she just prepares herself for Ning's onslaught of 'I told you so.' 


"I'm off the clock, Kat. This better be good," Ningning immediately says when she answers the phone. 


"I think I like Winter." 


Ningning's silence on the other line is suspicious until she bursts out laughing. She's so loud that Karina thinks Ningning is in the same room as her.


It takes about five minutes (no joke) for Ningning to come down from her laughing fit and even then, she's having a hard time trying to take a breath and talk.


Karina would be mad about it but she knew this was coming. Her best friend likes to make overdramatic reactions about her life. She should really be used to it by now but she isn't. 


"Oh Katarina, babes, took you long enough to realize that," Ningning cries from her laughter. "Hate to say I told you so but I told you so, bestie. So, what happened? You started missing her didn't you?" 


Ningning knows her so well. She can practically hear her smirk from the other line.


"Whatever," Karina mutters, not even trying to fight Ning on this. 


"Kat, you are so predictable. If you just stopped being stubborn, maybe you'd still be making out with your rockstar wife right now."


Groaning, Karina begins telling Ningning how awful it has been without Winter. And all she can think about is her wife and she feels bad for not even trying to fix things. Then she complains about Winter not coming to the movie premiere which makes Ningning stop Karina to ask why. 


"I really don't know. I just texted her and she said she can't go," Karina wails. She really wants to cry out of frustration right now and she has no one else to blame but herself. 


"Maybe she is busy," Ning tries to reason out.


"But who goes on a business trip for a month, Ning? And her calendar is empty!" 


"Maybe she is avoiding you." 


Karina groans, "Can't she just come home?" 


"Then tell her," Ningning says as a matter-of-factly.




"Tell her you want her home. Simple." 


"Are you mad? She must hate me right now after what happened." 


"Whatever, bestie. I've seen Winter look at you. She won't be able to resist you, trust me." 


Karina slumps on her bed, feeling defeated. "I miss her." 


Ningning snickers on the other line and Karina gripes at her. "Are you laughing at my misery?" 


"Yes! I have never seen THE Karina Yu whine about a woman, let alone her nerdy wife whom she claimed she did not like before. I'm enjoying this, Kat. Winter must be a really good lover, huh?"


"Shut up, Yizhuo Ning!" Karina shrieks. "I'm ending the call. See you tomorrow!"




Karina is instantly swept under the limelight. She's pulled left and right for hair and make up. The media buzzes around her upcoming movie and while it's hectic, Karina misses it. She always looks forward to doing press for her projects. It's always fun talking about her projects and seeing co-stars she hasn't seen since filming wrapped. 


Karina transforms into a celebrity, putting on a face she knows her fans will like. And since the news of her film broke out, they have been eagerly waiting for her to act alongside a charming actor, Park Solomon. Her fans have been buzzing that their on-screen chemistry is through the roof after the release of the trailer so Karina makes a point to continue that during the press tour.


She already talked to him beforehand about it and he had

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0 points #1
Chapter 5: ❤️‍🔥
Chapter 5: When i say i crave angst, this is what i re-read. love LOVE THIS SO MUCHFHFHHFHF
81 streak #3
Chapter 5: I suddenly had the urge of wanting to cry so i ended up rereading this again 😵‍💫 love them both so much!
reveluv316 805 streak #4
really enjoyed reading it
taenggo09 11 streak #5
Chapter 5: dang! what a good read 😭
hi author, can you make this story available for offiline reading ?
Chapter 5: Nakaka-iyak, sobra. This is great and was amazingly written. Thank you for sharing this painfully beautiful story.
Chapter 1: Teka, iiyak ata ako dito ah. 😅
Chapter 5: 😭😭😭 all the pain is worth 💗💗💗💗 thank you for writing this heartbreaking yet heartwarming story
been rereading this for the nth time and ang sakit pa rin HAHAHHA though this is actually one of my faves. super gandaaa