
all we need of hell

lilith: the twelfth attempt.


with rebellion etched into her very creation, in spite of an expected failure, the soul of lilith was the first mortal soul to be forged by the fates.


a tinge of her creators was ingrained in her for the creation of souls was never under the jurisdiction of the crones. they loved to meddle, took pleasure in twisting destiny as they saw fit, and lilith was a weapon devised for said means.


the crones hid her existence in a sea of insignificance, buried her amongst the common folk, forcing her into a life of mediocrity. born to farmers, one would expect lilith to amount to nothing more than what her parents were. 


yet, she proved to be everything but. they had created her to be tame and obedient but she possessed a viciousness for life unlike any other.


the first signs of deviation from her destiny earned arched brows from the crones, but unprecedented variables happened and they wrote it off as such.


she proved herself to be an adept huntress at a young age, and a lover of the forests she became. solitude was something lilith enjoyed, but the other villagers whispered rumours about her connections with fae folk. it never bothered her, she was confident in her being and that was enough. 


and it would have been enough if not for the obstacles of the fates.


her exile came on her sixteenth birthday; it began with a threat uttered to an insolent royal heir which grew into a mysterious fire that took the lives of her parents. the arson was blamed on her when she returned from a hunt and being wrongfully accused of witchcraft, she was forced out of her village. 


the fates expected her to swear vengeance, or plead with the elders but she did neither. lilith saw that if the world had no need for her, then she would have no need for them. with her head held high, she disappeared into the forests.


an epiphany came to the crones after her exile for things had spiralled beyond their expectations. they have spent years watching her, dictating her every move, but each time she defied them she solidified their conjecture — the soul of lilith was beyond their control.



the uncertainty of lilith kept the crones in anticipation and her existence was put to the test from that point forth, obstacles upon obstacles she overcame in ways that surprised her makers.


lilith was a masterpiece, marvellous in more ways than the fates could express, but she had one last trial to undergo.


the fates called upon god’s strongest angel for their final experiment. there was no intended outcome other than to see what allowing two of the greatest creations in the universe to meet would bring.


lucifer, the first of the celestials, descended from the skies without much expectation. she obeyed the wishes of the fates, understood it as part of her duty and acted as requested.


for days, she watched lilith, wondering in what ways the mortal required her aid but could not decipher a plausible reason. checking her traps first thing in the morning was how lilith usually started her days, and finding prey ensnared in them was enough to put a smile on her face. she busied herself with chores after, tending to her garden and improving her small cabin. 


a quiet life would best describe the life she led, it was simple but she was satisfied. still, there were times when she would gaze into the darkened heavens above, eyes glazed with a tint of wistfulness. 


it was not wrong for lucifer to assume that her loneliness was the root of it. there had to be purpose in her presence if the fates specifically requested her aid and questioning the higher powers rarely led to answers. 


disguising herself as a wounded traveller lost in the woods, the celestial revealed herself to lilith for the first time. 


no one, not even the fates, could have foreseen the catastrophes the two would bring.


lilith had her bow drawn at the audacious stranger who staggered onto her land in the middle of the night. bitter distaste lingered on her tongue as her face twisted into aggravation, the presence of others tended to be more trouble than it was worth and she was sure to make it evident.




the warning escaped her lips in a low hiss and lilith had half a mind to release her arrow until the stranger spoke. 


“w-wait,” the strain in her voice hinted that something was wrong with the stranger, but the huntress refused to lower her bow, “i-i’m hurt…”


narrowing her eyes with doubt, lilith was unbelieving of her words until the figure stumbled close enough for her to catch a glimpse of a patch of blood staining her clothes.


“who did this?” the huntress tightened her jaw. violence against others was never something she fancied, though she would not hold back if the need to defend herself arose. 


“soldiers…” the stranger wheezed, “up north… war is brewing…”


born in a period of peace, lilith had never known war but she saw the scars that many carried, alongside the tales they told. a little compassion could go a long way and so lilith withdrew her bow as the stranger collapsed before her feet. 


the lies that lucifer used to deceive would ultimately lead to adverse circumstances but they were of no concern at the moment. she allowed lilith to tend to her self-inflicted gash while she feigned sleep next to the warmth of a fire.


dawn broke the next morning and lilith went about her day as usual, however, the raven-haired stranger in her house brought about concerns.


soldiers in the north did not bode well, she was far from her kind but she knew what they were capable of. it seemed a matter of time before the forests became unsafe. 


the stranger was still sound asleep when lilith returned, no doubt the severity of her wound and the distance she travelled took a toll on her. the huntress checked on her abdomen where the injury lay and reapplied another layer of salve to aid the healing.


the stranger stirred when lilith’s fingers made contact with her skin, gasping softly, she blinked awake.


“you are safe but you need rest,” the mortal cooed, “lay down.”


lucifer obeyed as lilith dabbed a type of herbal salve onto her wound, furrowing her brows while she watched. the pain was the furthest thing on her mind but the mortal assumed otherwise.


“bear with it, this mix of calendulas and lavenders will help treat the wound,” lilith informed with a small smile, “you seem to heal fast but that is no excuse for you to be moving around now.”


remnants of her origin were hard to mask despite her best efforts but luck was on the celestial’s side when lilith brushed it off. the touch of the huntress was foreign to lucifer, she held her breath as lilith ran her hands over her body, treating the other scraps and bruises on her skin.


when it was all over, the celestial thanked her in a quiet whisper and asked for her name.


“i should be asking you first, stranger,” lilith hummed and busied herself with cleaning up, “lilith was the name my mother gave me.”


a hint of a smile appeared on the angel’s face, “lucifer was what god named me.”


“god?” the huntress turned with an amused look, “you believe in him?”


the impertinence in her words sparked anger in her chest and the angel muttered, “he is here, and he made me, made all of us. the gall that you have to be so disbelieving of our creator.”


lilith shook her head slowly, “would it matter if i believed in him or not?” she challenged, “people worship him as if he can take away all the pain in this world if he wanted to. if so, then why did you appear before me like a wounded puppy? why did god not save you himself?”


the huntress leaves her guest at a loss for words. someone as faithless as her did not deserve the presence of an angel, let alone a seraph of her standing, lucifer had half a mind to question why the fates would task her with aiding a disbeliever. 


“i apologize, lucifer.” lilith pressed her lips into a thin line, “i did not mean to offend you, it is merely something i do not understand. the way people speak of him with such reverence irks me.”


lucifer swallowed her fury to listen, never had she crossed paths with someone who would spew her views in such a manner, perhaps the fates knew something she did not.


“if you knew of the life i lived, you would understand why i refuse to put my trust in him.”


in a quiet voice, lucifer begged her to unravel the mysteries of the universe.


“so tell me, lilith.”



lucifer spent weeks with her, and that gradually turned into seasons. eventually, she understood why the fates wanted her to watch over lilith — her soul was not a creation of god’s. 


upon her discovery, she convened with the fates to confirm it and they told the angel of the enigma that was the soul of lilith. obeying no one, lilith transcended the control of the fates and she was the only soul to do so.


the angel traversed between realms, balancing her duty to god and to the fates equally. the time she spent on earth was always with lilith; she learnt the ways of the huntress, understanding every inch of her existence until all that remained was a tingling warmth that was foreign to the celestial.


something had shifted within the angel in their time together and one night under a sea of stars, beneath the eyes of heaven, lucifer revealed her wings. it felt wrong to continue to deceive the mortal who she was so fascinated by, and while she was willing to bear the consequences of heaven, she was not prepared for the ire of lilith.


betrayed by her acts of deceit, lilith was furious. it took a matter of moments for the huntress to tackle her and press a dagger to . tears rolled down her cheeks as she faced the creature before her, wondering what other secrets she kept. truth be told, lilith knew that lucifer possessed an essence unlike any other human, yet she could not make sense of it.


now, she understood all too well.


a single question laced with heartbreak slithered from her lips. 


“was everything a lie?”


something stirred in her gut and lucifer knew the answer existed within her, but the weight of it stilled her chest. lying beneath a mortal, god’s strongest angel felt her dedication wavering and little did she know her whisper would change the trajectory of the entire universe.


“none of it was.”


lilith’s dagger whizzed past the angel’s face, leaving a clean slice on her cheek as she plunged it into the ground. she pulled back, gazing upon lucifer as if she were the very definition of ethereal. 


to see an angel cry, what a sight to behold.


the huntress did not hesitate to savour a taste of her lips. she leaned in, cupping lucifer’s jaw with the most gentle of hands. the angel felt a warmth fluttering between her ribs; a feeling unlike anything she had felt, only when lilith pulled away did she dare to put a name to this tenderness between them — it was love.


tracing the underside of her jaw, a warning that was edged onto lilith’s tongue spilt into the night.


“if you ever lie to me again, lucifer, i will cut your tongue out and feed it to the wolves.”


the angel’s face twisted into a blissful smile and she bobbed her head in understanding. if there was one being in existence capable of taking down a seraph like her, it would be lilith. in fact, she already had. lucifer could list reasons why she was so enamoured with her, but the common tongue would not do her justice. 


“it would be a blessing to die by your hands.”



their affair was kept between them, not a single soul knew of a love like theirs, except for the all-seeing fates. the crones knew better than to get in their way; they wanted to push things further, to see where love between an angel and a mortal would lead. 


clotho appeared before lucifer one morning without lilith’s knowledge, bargaining for a fragment of her soul in return for compliance. without much of a choice and everything to lose, lucifer allowed her to reach into her chest to get what she wanted.


it was not clotho’s act of ripping part of her soul away that made her feel less of an angel but rather the desperation to protect lilith. the lines between her duty and desires have blurred but lucifer felt no remorse.


it took three years after lucifer’s appearance in the mortal realm for the wars to truly begin. a siege on a kingdom in the north orchestrated by the fates pulled the angel of dawn away from her lover. she would return at dusk, hollowed by the callousness of humanity.


endless suffering ravaged the lands and lucifer alone was powerless against it, despair and doubt soon infected her thoughts. lilith held her close as lucifer emptied her sorrows, comfort came naturally but at the same time, the huntress was not one to sugarcoat the truth. her disdain for heaven’s inaction was clearer than ever, and she scorned the passiveness of the celestials.


under the eyes of the angels, one would assume that lilith’s words led lucifer down a path of sin. what they did not understand was that the seeds of doubt were already sown before their paths crossed and lilith merely amplified them.


time would grant lucifer the clarity she needed, but until then, she would remain the angel of dawn.


the war forced many to flee their homes and lucifer was no longer the only wounded soul to turn up at lilith’s door. she offered refugees food and shelter and provided them with enough for the next leg of their journey but never once took up their offers of joining. if she left with them, the ones who came after would not have a chance at survival.


a fraction of goodness existed within lucifer and lilith, and they gave it to the ones that needed it most. the world was not a better place but together, it felt like they could make it bearable.



the war dragged on for months, and with every day, the armies inched closer to lilith’s abode.


weariness began to plague the huntress, she did not feel ill nor did she feel any pain but lilith knew vividly that something was off. she had always been sensitive to the environment around her, but figuring out what was wrong with herself was another matter entirely.


the realisation took weeks to build up and while the battlefields had lucifer’s attention, lilith spent her days tending to victims and scouting the forests for signs of soldiers.


with her bow, the huntress would take down soldiers before they even knew what was killing them. however, the sweltering heat of the afternoon sun got to her one day. her arrow missed her last target as she doubled over to retch, forcing her to let a soldier escape.


it seemed that whatever was ailing her had finally crescendoed and demanded her body to acknowledge it. a hundred thoughts were running through her mind as she wiped with the back of her hand, she hoped the nausea would pass and the soldiers would not return.


much to her chagrin, it did not. the queasiness persisted only in the mornings after lucifer had departed for her duties. that led to fatigue that weighed her down during the day, she felt worn even on days without venturing out. lilith began to piece everything together when her chest felt too tender for lucifer’s gentle kisses.


her wince caused the angel to freeze. gazing up at the mortal, lucifer questioned with worry stitched into her brows. she knew the huntress had a tendency to mask her injuries in fear of worrying the angel but lucifer could not see any physical wounds.


“is something wrong?”


the atmosphere tensed as lilith’s nods only further alarmed her. the mortal guided lucifer’s hand over her bare abdomen and commanded her to feel. 


lilith was no healer but she was taught enough to put her symptoms together and while she knew for a fact that it was impossible, only the celestial could give her the peace of mind she needed.


a heartbeat thrummed against her fingertips and lucifer pulled back as if she had been scalded. eyes glazed over with disbelief, the angel was bemused. judging from her grim expression, lilith grasped that her suspicions were correct.


silence devoured the air between them and perhaps lucifer was the only one capable of sensing a tint of fear in lilith’s quiet voice.


“how is this possible?”


lighting a candle with her powers, lucifer sat upright and faced her lover. it took a lot to rattle an angel, especially one of her rank, but she was stunned into silence by the simple fact that there was life within lilith.


a life that should not exist.


pressing a hand down on lilith’s midsection again, lucifer closed her eyes to concentrate on the soul within.


like lilith, this was not the work of god, souls of his had a signature that they both lacked. lucifer knew too well how they should feel, alongside how her own soul felt. a fragment of lilith and her had coalesced into the tiny soul residing in her womb, and lucifer knew the answer to her question.


“the fates did this, how… i do not know,” lucifer released a shaky exhale, “did one of them approach you? they exist in the form of aged women with eyes obscured.”


the huntress swallowed to calm her nerves, an odd encounter came to mind almost instantly, fitting lucifer’s descriptions exactly. a lone old lady who refused to let lilith treat her eyes and rambled too much about the darkness of humanity. she touched a hand to lilith’s stomach as she commented about how the huntress was too underweight for childbearing. lilith assumed the war had left her muddled and by the next morning, she disappeared.


“weeks ago, her eyes were wrapped with bandages and she was alone.” she frowned, “what do they want, lucifer?”


the angel’s shoulder sagged with uncertainty, “i do not know, but this… child… it holds parts of our souls.” 


lilith’s breaths were slow, she took in the angel’s words and pushed herself up on her hands. her gaze flitted from her toned abdomen to the angel’s striking blue eyes.


“if what you say is true… they have blessed us with a child, lucifer.”


blessed was hardly at the forefront of lucifer’s mind, more than anything, she worried for lilith. with soldiers rapidly approaching, her mortal lover was in more danger than ever.


tightening her jaw, lucifer urged, “you need to get as far away as you can, somewhere the war will not reach.” 


but the huntress was stubborn, “i will not go unless you come with me.”


“lil…” the angel whispered, feeling defeated by her determination.


reaching for her, lilith cupped her cheeks gently, guiding the angel closer towards her. “listen to me, my love. you have spent months disgruntled at the kingdom above but your duties to heaven will never end unless you make it so. the fates have given us a chance to live a life together, grasp it because i need you more than any god.”


lucifer never knew the real purpose behind why the fates wanted her to watch over lilith, she had assumptions but they could be wrong for all she knew. as the epiphany dawned upon her, she understood that she was never meant to aid the mortal, lilith was the one who would change her instead. 


the decision to leave everything she had ever known was a difficult one, but it was harder to remain in a place where her beliefs did not align.


lucifer tore herself away from heaven, knowing fully well that it was impossible for her to return to god’s side. but a servant she was always meant to be; lucifer knelt before lilith, swearing to follow wherever her soul went. 



they left the forests behind, blending in with the masses who were escaping the war. the angel never left lilith’s side, more than the war, she feared losing her to the twisted schemes of the fates.


even in the early stages, pregnancy took a toll on lilith, her body was ill-suited for childbearing as the fates had warned. constantly nauseated, lucifer would always be ready to soothe it with magic but she could not heal lilith entirely. 


regardless of her trickling strength, lilith still saw their child as a blessing. the idea of becoming a mother never occurred to her since she led a life of isolation and she was grateful for a chance.


day by day, they inched closer to a life of their own. they travelled to the furthest corners of the earth, to a place where lucifer was certain that soldiers would not reach. when lilith’s belly began to swell with life, lucifer deluded herself into believing that she had freed herself from the grasp of heaven. her duties to god were a thing of the past and she would be with lilith for as long as the fates will allow.


when lucifer stopped responding to his calls, she did not anticipate lilith to suffer because of her actions — her neglect led to god banishing the first living mortal into the realm of the dead.


seraphs descended the heavens in a blinding light one dawn. pinned down by her fellow kind, lucifer could only watch as the earth swallowed lilith in a fury blaze. the underworld was where the damned went, it was not a place meant for the living.   


return to heaven, his commands still echoed in her head but how could she ever return to him after experiencing the magnificence of lilith?


a single tear slid down her cheeks as the angel of dawn found her will to rebel. everything she does against heaven would be for lilith, she would not have known a life beyond her duties if not for lilith. vengeful, lucifer struck the ones that mortals would dub as her family with her spears before diving into the earth to chase after lilith. 


but it was too late.


lilith felt it the moment she entered the underworld, her body could withstand the banishment but not the fragile, growing child she carried. an onslaught of painful cramps threatened to overwhelm her but lucifer soon appeared beside her.


cradling her lover, the angel’s hands lit up with a blinding light but a single glance at the blood running down lilith’s legs and she knew that they would have to bear the heartbreak as one. still, lucifer tried to ease the stress on her body, wishing with all her might that it would somehow be enough to save their child.


it was a futile attempt, confirmed by the appearance of the fates themselves. they watched in silent satisfaction, taking in the fact that the soul they moulded had led the most loyal of angels down a path of betrayal.


far from heartbroken and dizzy with pain, lilith lay against lucifer’s chest, trembling with sheer rage. gritting her teeth, she uttered a single command.


“kill him.”


six wings sprouted from the back of the angel and she left lilith in the care of the fates. the angel of dawn sought out her companion in times of war, baal, and a fellow seraph who lent an ear to her conflicted thoughts, beelzebub. together, they raised an army of rebellious angels and charged toward the throne of god where they would win or die trying.



it took seven days for lucifer to return to lilith and the mortal never doubted her.


crash landing into what they would come to know as the first circle of hell, lucifer had the widest grin on her face. the huntress found her on the brink of death, wings mangled and arms seared but thankfully, alive.


“we are free, lil.” was the only thing she said before darkness took her. 


lucifer spent weeks healing alongside the angels that stood by her in the war of heaven. knowing that there was no place for them in the celestial realm, they began to make a home in the depths of hell. 


they crowned lucifer as king but she would not have it, those that led the charge with her deserved credit of an equal amount. instead of one, hell had a dozen kings but ultimately, they would always recognize lucifer as their leader.


lilith, on the other hand, proved herself to be worthy of the title of queen of hell. she guided the fallen angels in the search for their identities, teaching them what it truly meant to live for oneself. purpose existed beyond the will of god and they were meant to discover the true meaning of it on their own. she taught them that every being was flawed, from mortal to celestial, they all had ugliness inside them yet she also taught them to see the goodness in each other, the goodness within them.


demons, they began to call themselves.


the underworld thrived under the leadership of lucifer and lilith and the huntress found a family with them, a sense of belonging that was never present in the mortal realm. isolation was a matter of the past, she was surrounded by her people and she loved each and every one, but of them all, her heart belonged to lucifer.


emotions like happiness and love belonged to mortals, or so lucifer was taught. she would never have guessed that a demon like her would be capable, let alone deserving of it. lilith reminded her every day; with every kiss and touch, the huntress poured her love into lucifer. 


and loved lucifer remained for years.


that was until lilith’s soul began to wither. 


creations of the fates were never made to last, and for lilith, she could rebel against every action but that. her soul was made for a single life and nothing more.


the demons wanted a revolt when word of lilith’s imminent demise spread, but their queen kept them tame in the realm of the underworld. lilith understood that she was still a mortal at the end of the day, she was ephemeral compared to the others and she made her peace with it.


lucifer was reluctant, she did not dare fathom a world without the love of her life. yet, she allowed lilith to convince her, even when the huntress spoke nothing of honeyed words. it would be a fitting end to the life she has had if she could choose death on her own terms.


lucifer tried to respect her choice but the hollowness she felt at the thought of losing lilith forever forced her to pay a visit to the fates. mortal souls were always made to deteriorate, unlike a celestial’s. the fates have taught lucifer that her soul was her most powerful asset, alongside the fact that her soul could be merged with a mortal’s. with all of that in mind, she offered up her soul so that lilith could be saved. 


and the crones jumped at the chance to salvage their best work — half of her soul would be used to preserve whatever was left of lilith’s. yet, a happy ending was not within their grasp. the fates warned that it was unlikely that lilith’s body would survive the process, but it would give her soul a chance at reincarnation. 


a heavy decision weighed on lucifer and she could not make it alone, lilith was disappointed at the celestial’s decision to approach the fates but still, she listened.


"but this is my choice to make, lucifer. i should get to choose how i go." the huntress spoke with a soft sigh, her back turned to lucifer for the sole fact that she could not bear the look of heartbreak on her face.


the crack in lucifer’s voice caused her to reel, "i know… lil, please…"


"you agreed, you said you would let me! we have gone over this many times, lucifer. why are we arguing about this again?" lilith cried, tears falling as she demanded an answer from the king of hell. the huntress rarely cried, once when her parents died, and now as she pleaded for her lover to let her go.


the air grew quiet as lucifer trained her eyes on the mortal’s back. the mere thought of only seeing her in her memories brought about a surge of tears and lucifer knew that she would rather a world with lilith’s soul than lose her forever.


"i got cold feet," the celestial sagged her shoulders, her voice dropping to a whisper as she admitted her fears, "i do not want a world without you in it.”


her words softened the huntress who approached with a gentle voice, "you promised that you would try."


the tightness of made it hard to speak but lucifer forced her pleas with a quiver in a voice, "i know… i know everything i agreed to but please… i am begging you to reconsider for my sake."


taking her hands gently into hers, the queen of hell looked her lover in the eyes. 


"i have to leave for your sake, my love.” her tone was soft, loving as she always was, “i will not know who i will become and the last thing i want is to have you chase me across time for someone that is not me."


"yet,” lucifer croaked, “it will still be a part of you."




"we will let the fates decide, how about that?"


tutting, lilith traced her fingers against lucifer’s cheeks. "you are a fool to think that i would let them decide anything." she muttered.


lucifer's lips lifted in a mirthless smile, "will you let me then?"


the decision was not an easy one to make, but lilith knew it was all because lucifer loved her. with a slow nod, lilith pressed a kiss to the celestial’s lips. resting their foreheads together, she whispered a promise.


“in this eternity, lucifer, i will always be yours.”



they waited till the very last moment, spending each day with each other till there was only a fraction of lilith left in the world.


then, she died as the fates had warned.


in lucifer’s warm embrace, lilith drew her last breath, leaving nothing but a piece of her soul merged with the fallen angel’s. 


the underworld mourned the loss of their queen as one, wreaking havoc in the realms above, all except lucifer who almost went mad searching for her reincarnation. 


when she finally found her, lilith was no longer her name and lucifer was a stranger once again.


the lack of recognition in her eyes woke lucifer from the delusion that she had been desperately clinging to. lilith’s insistence to disappear finally made sense as grief began to creep into her soul. even in death, she would do anything to protect lucifer from a lifetime of heartbreak.


yet, lucifer loved her more than anything and she was willing to bear misery for eternity if it meant catching glimpses of her through time. many thought her a fool, but even before she gave her a part of her soul, lucifer always knew they were two parts of a whole.


end notes:

well well well, what can i say? always thought about writing a chapter just for them and since people were asking for seungwan to meet lilith again, this is the best i wanna do for them. but also i think a drabble with seungwan meeting lilith again could be fun, but i'll post it on twitter if i do ever write it. kinda one of the hardest chapters i've ever had to write and i wanted it to Not fit into the whole vibes of awnoh, hopefully it didn't but somehow still made sense : )

back to our regular crack next chapter, i think! thanks for reading, let me know your thoughts on this because i've never written anything like this!

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we got a star! thanks to everyone who's shown this a little bit of love, really thought everyone lost interest in this fic by now and it's nice to know that's not the case. final chapter soon i hope 👍


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gfdahmo #1
Chapter 48: this was so incredibly fleshed out! thank you so much for the work that you do 🙏 your stories have brought me so much comfort, and i'm rooting for you to achieve whatever it is you're working towards :)
chchcn #2
Chapter 48: Hallo authornimm glad that everything to acording your wish 🥹🥹
jmjslrn #3
Chapter 48: I'd like to think that everything went well at the end😌
Chapter 48: Just like Seungwan, I don't know if I'll be happy or not about this pregnancy (traumatic events c/o the fates) but I'm just glad you updated authornim 🫰🥹🫶.
jmjslrn #5
Chapter 3: lmao getting pepper sprayed😭🤣🤣
jmjslrn #6
Chapter 2: the jesus night lamp took me out🤣🤣🤣👆👆
butterscotchbar #7
I promise to leave a comment when I’ve gotten my thoughts in order 🥹
1692 streak #8
Chapter 48: How Ironic when Heaven and Hell ready to be civil and peacefull, the fates are the ones stirring chaos. I think their child would be Kratos like, capable killing everyone including fates XD "Fates! I am Lucifer and Joohyun /Lilith's child! Here to seek revenge!!" Lmao
Thank you for updates
WluvsBaetokki #9
Chapter 48: *picks jaw from the floor* Like... OKAY I AM EMOTIONAL LIKE WTF! those fckn fates 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Chapter 48: Listen you I WAITED WITH SUCH ANTICIPATION AND BATED BREATH AND CLENCHED HEART you YOU ARE AMAZING AND I'M PROUD OF YOU FOR FINISHING SCHOOL AND HAVING SUCH A WONDERFUL TIME WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND like seriously was rooting for you all the way and I AM SO HAPPY you decided not to gatekeep this story (I am a little loopy from lack of sleep BUT I HAVE THOUGHTS) I'm glad you were able to come back with such a monster of an update and it was just so beautiful to read the entire thing even if I kind of sped read it but at first blush I have so many things to say

First of all when we left off last I could not stop thinking about Lilith and you describing it in the manner of which Seungwan Joohyun was just so /scary/ And I mean legitimately scary because you just we don't want the same thing to happen and I've waited all this time to find out that honestly truly and gladly to find that seungwan feels entirely the same

Before we delve into that I have to say fck those mthrfkn fates because we knew that they were going to get something but we don't know when it was going to come up and then it came up and I just thought wow they are really big fkn s truly harbingers of just chaos and as much as it helps the plot which I love the plot I still fkn hate them for doing these things to our babies. It's just so wild because Joohyun It's still in school and stuff She has a whole life and girly is now bearing the possible next king of hell

then Seungwan doesn't talk to Joohyun outright about how she's feeling and just goes off and thinks that she can go find the solution solve a problem and just leave Joohyun. So I get where Joohyun's so frustrated and Seungwan is definitely in need of some sense kicked into her that when they reunite I'm just so relieved that they're able to start communicating for such an important pivotal part of their lives. Our babies is going to about to have a baby as much as I'm happy I am anxious because like I said fkn fates *shakes fist at the sky*

I'm going to make a note here because I need to know what I'm going to come back to talk about and it's definitely the reappearance of sahaquiel beating the out of Seungwan, the visible changes in Joohyun already, and THEIR SOFTNESS THAT IVE MISSED

Seriously thank you for coming back and updating this because in my head I was complaining about how there was nothing I wanted to read and seeing this update made me really happy and I'm happy for you for being able to write so much and go through the edits so welcome back for a little bit and I hope you get to finish the final part soon!