Desperate Times Call For ography

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Bastion Gyurie (Gohan Son Jr) is an actor walking the plank to forgotten stardom, all but prepared to accept his fate and slip away unnoticed into the dingy, tumbleweed-haunted, cobwebby shadows of honourable retirement. That is, until he receives a mysterious offer that could save him and his career from destitution. The only catch is: it’s of the homo genre. Will switching from the wholesome to the explicit adult genre be the miracle that saves him or the axe that breaks him?


  • Fandom: Dragon Ball Z
  • Story Number: 44
  • Pairing: Bastion Gyurie (Son Gohan Jr) x Liam Sotea (Piccolo Daimaoh Jr) [HanP]
  • Secondary Pairings: (too many to mention)
  • Chapters: 3/?
  • Status: Incomplete, Discontinued 
  • Warnings: Boy Love (), Heteroual, Adult Themes/Non-Con/Dub-Con, Adult Content,
  • Tags: Romance, Alternative Universe, Real World, Normal Aliens/Earthlings, No Ki Powers, Breaking the Fourth Wall, Meta Storytelling, Drama, Humour, Fluff, Angst, Ideologically Sensitive, Expletive-Heavy, Crack, Serious Satire/Parody, Spoofs Everywhere, Interspecies Relationship, Lemon, Graphic , Possible/Deliberate OOC-ness, 3rd Person POV, 1st Person POV, Whump!Gohan, Whump!Piccolo, Canon Male-Hermaphrodic Piccolo
  • Playlist: Invisible (U2) Babyface (U2), The Crystal Ballroom (U2), Landlady (U2), The Little Things That Give You Away (U2), Promenade (U2), Dirty Day(U2), Numb (U2), The Ground Beneath Her Feet (U2), Disappearing Act (U2), Luminous Times (U2), Surrender (U2), A Day Without Me (U2)
  • Start & Completion: 2016/06/23–2017/01/08


First and most importantly: PLEASE DO NOT STEAL MY CONCEPT IDEA. Yes, I am aware that similar ideas may have already been done before, but I personally have not seen nor read any other story, movie, show, etc. that has, so everything here is a product of my own imagination. This concept has been stolen at least once on AO3 already, and even if they claim it is based on a movie (which I don't know about), it is still extremely sus how their story came after mine and was patterned after the exact same concept. At least, they could have had the decency to admit my story "inspired" theirs, but I guess such common courtesy between fellow fans of the same fandom is too much to expect nowadays. Anyway, I did not make an issue of it but it I can't be blamed for feeling that since I have been plagiarised too many times before (both in RL and in internet fandoms) so… Okay, that's that.

All marked with (*)s are spoofed names.

Original post:


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