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A Flower Under The Rain
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Gyuri opened her eyes and stared at the droplets of rain falling from the edge of the rooftop tiles. She closed her eyes again. Then she realized that the setting wasn’t familiar. Looking around, she finally recognized the wooden handrails floors. Finally more awakened, she felt a cushion under her head and a very particular scent all around her. It took her a couple of seconds to realize she had a coat draped over.


“How long have I been asleep?” She asked, sitting up and as seamlessly as she could, fixed her hair, “Did I snore?”


“You looked tired,” Kyungsoo said with a chuckle as he observed her.


He didn’t say much after that, and pretending she wasn’t aware of his attention on her, she nodded and rubbed the tiredness off her eyes. 


“Here,” Kyungsoo called her as he placed a newly brewed cup of tea on the table, "Drink this. It's getting cold."


Gyuri looked around. The rain began to dim, and suddenly conscious of how cold she was, she moved closer to hold the small porcelain cup between her hands.


“Thank you for bringing me here,” She said, letting the steam and perfume from the tea go from her numb nose to the core of her chest, “Promise me we will come again.”


He nodded with a small smile. Feeling a bit self-conscious of his strangely comforting gaze, Gyuri diverted his attention to any other subject other than herself. She asked about the tea ceremony, and he obliged. That way, they spent a considerable time talking about it as Kyungsoo explained the process to her while digging into the assortment of overly sweet desserts. Eventually, it stopped raining. The sky cleared, and all Gyuri could see was a beautiful sea of countless tiny stars that twinkle brightly all across the night vault. That astonishing sight brought her back to reality, and Gyuri grabbed her phone to discover it was dead. She had been out all day and knew her parents would be worried about her.  


“I think it’s time for me to go home.” She said, ready to remove the coat from her legs when it dawned on her.


Almost panicking, she held the coat up with both hands and apologized for having such an expensive piece of clothing all over the floor. Without a single trace of annoyance on his expression, Kyungsoo assured her it was alright. As much as she enjoyed his company and found peace in his presence, Gyuri had to go back to her life, even if she didn’t want to. She ignored everything that kept bubbling in her chest and every argument her brain brought up to convince her to stay there and tried to stand up, but her legs refused to work.


“I’m driving you home.” He said, noticing her struggle.


Even though he didn’t comment on her current predicament, the embarrassment was too much for Gyuri to handle. She locked her eyes on the leftovers of the overly sweet desserts she realized became her favorites and tried to ignore everything else.


“Here.” She heard Kyungsoo say and saw him offering his hands to help.


Gyuri accepted the help, and if she wanted to describe them, she would say they were gentle. His hands weren’t too big or too small, and not even too rough or too delicate. They were just big and manly enough for him to hold her tiny hands perfectly within his and make her feel safe just by a single gesture such as holding her hand. The hold felt so strong and so steady, Gyuri stared at him when he pulled her up. She must have gasped in surprise because her body felt stiff whenever she tried, but when he helped her up, maybe he miscalculated his strength. Perhaps she wasn’t as heavy as he expected because the momentum did its work, and Gyuri couldn’t stop her body from moving until she fell into him.


She was suddenly fully awake and somehow confused because nothing was stinging inside her chest, and wasn’t acting out. Those two symptoms would have been the signs of her bafflement and the blaring alarm that she was way too close to the writer. Her shyness should have kicked in. Practically chest to chest, his hands immediately let her go and went to her waist, holding her up. Gyuri couldn’t tell for a moment if her legs didn’t work due to exhaustion or the closeness. She was too shy to pretend she was cool about it, so she looked away. She tried to find a fixed point around them that could be more interesting than the handsome writer that kept looking at her with an intense expression. She didn't want to think about what could make her cheeks feel burning as hot as she felt them then. Seemingly taking the hint, Kyungsoo let her go little by little as if making sure she was strong enough to stay upright. Even though he looked like he was willing to help her walk back to the car, she dismissed it and stepped away from him and the warmth of his entire body irradiated. Pretending she was alright but just a bit sleepy, she tried to stretch her limbs. All of her bones cracked when she did. She wasn’t sure if he heard, but when she discovered him staring at her with his eyes uncommonly wide open in surprise, all she could do was chuckle.


The chuckles didn’t work. Kyungsoo didn’t laugh or smile like the other times she managed to make him emote. Still, Gyuri smiled again, trying to downplay what happened. The last thing she wanted was to Kyungsoo to worry anymore, but nothing seemed to work. Too embarrassed to look at him and as if she had done something wrong, Gyuri grabbed her stuff and left the private booth. The writer followed her closely, and without exchanging a word, they got into the car. 


As soon as Kyungsoo started driving, Gyuri fell asleep once again, almost immediately, lulled by the mellow music and the movement of his soothing driving. It felt like she just closed her eyes because Kyungsoo woke her up, and although his voice was as gentle as ever, she detected the edge in his tone. It only took her a look over his shoulder to know what could make him sound that way. As if compelled strangely, Gyuri snapped out of it and got out of the car. Moved by a fight or flight response, she wanted to hide at first, but then, the anger dripping off that particular voice paralyzed her.


“Kang Gyuri!” Baekhyun said, her name coming out of his throat with so much raw emotion, she had to step back. “Why on earth aren’t you answering your phone!?”


“It’s dead,” she explained in a tiny voice, “My phone is dead.”


That same instinct that made her feel so small before Baekhyun, went away when Kyungsoo appeared right by her side. Almost as if his mere presence infused courage into her body, she realized she did not owe him an explanation of any kind. Gyuri ignored Baekhyun and walked around him while Kyungsoo also walked between them, blocking the view with his body.


“It's alright.” She said to the writer.


“Why the wouldn't be alright?” Baekhyun demanded to know, following them close by and his tone beyond offended by Kyungsoo's interference, "Why are you even here?"


“Gyuri, what's going on?” Her father asked.


She felt her heart sink. Her legs faltered a little when she saw her parents coming out of the house, probably wondering what was happening outside. It wouldn’t be the first time they witnessed the chaos and racket that was Baekhyun, especially if he was drunk. They knew what to expect of a situation like that but for some weird reason, Gyuri felt shy about them seeing him making such a fuzz and completely sober. It simply made everything worse and she just wanted to disappear.


“Nothing.” She muttered, feeling her cheeks burning in mortification, and turned to the writer who looked a lot more composed than how she felt, “Kyungsoo, it's fine. I can deal with this.”


“Are you sure?” 


The question was loaded with genuine concern, although she recognized it wasn't condescending at all. Kyungsoo genuinely wanted to know if she was ready to handle the situation on her own. The look in his eyes felt oddly fortifying, so she nodded.


“Don’t fight back.” Kyungsoo whispered, as softly and discreetly as he could, “Remember to let it flow through you.”


That simple gesture resonated like a rumble of thunder. The writer didn't just give her an innocent piece of advice. She didn't realize it at first, but the moment everyone around her called her name in different tones, she understood why. He had leaned closer to her to whisper those words. Panicking for a split second, she looked at her parents with the leftovers of a smile. Aware of how that looked like, she acted as if Kyungsoo’s closeness was nothing out of the ordinary.


“It’s nothing.” She said, trying to assure them, “Baekhyun is just leaving.”


“No, I’m not.” Her best friend said with a scoff, “Whatever his name is, can leave.”


“He’s leaving already,” Gyuri pointed out and did her best to seemingly walk the remaining distance to the gate, “so it’s time for you to leave as well.”


“I’m staying for dinner, Gyuri.” Baekhyun added with a condescending tone that made Gyuri give him a look, “Don’t look at me like that, I’m practically family.” 


“But you are not.” She said under her breath, controlling the urge she had to yell her frustration at him.


“Kang Gyuri.” She heard her father snarl.


She didn’t even dare to look at him. Gyuri knew the sternly frowning she would find at her display of annoyance. He saw how she rolled her eyes and her frustration-filled tone in which she grunted at Baekhyun, and he would never, ever let her be rude to anyone. Not even to Baekhyun.


“I’m just tired.” She mumbled, feeling weak all of a sudden.


The ground beneath her feet shifted, and the first thing she did was to reach the closest person near her. Gyuri held onto Kyungsoo with the little strength she had left and reminded herself not to fight it back. Blinking the dizziness of her eyes, she let her father grab her as she listened to her mother send Baekhyun off behind her. Slowly, her sight focused again, and her feet felt stable enough to stand by herself when she was suddenly aware of the silence. Gyuri looked around to find her parents just staring at her as if she had grown a second head, but as soon as Kyungsoo let her go, she gathered her thoughts straight.


“This is Kyungsoo.” Gyuri said, “He works at the bookshop.” 


“Well, he was also leaving, right?” Her father asked.


Kyungsoo instantly chuckled, his entire face blushing, and Gyuri couldn't help herself but smile when her mother chuckled as well. Then, the awkwardness filled the atmosphere when she hit her father on the arm and pulled him inside the house as she stole curious glances at the writer.


“No wonder she goes to the bookshop every week, she likes the book boy.” Her mother whispered to her father. “Can’t blame her, he is so handsome.”


Gyuri had to cover her face due to the mortification and waited for the teasing. However, it never arrived. She peaked through her fingers to see if Kyungsoo was waiting for the exact moment but realized that he seemed lost in his thoughts.


“Why did you lie to them?” He said, as serious as ever.


“I promised you I would keep the secret.” She replied as if it was the easiest thing to do. “Prepare yourself though, they might invite you to dinner one day.”


For what it looked like, Kyungsoo found the idea mortifying because his entire face blushed, and seemingly embarrassed, he lowered his head, hiding in the shadows of the night.


“Thank you.” He mumbled, although Gyuri suspected there was more behind his words, “and try to get some sleep.”


“I’ll try.” 






Just like Kyungsoo said, and as if his words were a command, Gyuri slept for almost two days straight. Her parents were ready to call someone for help when she just sat up in her bed and let out the deepest and longest yawn she could remember. She felt alright. It was a strange feeling to have when she could also feel that thing inside her body, apparently dormant and waiting to act up. She stayed there, taking in everything about herself and wondering what to do about it when her cellphone buzzed with a notification.


The date on the screen made her heart skip a beat, and jumping out of her bed, Gyuri fell straight into the floor with a loud thud. She whimpered out loud, rubbing her knees and feeling all of her limbs as stiff and aching as if she was eighty years old. However, she didn’t have the time to dwell too much into it, and pushing herself off the floor, she ran to her office and got to work. Hours later, after sending emails, arranging documents, and printing the rest of the pamphlets she needed, Gyuri came downstairs with the bundle of papers pressed against her chest. She found her parents having a snack in the kitchen and looked at her with a clear sign of relief, but their faces changed quite dramatically.


“Can we talk?” She asked.


They didn’t respond, and bracing the papers closer to her chest, Gyuri went to the living room. She sat down on the floor and waited for them to get to their places on the couch. The silence was heavy, and she went over and over again on the appropriate words to bring up the subject in the best possible way and when she couldn’t find it, she just went straight to the point.


“There’s no easy way to say this,” She said as soon as they sat down as well, “but this is what I’ve been working on these past few days.”


Gyuri placed the papers over the table and wasn’t strong enough to see her parent’s expressions twisting in pain. She knew she would break into tears if she did, so she focused on the task, but her father’s voice struggled to stay steady.


“You shouldn’t have done it alone.” He said.


“I’m not doing this.” Her mother mumbled as her voice broke as well, ready to leave the room.


“It’s going to happen, mum.” Gyuri said with a sigh and not affected by the reaction, “Sooner rather than later.”


“The doctor said six months…”


“I can....” Gyuri interrupted her, placing a hand over her chest, “...feel it, right under my skin.”


Things had changed. The curse wasn’t a simple buzz that acted out every once in a while anymore. It was real and tangible. If she pressed her fingers into her flesh, she knew it wouldn't be bones but roots she could feel slowly moving through her. Gyuri got used to the feeling, but it was still there. 


“I’ll make tea, then.” Her mother said.


Neither Gyuri nor her father stopped her as they both knew she needed the small break to compose herself. Even if no one wanted to admit it, they all needed a breather before tackling such a depressing subject.


“I could’ve gone with you.” Her father whispered after a while as he rubbed his eyes.


“I know, but I didn’t want you to worry,” Gyuri said with a small smile.


She meant to say a joke after that to lighten the mood when her mother came back with a tray of treats and cups of tea for everyone, and she was glad at least her mother was willingly considering to talk about the situation.


“First of all, I didn’t want to spend all my time working, so I resigned.” Gyuri started, pulling a paper from the first folder and with the same tone she would at a work meeting, “I still have a -ton of days off.”


“Watch your language,” Her father said, but beyond that, he just grabbed the paper and read it with care.


The quick nag made Gyuri snort, which made her mother chuckle as she kept serving the cups with tea. For a split second, she was glad they could have that conversation with the best spirits.


“Anyway, that means I’ll still get paid for the next three months.”


“This doesn’t make any sense.” Her father said, still reading, “You can’t have that many days off. Unused vacation days get forfeit after six months.”


“What are you talking about? My daughter is a model employee,” Her mother nagged, with an offended expression that made Gyuri smile.


“That’s settled with the company, and so is everything concerning my bank accounts.” Gyuri went for the next folder, “I’m leaving it to my mom if you don’t mind dad.”


Whatever good spirits her mother had, they left her body right that instant. She just stared at the bank booklet in front of her when Gyuri insisted, giving it to her, but her mother refused to open it. She was expecting that kind of reaction.


“I was thinking you could go to Taiwan,” Gyuri said.


“And what am I supposed to do there by myself?” Her mother asked, a tear finally falling down her face. 


“Remember that variety show we like so much. You know we wanted to try the... wonton noodles.” She explained.


“The wonton noodles.”

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Chapter 10 is up and this is it. We're finally reaching the end of the story. There are only a couple of chapters left 🥺 So let's all hope for a happy ending


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2026 streak #1
Chapter 10: Hold on!!! What's happening to her at the end? I would have commented it was illegal of you to leave us on a cliffhanger like this if this was the last updated chapter. Anyway, that was how they became friends? BTW who was that friend with him that was called a ladies man or something? Also, I wonder what Kyungsoo is up to after she ignored his calls like that. Will be back later to read more ^^
Chapter 14: My poor kyungsoo.. I'm so heartbroken for him.. i hope he will be alright.. i really want to ship him with gyuri, but now that Baekhyun is here, it's not possible anymore, isn't it?
I don't understand why gyuri is not getting better. Baekhyun has already confessed that he loves her, too.. so the illness should have been gone by now, no?
2026 streak #3
Chapter 9: I liked the way Anna and Minseok treated Gyuri especially Anna. They were sweet and talking about sweet, wasn't Kyungsoo the best? Her running away from him and hiding from him from the embarrassment and yet he was being the sweetest... Anyway, can't wait to read the part 2 of this, especially after how you ended this chapter. But will be back later to do so ^^
Chapter 14: Kyungsoo ahh😭😭😭my heart BREAKS for him! The last line???? Really both of their last lines, ugh my heart 😭😭. Baekhyun so human; shortsighted, a little selfish, not able to read the room. And there is Kyungsoo in love with someone who’s in love with someone else risking the very disease he overcame once before. I feel like the blood anomalies are a good sign but I can’t tell??? Is Baekhyun who clearly loves her but is no longer in love? Is that how he’s escaped the curse? You have written this so well combining the fantastical with medical like this
Chapter 14: Baekhyun will do anything now to try and help her. He’s the whole reason why we are crying right now but at least he will do anything for her…but it feels too late.
Kyungsoo broke me. His panic attack, his whispered words to her. I am so sad :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
2026 streak #6
Chapter 8: Before I read the very last para, I was kinda getting pissed off at Minseok for asking Kyungsoo not to get too attached to her. But then the last para kinda made sense and understandable too. He was just caring for his friend. Nonetheless, this chapter was fun but I wonder how she's gonna react when she sober up later. I mean the crazy things she did/said while drunk is giving me heavy secondhand embarrassment. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 7: I definitely enjoyed reading this chapter. Those two were really lovely and their unofficial date was more than enjoyable. Except for the fact of Baekhyun appearing and acting up, everything else was great. I can't wait to see her parents warming up to Kyungsoo. Also, they are not aware of Baekhyun being the cause of their daughter's illness right? Not that I blame him entirely for it. Regardless, was that stranger at the store and introvert like Gyuri? And I'm curious of Kyungsoo and Gyuri's plan at the end. Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #8
Chapter 6: I'm still not sure how to feel about Baekhyun and his way of doing/saying things that kinda makes me look possessive. Special appearance by manager Minseok was much appreciated. Wonder if he'll make any future appearances and I'd like for him to get along with Gyuri and maybe reveal some embarrassing stories of the ever cool Kyungsoo. And speaking of Kyungsoo, isn't he the sweetest? Rushing over to her every time she sends an SOS. Anyway, I can't deal with the way the chapter ended and its implication. Maybe there's some twist (which I'm really hoping for, with fingers crossed). Nonetheless, I'll be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #9
Chapter 5: This chapter was really enjoyable. But I'm curious though, what do you meant by this being the first chapter in your a/n? Now that I've gotten it out of the way, I definitely enjoyed reading this chapter. Those two on a date (even though they weren't officially) and how they were with each other at that human statue fest and everything was so nice despite the pain of the curse. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But I will be back later to do so ^^
AiiSoo #10
Chapter 13: TT… Not when both of them finally confessed..!! I don’t know anymore. I thought Gyuri will be fine once they confess and profess their live for each other. Or maybe it was too late? If Gyuri didn’t survive this time, what will happen to Baekhyun? and Kyungsoo? My poor Kyungsoo… TT..
Thank you for this update..! The angst is beautifully written in this chapter. I can feel Baekhyun’s anguish upon learning and seeing Gyuri’s condition.