
Descendants of the sun Goowon Couple Love Story


Myeong Joo is keeping her distance from Dae Young intentionally. To let him know that she's not interested in talking with him yet. She did her duty as a doctor, but without looking in eyes. Because she knows just the moment she'll look into those very expressive eyes that speak hundreds of words without actually saying anything, she couldn't have kept her composer. 


Sunshine called at noon and the girls talked with their father for a long time. She was in the medicube treating a fractured leg of a soilder. When the girls wanted to know about his injury, Dae Young smiled at them,"Don't worry girls, it hasn't been that....." 


He was about to say bad, Myeong Joo grabbed a pair of scissors and in three quick strides, she was by the side of Dae Young.


Pointing the scissors at him, she said, "Don't you dare to finish that sentence."


Dae Young gulped visibly. The others in the medicube were seeing them curiously. Then Myeong Joo came back to her place and continued treating the fractured leg of the soilder.


The base was already familiar with their love story. And after seeing Myeong Joo, many rumors about her feisty personality were already flying around. It's almost time for them to go to Korea. Dae Young is fit enough to ride a plane. Tomorrow they will be back with the Alpha team.


That afternoon, Myeong Joo decides to tease Dae Young a bit. The medicube was empty except for them. Myeong Joo was watching something with a smile on her face and pretending to think loudly, "I like him. Will he be okay? "After a while,"No, maybe I should explore more." 


Received a call,"Hello, Dr. Kang, you remember I went to a party arrenged by the Nevy? There was Dr. Kim. You remember? From our medical school. He invited me to see his office. Maybe I need to meet him to know more about him."


Dae Young was listening to everything very carefully and getting jealous. After a while, Myeong Joo hung up the phone and continued looking at her phone screen with a broad smile on her face.


Dae Young couldn't keep his composer anymore. He took his scratch to go to the bathroom but actually to see what Myeong Joo was looking at. He looked over her shoulders and saw a group photo of many handsome men and Myeong Joo was in the middle. 


Looking at their gorgeous outfits, he could tell it was a party. And of course, Myeong Joo stood out even in a group photo by her charming elegance. There were 2 or 3 women too, but Myeong Joo as usual, stole the show with her incredible fashion sense. It was the outfit that Dae Young bought her for his cousin's wedding. But Myeong Joo didn't wear it then. She altered the dress because she was pregnant when he bought her that dress, so she made the dress into a body-hugging one and she looked incredible. Everything about Myeong Joo is very sophisticated. Dae Young loved that very much about her. She never looked less elegant, not even in a simple white t-shirt, not even in her uniform. She has an aura that is always there. 


But still that picture made him jealous. Of course, Myeong Joo is talking about those handsome men. He knew it was going to make him jealous, still it made him infuriated. He asked,"You went to a party arrenged by Nevy? You didn't tell me about that."


Myeong Joo looked at his face and, feeling very satisfied inside, her trick was working. She could see it in his face. "You were on a mission then. And do I have to tell you everything?"


He lowered his neck,"Of course not." After a pause,"But I wonder, why are there always a lot of men around you?"


Myeong Joo glared at him, but she secretly took it as a compliment,"You are in no position to ask that."


Hearing that, his face became grumpy. She turned and left the medicube with a smile on her face. Of course, Dae Young didn't see her smiling.


It's nighttime. Si Jin and other Alpha team members came to medicube to check on Sergeant Major Seo. They finished their duty here and are ready to go back to Korea. Tomorrow morning they have a plane ready to take them home.


Si Jin was complaining to Dae Young about how he had to write a full report without Dae Young's help. Dae Young mocked him in reply. Then he complained about Myeong Joo's always surrounded by a lot of men.


Si Jin smiles at his friend. He knows where it is coming from. He used to feel the same about his wife. But he knows, actually Seo Dae Young also knows it's absurd. Still seeing his friend jealous of the men gave him a lot of amusement. Seo Dae Young's jealous side is quite rare to see. So they enjoyed that. And, of course, Si Jin is Myeong Joo's friend too. So he teased Dae Young about having a general's daughter and a pretty doctor as a wife comes with some disadvantage too.


Other Alpha team members then reminded him how the soldiers always praise Myeong Joo. How some new recruits were very happy to get treated by her. 


Hearing everything made Dae Young more grumpy. At that time, Myeong Joo entered the medicube after finishing her duty. But she's still on duty as she requested to stay in the medicube tonight as it is their last night here.


As soon as she entered, Si Jin asked,"Yeah, Myeong Joo, I heard you were seeing handsome men's pictures to make Dae Young jealous?"


Myeong Joo pretended to be surprised, "Jealous? Why would I do that to your friend?" Si Jin opened his mouth to protest, but then she continued,"I was just checking whom I should marry when your stupid friend would recklessly jump in front of bullets to save some beautiful girl. It's clear that he doesn't think about me at all when he does that."


Even before anyone could protest, she pulled out her mobile phone and opened her gallery. Showing some photos to them. Everyone looked at those photos, and it's true Alpha team members are all handsome, but the Nevy men were handsome on another level. They all secretly admit if their wives were in the place of Myeong Joo, they would get jealous. But didn't say anything. After all, they were Dae Young's friends at first.


Myeong Joo excitedly asked them which men they liked. Si Jin tried to interrupt,"Yeah! Myeong Joo, your husband just came back from a near-death experience. Do you think it's right to tell these in front of him?"


Myeong Joo again pretended to wonder, "Why? Do you want me to live the rest of my life alone?"


Si Jin was taken aback by her attack, "I didn't say that." Myeong Joo again answered, "Then tell your stupid friend not to jump in front of bullets." They could see suddenly tears welled up in Myeong Joo's eyes.


Dae Young was sitting there on the bed, Alpha team members gathered around Myeong Joo and patted her back to give her some comfort.


Si Jin tried to manage the situation hastily, "Listen. Let me tell you a true story. But first of all, you know we all could have done what he did to save someone. It's our duty. And I'm pretty sure you would have done quite similar thing. So I know you're not jealous of the girl.


As far as you're angry, that's justified. But Myeong Joo, we have all been injured from time to time. You have also treated us. So I know you don't blame him for jumping in front of bullets to save someone. But still it hurts to have someone you love injured. We get that. We all have to deal with that with our wives. You know that very clearly."


Everybody nodded their heads to agree. "Now I'll say the true story. When we were overseas many times, everytime we went to a bar, there were pretty girls, you know. As we drank, some of those girls approached us. We talked..."


Myeong Joo glared at them, "You mean flirted."


Si Jin admits his defeat,"Okay, okay. We innocently flirted. But whenever someone showed interest in him, he did something to make those girls go away."


Myeong Joo is still looking at him like he is making up a story, "May I ask what big thing he did to make girls go away? I don't know, but I feel like you're making a story to save your friend."


Si Jin huffs! "Yeah, how can you not believe me? I'm also hurt now."


Myeong Joo was getting impatient inside, "Yeah! Come to the point."


He continued,"Okay, let's say directly. Every time someone approached him, he didn't even come to dance. You know he doesn't talk much. So he simply raised his left hand, and showed them his wedding ring. And those girls left disappointed."


Myeong Joo was truly shocked this time. She turned towards Dae Young, "Is this true?"


He says nothing but smiles at him. Still, she had to be sure. She looked at the others with questions in her eyes and then nodded. "We also a lot for being so noble. All he did in bars or clubs was drink."


Myeong Joo felt something stir inside her. Her eyes became soft, lips curled, and suddenly she got up from the chair and placed a hand on Si Jin's back, pushing him towards the door, "It's late. You need to leave." Then she did the same to the other Alpha team members, "Hurry up, hurry up. My husband needs to rest. Talk to you later."


They were all smiling ear to ear. Si Jin didn't forget to tease Myeong Joo as usual,"Myeong Joo, he's sick. You shouldn't do something like that...."


To his surprise, Myeong Joo didn't answer back. Who answered back was Dae Young, "You know, a sick man is still a man!"


Everyone exclaimed,"Whohoo! Yeah! Surgent Seo is really cool! He's like a wolf! His code name really suits him!"


Myeong Joo said sarcasticly, "Yeah! Yeah! I know. Men are animals. Now leave."


She successfully pushed them outside. They were still cheering Dae Young from outside. Shutting the medicube door behind her, she slowly came near the bed. 


"Don't you know how much I love you?"


She directly looked into his eyes, stood still there, many moments passed, then she lowered her eyes and softly replied, "How could I not know when you look at me like that!"


Dae Young just needed that. He didn't waste any time grabbing her arm and engulfed her in a warm embrace.


That man! That stupid man! He was hell and heaven. No one could create such strong feelings of love and hate like he did. He was all she could ever want, and all she could ever fear. She felt herself filled with warmness in her heart. She loves him for the honorable man he is, she hates him when he gets close to a near-death experience. He was still alive, he is in front of her made her feel the safest. She truly doesn't have any fear when she is with him. He's her man, for life. How childish she was to be jealous of a girl! She could feel anticipation growing inside her.


She again looked into those deep eyes and slowly and softly placed a hand on his cheek and another on his neck.


There was something inexplicably soul-stirring about her touch-no matter how innocent, no matter how fleeting. He could feel anticipation and warmth fill his heart. He's the luckiest man on earth to have this amazing lady as his love of life, as his wife, as the mother of his children. Still, sometimes he wonders how he managed to get her heart set on him and on him only. If two souls are destined to meet, the universe will always find a way to make the connection. That's the only explanation. So he needs to bring all the happiness of the world to her. Still, he hurts her every time he gets close to death. But he knows he can't die. He had to be alive to love this amazing lady as much as he could.


In the embrace of love, two souls melt into one.



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I've a lot on my mind. So I can't write. But I've thought about some intriguing interesting plots for my Goowon. A lot of angst will come in your way. Be ready for that.


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Chapter 25: You write really really well
I like the story much
It would be great if there is space between chapters
It will be much easier to read
nanananabananas #2
Chapter 75: Thank you for keeping the goowon ship alive after so many years authornim. I enjoyed reading this. It makes me want to rewatch DOTS
My new favorite story
Jaesongjoong #4
Finally someone cared about this couple
I will read it
HDnguyen #5
Chapter 64: We are here looking forward to reading more GooWon stories and wishing you all the best. Hope you will be healthy and fight hard against difficulties so you don't fall. Everyone in this life has their own difficulties and needs to find a way to overcome them. Live healthy and happy for yourself and your family
Two years ago, I first published a story about the only love story I've seen in my whole life that made perfect sense to me. I've never been moved by a love story like this. But the yearning to know what happened to them after DOTS ended made me feel incomplete. Thus, I've searched all over the internet to read more fanfictions about them. Still, I was not completely satisfied. Even though some of the fanfictions were excellent. But they were not fulfilling my craving for them. Then I wrote a fanfiction for the first time almost a year later, after I've finished watching DOTS and published it here. Here, because most of the DOTS fanfictions were here. Later, I've thought about posting these stories on other platforms as well. But life comes through. To my readers, you don't know how many times my life has turned upside down in these two years. I've thought about ending the story a lot of times. But your comments inspire me the most. And when my life becomes really hard, I try to find something to rely on. I come back to my stories. Writing about them makes me feel how beautiful love is! You won't believe I've never loved anyone in my 28 years of life. I've sacrificed my life for a greater cause. But all I've ever gotten is immense mental pain, trauma, and depression. But if I loved, I would love exactly like them. Because I'm exactly like Myeong Joo. And Dae Young is the most honorable man I'd love to fall in love with. Readers, you waited for me, and I've promised you to write 100 stories about them. I will write 100 stories. But I can't promise about the timing. Forgive me for keeping you waiting for so long. But I've said earlier, and I'm saying now, if I could, I would never make you wait so long. Some days, I feel like my life has been finished. Other days, I'm struggling to deal with my depression and life. But some days I feel good, and I come to write a story about them. I know some of you prayed for me. I'm really grateful to you. I've got good results in my exams. You got me when you said, "Don't be hard on myself." I really appreciate you. But I've always been so hard on myself. Still, I'm struggling with this. In 2023, I've also started to think of suicide. But I've overcome that. It took me a lot of time to finally get rid of that thought. I hope you all are doing well. 2023 has been devastating for me. I hope 2024 will bring something great for all of us. And one request: please reach out with the story to those who love the Goowon Couple as much as we do.
HDnguyen #7
Chapter 62: So sweet, Au. They love each other little by little. They truly sympathize and understand each other on the path to finding true happiness. SEO Dae Young is truly a gentleman
HDnguyen #8
Chapter 61: Please continue writing Au we are waiting for the next episodes ♥️
tong99826 #9
Chapter 60: Thank you for the new chapters! It was such a feast!

I'm so glad that the love of Dae Young and Myung Joo is still as passionate as ever and at the same time I'm also thrilled about what's waiting for them in the future now that their little baby is about to be born.

We are already half way through the golden week of new chapters, please take care of your health be back with amazing stories.