A Comprehensive Study of Nature


Waking up with a head-splitting hangover, Jinki found himself face to face with a familiar stranger of his dreams... except that said stranger was not quite what he seemed.


Written for summerofshinee 2022

Here's to another year of Summer of SHINee! I hope you'll enjoy reading something a little fluffy from me :)


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Chapter 3: Es muy dulce como pueden ser así de perfectos les deseo lo mejor en la vida a mis bebés 💖
Chapter 2: Mi hermoso Jinki tu eres un ser maravilloso y especial para Minho al igual que él para ti 🥰🥰🥰🥰
961 streak #3
Chapter 3: I thought it was Jinki who would be making the study. I was definitely mistaken. Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #4
Chapter 1: Does Minho change into a werewolf when he's happy?