
Onew has a surprise visit from Taemin late at night, just days before his enlistment, and it is now up to him to console his little brother~


Jinki was humming to Taemin's 'Advice', drying up the final plate after dinner, when he heard a knock on the front door. He frowned, looking at the clock ding 10 in the night.

'Who could it be at this hour?' he wondered, as he walked out into his living room.

He opened the door to find Taemin standing there, holding his little Aikkoong in his arms.

"Hai Hyung!"


They said together, which made the maknae giggle and Jinki frown even more.

"Taemin-ah! What are you doing here? It's so late! Is everything alright?" He said, moving aside, letting his brother walk in.

"Hi Kkoongie!" He greeted Taemin's kitten, but the little feline just narrowed her eyes at him and nuzzled deeper into Taemin's jacket.

"YAHHH!! You forgot me ALREADY!??" He complained, scratching under her ears and neck, making her purr and launch herself into his arms instead. He giggled holding her, as she rubbed her nose into his neck and stayed in place.

"Well she's gotten comfy" Taemin said, looking amused.

"Of course she did! It's me! I give the best hugs!" Jinki said, giggling and gently rocking her like a baby.

"Taemin.. You didn't tell me. Is everything alright? You usually don't visit so late" He said, becoming serious again.

"Nothing important. I just wanted to spend some quality time with my favourite Hyung that's all. You know since I'm enlisting in less than 4 days." Taemin said, trying to sound nonchalant, but Jinki heard the pain, worry and sadness in his voice.

He was not meeting his eyes either. He smiled softly, letting Kkoong down. She started exploring the house. He watched her disappear into his bedroom and walked up to Taemin. He rested his hands on his brother's shoulders, squeezing them gently.

"Of course. Want something to drink? Did you have dinner?" He asked.

"Yeah I ate. I can drink" Taemin said.

"What will you have?" Jinki asked, a plan taking its shape inside his head.

"Anything is fine really!" Taemin said, smiling.

"Okay... Just make yourself comfortable. I'll be right back!" Jinki said.

Taemin nodded, calling Kkoongie. Once he was satisfied that Taemin would was out of ear-shot, as he was in the living room playing with Kkoongie, Jinki dialled a number.

"Nae Jinki!" Minho answered.

"Minho-ya! I need you to do something for me" Jinki said, before proceeding to explain his plan in detail.

Taemin was patting Kkoong to sleep in his lap, when Jinki walked out with a bottle of wine and glasses in his hand.

"Chasseo?" Jinki whispered, making Taemin nod.

"You can talk normally Hyung. She is a deep sleeper." Taemin said, smiling.

"Mmmmmm?" Jinki hummed, as he poured wine into the two glasses.

"So tell me Hyung.. How are things going for your song? You said you were having some trouble with the lyrics." Taemin said, accepting the glass from Jinki.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Jinki said, taking a sip from his wine glass.

"Eh? Why? Is it not going well Hyung?" Taemin asked, frowning.

"It's not like that. I just don't want to talk about it!" Jinki said, gently caressing Kkoong's fur.

"Ah! How's your variety show going? Is the filming fun?" Taemin asked,smiling.

"Don't wanna talk about it either!" Jinki said, shaking his head.

"Ah waeeeeeee!?" Taemin whined.

"Because... Today and the next few days is about you Taeminnie! Not me! Not anyone else!" Jinki said.

Taemin frowned.

"What is there to discuss about me?" He said, softly.

He felt his Hyung's hand on his thigh and looked up to see him smiling softly.

"Is there nothing you want to say or ask or share baby?" He asked.

"I-" Taemin started, but paused as the emotions, worry, thoughts and panic overtook him.

Tears jumped to his eyes, and he bit his lip, forcing them back.

"Oh Taemin!" Jinki whispered, as he set his glass down, pulling the younger man into his arms. Taemin hugged him tightly, tears slipping down his eyes. He wanted to sob, and the fact that he wanted to cry made him angry. He felt weak;like he was being a burden to his brothers.

"I am sorry.." he whispered through his tears.

"Yah! Miccheoseo? Why are you apologising? It's only normal Taemin-ah! I can understand all your worries, and your concerns. Just let them out. It's alright. What else am I here for?" Jinki said.

"I- I just feel like I am bothering you for no reason!" Taemin confessed.

Jinki pulled back and wiped Taemin's tears away with his thumbs. Cradling his face in his big hands, he said,

"Taemin-ah! You listen to me, you are NEVER EVER  a bother to me! NEVER! If something is bothering you or if you have a problem, then it is automatically a problem for me too! You can always share anything with me! It could be anything! I don't care if you think it's silly, but it would be of the utmost importance to me. Aaraseo?"

Taemin smiled, nodding.

"Gumaoyeo Hyung. You're really the best!" He said.

Jinki ruffled his hair, smiling.

"Now enough crying and drink up. I even bought your favourite white wine" he said, handing him the wine glass again.

"Nae" Taemin said, accepting the glass.

They were drinking wine and chatting when the door bell rang again. Taemin frowned.

"Let's see who it is!" Jinki said, getting up, smiling wide.

He ran to the door and opened it, finding Kibum and Minho outside.

"Hey Hyung!" Kibum said, giving him a brief tight hug before walking in.

Jinki watched Taemin splutter in disbelief and then snort. Kibum was complaining loudly how he was losing his beauty sleep over brat Taemin and hugging him.

"Hello there!" Minho said.

Jinki turned to face Minho, who was still standing at the door. He smiled softly. The taller man pulled him into a kiss and Jinki's eyes widened. He dragged him inside, not breaking the kiss, making Minho chuckle.

"YAHHHH! YOU WANT MY WHOLE APARTMENT TO KNOW THAT WE ARE DATING!?" Jinki complained, punching his shoulder.

"Jinki it's literally past 11! There was no one there!"

"Right! As if the entire world goes to sleep at 11!" Jinki said, pouting

Minho rolled his eyes, smiling nonetheless.

"Where!? Where is my MAKNAE!?" He said loudly, walking past Jinki.

Taemin smiled. But before he could say anything, Minho walked past him and picked up Kkoongie from the floor, who had woken up because of the commotion.

"Ahh! My baby MAKNAE! How are you? Aigoooo so cute!!!" Minho cooed as he played with her.

"Fine! I'll be leaving. You guys enjoy with your mAkNAe!" Taemin fumed, walking to the door.

His Hyungs laughed loudly, and Minho jogged to him, hugging him.

"Yahh! I was just joking! Aigooo! Can't even take a joke!" He said, ruffling Taemin's hair fondly.

Taemin pouted, but turned around in his arms and hugged him back, placing his head on Minho's strong shoulder.

"Aigooo" Minho said, running his fingers through his Taemin's hair.

"Shall we drink now?" Jinki said, opening the covers which Minho and Kibum had bought, which contained alcohol and snacks.

"You really can't hold it?" Kibum asked, smirking.

"Nope!" Jinki said, popping the p.

"Khaja! I bought your favourite root beer, cognac and even your favourite snacks." Minho said, leading Taemin to the drinks.

"We even got champagne to celebrate of course. Our baby is finally going to enlist! He is getting a chance to serve his country!" Kibum said with a dramatic flair.

"Hear hear!" Jinki and Minho said loudly, making Taemin blush.

"You guys are making it sound like it's something so huge! Aish chincha!" He said.

His brothers stared at him, then at each other blankly.

"Taemin-ah! It kind of is a big deal! As citizens of this beautiful country, we rarely get the chance to serve her. But only because of our , we are given a great opportunity to serve her at least for a short period of time. It is a big thing! For every man!" Onew said, smiling.

"It might not be that much of big deal enlisting, and I guess because even I said so... Because it is a part of our lives and it happens naturally after we reach a certain point. But that doesn't make it any less significant Taeminnie. These days are going to be so beautiful, so important and so memorable for you." Kibum said.

"Not to mention you can finally get a good rest now Taemin. Sounds weird. But it's actually true. You've been working so hard, and so much for the past 16 years now, brother! Once you enlist, you'll have a schedule which actually makes sense and which won't ever have any hazardous effects on your health. You'll get good rest, food and sleep along with your tough training too! Even though I missed my life and my lovely hope, my Shawols so much, I personally loved my enlistment period! I'm sure that with the right mindset you'll love it and appreciate it too!" Minho added, smiling softly.

"Meoww meow meowwww meoww meowwwwwwww!" Taemin heard and looked down to Kkoongie meowing at him, her little paw on his leg.

"Yeah that too! How could I actually forget to mention THAT! Thanks for telling him that Kkoongs! You a real one baby!" Jinki said, making them laugh.

Taemin picked up his little kitten off the floor, and pressed little kisses over her face, attempting to eat her face again, making her mewl and turn her little head away in an irritated protest.

"YAH!! Don't eat her! I got snacks!!" Minho said.

"The poor thing! Leave her alone! Come here Kkoongs! Come to Samchun!" Jinki said, and Kkoongie wriggled out of Taemin's arms into Jinki's waiting hand.

Taemin sighed. He was going to miss his little Kkoongie so much. He made his way to his Hyungs and sat down cross-legged next to Minho, who had left place for him. He stopped Kibum, who was about to pour from the bottle of cognac.

"Let me do everything tonight! You always do everything!" He said, taking the bottle from his brother.

He poured the drink into the glasses carefully and offered them to his brothers, one after the other. He opened the packets of snacks and spread them out.

Jinki raised his glass.

"To you Taemin! I know that right now, you may feel that not everything is going right or you may have mixed feelings about your enlistment. I know that it's tough to leave behind your world here for so long. But I have my faith in you, my little brother. You can do it! I have been seeing you since you were barely a child. You had to grow up way too soon. You didn't have a regular growing up which others did, but you never complained! You always worked hard and always gave your best to SHINee, your solo career, and to literally everything. This is just another step in your life Taeminnie. I know you'll do well, my baby. To you and your good health! Cheers!"

"CHEERS!!!!" Minho and Key shouted as they clinked their glasses together, and took sips from their drinks.

"Thank you Hyung! I am really grateful to have the four of you. I always wonder if I am worthy of all your love. I know I'm still so lacking. I'll continue working hard. I promise!" Taemin said, his eyes wet with tears.

Minho ruffled his hair fondly, as Kibum squeezed his shoulder. Taemin smiled wide, his heart finally at ease. Somehow; he knew that he couldn't tell for sure, but it felt like even his Jonghyunie Hyung was there with him in that special moment. And in that moment, everything felt like it would be just alright.


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961 streak #1
This is just so nice.
Jinki never fails to take care of his brothers.
Though I wasn't familiar with Shinee when Jonghyun died, I cannot watch any video of Shinee. At least now, I could read fanfics with Jonghyun and watch the past Shinee mvs.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Athira948 #2
This is so beautiful 😭