Dive down deep into her sound/But not too far or you'll be drowned

Caution: Love Ahead

Yoo Jimin never had time for anything else, but swimming would always have a place in her schedule.


She had been the youngest member of the neighborhood swim team for three years now. During summer breaks, they would often join swim meets and participate in relays, sometimes playing water polo for fun. It was a great recreational activity that was both enjoyable and healthy for Jimin who had been focusing on nothing but academics. Her teammates were great friends and older brother and sister figures as well so needless to say, Jimin had fallen in love with her team as much as the sport.


However, it wasn’t in her wildest dreams that one day, Kim Minjeong, object of her frustration and headache, would coincidentally meet members of the said team. It wasn’t on her planner nor in her organizers. In fact, it was the last thing she would want to happen.


Just thinking about it already sounded like the secret recipe for chaos. Unfortunately for Jimin, before she could even have that idea, it was already happening.


“Yo, Yooji! I didn’t expect you to bring a plus one.” Im Jinah greeted, seated at the other end of the pool with the others and the glint in her eyes only spelled trouble.


Jimin had frozen halfway through the poolside, staring at her team horrified with a clueless Minjeong beside her, eyes going back and forth from the group and to the older girl.


Okay, she didn’t expect this. They weren’t supposed to be here. The practice was supposed to be tomorrow. What were they doing here?


“Jimin! Quit standing there and introduce us!” Yoon Bora yelled along with exclamations of agreement from the others.


Minjeong let out a low whistle, “Wow, that’s a bunch of hot ladies in one place.”


Jimin elbowed her. “Get a grip.”


Minjeong immediately held on to her arm. “Yup. Gripping real tight.” she grinned at Jimin’s judging grimace. “So. Fight or flight?”


As much as Jimin would like to flee, that wouldn’t be very wise. Knowing them, they would probably question Jimin out of her mind about things she herself didn’t have an answer to.


She glanced at Minjeong, looking so ready to fight yet at the same time had her knees bent to run if necessary, and sighed.


Operation gatekeep this cute , start.


“Let’s go.” Jimin grabbed Minjeong’s hand and finally approached her teammates.


Don’t get her wrong. It’s not that they were bad people. She just found that she didn’t trust them, or anyone else in that matter, around Minjeong. And vice-versa. Kim Minjeong, she discovered, was the type of person that would either be destroyed by the world, or be the one to destroy the world. There was no in between. Therefore, Jimin had taken it upon herself to protect both parties from each other. For safety purposes.


Letting Minjeong and her teammates meet wasn’t as bad as she expected. No one died or got maimed. She first greeted them and introduced Minjeong as her “junior”, which the blonde didn’t seem to be very happy about.


“How’s school going?” Kwon Yuri, captain of their swim team, asked.


Jimin was sitting with her at one of the beach chairs, applying sunscreen while waiting for Minjeong to finish showering. The girl was taking too long, as usual. “Same old, same old.”


“Uh-huh?” A sly grin crept into Yuri’s lips. “I don’t know but that blonde girl doesn’t seem much like ‘the same old’.”


“I already told you, unnie. I’m just doing her a favor.” Jimin rolled her eyes. She already got enough eyebrow wriggles from everyone.


“So you’re really personally training her so she can get a puppy? Damn, if that isn’t love then I don’t know what is.”


“It’s nothing like that!” Jimin hit the laughing woman’s arm, face already feeling hot. “Can’t I bring a friend around here? You guys didn’t react like this when I brought Aeri over.”


“That’s because you didn’t defend Aeri from us as if your life depended on it.” Yuri pointed out. “You didn’t even let us shake Minjeong’s hand, you selfish brat. I mean, it’s not like we’ll bite?”


“Unnie, you do bite.” Jimin reminded her, “Besides, she’s just a child. An entire baby. I can’t let you be all over--”


Jimin’s defense was abruptly cut short when someone decided her lap was a free real estate, making her jump in surprise only to instantly relax, realizing it was just Minjeong. She was too engrossed in her argument with Yuri that she failed to notice the blonde approaching from the other side.


Minjeong just sat on her lap, staring blankly at Yuri who just stared back with a confused look that soon morphed into a laugh. “Hey, no need for that. I have a girlfriend and I don’t have any plans of stealing your candy.”


The blonde seemed appeased with that, nodding and visibly relaxing into the bewildered Jimin’s arms.


“Hey. You all ready?” she asked, shrugging off the weird communication she just witnessed.


Minjeong finally faced her, face still blank. What’s with her? “Sunscreen.” she said.


Jimin rolled her eyes but uncapped the tube anyway, dotting the cream all over Minjeong’s face and neck and gently spreading it over her skin. The blonde had made it a habit to have Jimin put sunscreen for her and while the older girl had refused at first, there was no denying those puppy eyes and that notoriously adorable pout.


Seated next to them, Yuri coughed. “So,” the older woman spoke and Jimin didn’t like the gleam in her eyes. “How long have you guys known each other?”


“Three years.” Minjeong answered, eyes closed, surprising Jimin because she didn’t seem like she was in the mood to talk. “This tall girl came up to me after drinking a good amount of the spiked punch at the acquaintance party with the lamest pick up lines, told me how pretty she thought I was at least twenty times, asked my hand in marriage, and told me to wait because she’ll definitely ask me out when she’s sober. Three years later and still zero dates so I guess she’s still pretty damn hammered as we speak.”


Minjeong opened one eye, staring straight into Jimin who had been frozen, confused out of her mind. She did that? During the acquaintance party? She couldn’t remember. Hell, she couldn’t even remember what she had for breakfast, what more a random night three years ago that involved alcohol? But Minjeong’s looking at her like she should.


Yuri whistled. “That tough, huh? I’m sure she’ll come to her senses soon enough.”


“Hmm, dunno.” Minjeong closed her eye and rested her head on Jimin’s. “Might get tired of waiting.”


Jimin stiffened, but before she could process why she was alarmed, her teammates had approached them, probably tired of playing pool volleyball. It turned out they spontaneously planned to gather today to destress, since most had been complaining about their respective work in the group chat.


They were, as Minjeong had ever so eloquently put it, a bunch of hot ladies. Jinah, Bora, Yuri, Hani, and Yujin had both the face and the body and when put together in one place, they were a steaming hot five star Michelin course. Jimin never really minded their out-of-this-world visuals until now. For some reason, she felt strangely worried today.


“What the hell?” Jinah said, teeth bared in a predatory grin as she wriggled her brows at Jimin’s arms that had instinctively wrapped itselves around Minjeong’s waist. “You guys are so cute.”


Yujin made a face while sipping her milktea, “Right in front of my milktea?”


Jimin chuckled and shook her head at their comments, but didn’t bother changing their positions. It was comfy. And she didn’t know where else to put her arms other than around Minjeong’s waist.


“So Jimin’s training you? For a puppy?” Hani asked, leaning forward on the backrest of Yuri’s seat. “What about I get you the puppy instead, huh?” she winked, which Minjeong just laughed at while Jimin’s tightening that hold on her waist.


Yujin slapped Hani’s arm, “Don’t prey on kids.” she chided.


“What about we teach you some top secret swimming techniques, hm?” Bora chimed in, “Just for today. C’mon, it’ll be fun!”


“Hey, that’s a great idea.” Hani agreed, “I mean, it’d be a waste if we don’t share our knowledge. Who knows when we’ll be able to meet again? Unless you’d give me your number?”


“Oh, stop it.” Yuri chided, bumping Hani's shoulder.


Minjeong spoke, “That sounds great but--”


“Yeah, I think that’s a wonderful idea.” Jimin said, making the blonde turn to her. “It would be a wasted opportunity if you don’t teach her a trick or two.”


“Sweet! Come on, let’s get warmed up!” Hani skipped to the open area, followed by the rest of the girls while Jimin nudged Minjeong to stand but the blonde refused to move.


“They’re very good swimmers. It would be very advantageous for you to learn from them. They taught me too after all. Just don’t stare too much or you’d get cramps.” Jimin poked Minjeong’s side. “Now, get off me. You’re heavy.”


Minjeong wouldn’t budge. “Why would I stare?”


“Because you like staring at pretty people?” Jimin replied, “You told me you like staring at me because I’m pretty. Now there’s five gorgeous people over there. It’s an eye fest, you can go knock yourself out.”


Minjeong shifted so she’s facing Jimin and clasped her hands behind the latter’s neck. “Jimin.”




“Are you jealous? Is that it?”


Jimin snorted, “No? Why would I be jealous?” she denied even as the cold, unpleasant block of unease and envy settled in the pits of her stomach at the thought of being replaced as Minjeong’s trainer. It was silly, so she tried not to dwell on it.


Minjeong broke into a smile, wide and gummy, eyes crinkling and the dimple on her cheek showing. “You don’t have anything to worry about.” she tapped Jimin’s nose, “I only have eyes for you.”


Her teammates gushed over Minjeong, fighting over themselves on who would get to teach her first, like overenthusiastic aunties fighting for their favorite niece’s attention. Jimin hung at the back, laughing at their antics from time to time and pretending that her heart wasn’t fluttering every single time Minjeong’s eyes would find hers and give her a small smile.




“Rock, paper, scissors!”


Minjeong stared at her fingers in disbelief while Yizhuo cheered and made annoying noises in the background. They were in the middle of the hallway and her friend’s loud voice was disturbing the classes but Minjeong didn’t care. Yizhuo would be the one to get punished anyway. She had lost an important game and would have to walk the devil to her next class which was, like, miles away.


“ your queen, peasant.” Yizhuo swung her arm over Minjeong’s shoulder and dragged her along.


It was supposed to be their class’s break but since Yizhuo took art as an elective, her schedule was a bit different. Not to mention how the class was a few floors up at the other side of the building. If Minjeong won, Yizhuo would’ve had to cut classes and play with her. Her defeat was a terrible one.


“Why’s your class at, like, the other side of the world?” Minjeong complained, dragging her feet. “Art classes and their tendency of feeling special, seriously.”


“It’s not even that far.” Yizhuo retorted, “Besides, aren’t you supposed to be, like, super fit now, mermaid?”


Minjeong rolled her eyes. “Oh, shut up.”


“How’s that going, by the way?”


“Well.” Minjeong started freestyling through the air, swinging her arms like an idiot, “I’m a mermaid now.”


“Oh my god, you’re embarrassing. Stop that.” Yizhuo slapped her arm when she started wriggling like a worm. “Tell me the truth though. Is this really still about the puppy?”


“It’s always been about the puppy.” Minjeong shot her a sideway grin. “But I won’t deny that I do have ulterior motives.”


“I knew it. God, you’re hopeless. Enduring borderline inhuman training just to have an excuse of spending more time with her? Whipped.” Yizhuo shook her head, “And how’s that ‘ulterior motive’ working out so far?”


Minjeong fiddled with her tie. If one would look closely, an embroidered ‘YJM’ would be seen on the inside of the fabric. What was the ulterior motive even? Annoy Yoo Jimin? Get closer with Yoo Jimin? Be constantly around Yoo Jimin? Yes, probably. Developing serious feelings for her, however, was definitely not part of the plan. Damn, this was just supposed to be a happy crush.


“I’m not sure.” she confessed. “But whatever’s going on right now...I like it.”


“Hmm,” Yizhuo gave her a look, “And what do you plan to do after this?”


“Dunno.” Minjeong shrugged, “Go back to normal?”


“What normal, like, causing little trouble here and there so you could keep going to detention and see her kind of normal?” Yizhuo scoffed. “Seems a bit pathetic to me.”


Minjeong scowled, “Then what am I supposed to do?”


“Oh, I don’t know, maybe ask her out?”


“I told you--”


“Okay, I know what you’re going to say so save it.” Yizhuo interrupted, having already heard that lousy party excuse way more than she’d like.


Minjeong huffed. “How can I ask her out when I’m not even sure if she likes me even just a little tiny bit?”


Yizhuo gaped at her. “Wow, are you really Kim Minjeong? What did you do to my overconfident friend?” she started shaking her. “Bring her back! Bring her back!”


Minjeong pushed her away. “Stop it, I’m just being realistic here.”


“A rare occurrence.” Yizhuo quipped, “Then since you’re a coward who doesn’t have a point but is too stubborn to listen to the voice of reason a.k.a me, then what about being friends with her? Just going back to how you were sounds too much of a downgrade for me.”


Minjeong took a deep breath. Friends sounded too dangerous. Too close. Yet not close enough. But…


Before she knew it, they had arrived outside Yizhuo’s class. The girl faced her before going in, “The festival is already tomorrow, unnie.” she reminded her, “Make up your mind.”


With that, she left Minjeong alone in the hallway with her thoughts. Heaving another sigh, the blonde started walking. To where, she wasn’t sure yet but wherever it was, she’ll get there. Much like her current predicament.


Maths were fun. Every problem would always have a solution that will lead to an answer. She liked it. Numbers were certain and exact. There was no ‘maybe’, only either correct or wrong. Life wasn’t like that, though. Life was full of problems with no solution, no instruction manual whatsoever. In life you just keep thinking, wondering, questioning--like those Greek philosopher dudes in her philosophy class who probably died with their chin stuck on their palm--yet never coming to a sure conclusion.


She aimlessly strolled along the corridors, wondering what Jimin was up to right now. Knowing her boring , probably in class. Or since it’s the eve of the school festival, she should be busy overseeing stuff. Maybe she should go look for her, bring a little color to her monochromatic life and all that jazz.


She turned around the corner and almost bumped into someone who jumped a few steps back in surprise. Their eyes met. Seems like Minjeong wouldn’t have to search far.


“Are you cutting classes again?” came Jimin’s predictable greeting, complete with a disapproving frown.


Minjeong grinned. She’s too cute. “Good afternoon to you as well, Ms. President, ma’am. Great guess but no, I am not cutting classes. Are you cutting classes?”


Jimin frowned, “Mrs. Lee sent me to do an errand.” she was about to leave when Minjeong automatically followed. “Where are you going? I thought you were headed that way.”


“Nah, I’m already where I should be.” Minjeong cheekily sent her a wink, “Right here with you.”


Jimin groaned. “Oh lord, why did I even run into you.”


“I’m thinking maybe...fate?”


“I’m thinking maybe bad luck.”


Minjeong laughed and even Jimin chuckled along. It had always been so easy with Jimin. Conversation flowed like a tranquil spring. “So where are you off to?” she linked their arms.


“Back to class.”


“Ever considered running off somewhere with me?”


“Wha--hey, where are we going?”


Minjeong had no idea but dragging Jimin along was fun. Maybe the cafeteria, ask her to buy her a drink or something. Or maybe she could sneak the girl out and bring her to her favorite coffee shop. Treat her some pastries. Something. Somewhere.


They were about to go downstairs when a random classical piece played from the speakers in the hallway. Jimin stopped in her tracks.


“Hey, what’s wrong?”


Minjeong’s question was answered by a rough pull. Her world spun. The nearest classroom door was opened and Jimin shoved her inside, locking the door behind them.


“Uhh, what?” Minjeong asked, feeling lost as she watched Jimin close the blinds and turn off the lights. The classroom was empty but there was clutter on the students’ desks. It seemed like they were out for gym class.


“Lockdown drill.” Jimin promptly answered, busy going around and securing the area. “Didn’t you recognize the alarm? I’m pretty sure your homeroom teacher briefed you about this already.”


“I don’t know, maybe I wasn’t listening.”


“Of course you weren’t.” Jimin dragged her away from the door and stuffed her under the desk before following suit.


Being cramped under the table made Minjeong feel dumb. Being cramped under the table with Yoo Jimin was a different matter altogether. It made Minjeong feel like her heart’s about to jump out of her chest. Still, she had to complain, otherwise the other girl might hear the crazy organ screaming in her rib cage. “Why do we have to do this? Gee, it’s just a drill.”


Jimin gave her a look, “You’re with the student council president, what do you expect?”


“How long will this take?”


“About an hour or more. It depends.”


So Minjeong would have to be stuck there with Jimin for at least an hour. , she couldn’t do that. She’d die of heart palpitations. “That’s it, I’m out of here.”


Jimin was quick to pull her back. “You are not going anywhere.”


The hold on her arm was cold and desperately tight. Soft light from the closed blinds illuminated the room and enabled Minjeong to see Jimin’s chalky complexion. Either she’s traumatized by lockdowns or… “Are you afraid of the dark?”


Jimin immediately let go. “No.”


“You are.” Minjeong decided.


“Am not.”


“Are too.”


“I said--”




“AAH!” Jimin screamed, flinching so hard she bumped her head on the table. Minjeong was too busy laughing her off that she didn’t notice the girl had already started crying. “I hate you so much.” she sniffled.


“Hey, are you seriously crying? Oh my god, you are. Where’s my phone? I gotta film this.”


“ you.”


Minjeong laughed harder, tears coming to her eyes. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry for grabbing your ankle like that. C’mere.” she pulled Jimin close in a side hug, rubbing her arm. “I don’t think we’re hiding properly,” she remarked, giggling at their outstretched legs out of the table’s safety.


“My legs are too long.” Jimin sounded miffed about it.


“Well, okay Mommy Long Legs, you know what would be romantic right now?”


“Whatever it is you’re thinking, don’t.”


Minjeong threw her hands in the air. “You wanna miss out on a drama worthy scene? Okay, your call.”


Jimin snickered, “You already ruined whatever mood there was when you grabbed my ankle like that.”


“I wasn’t aware there was a ‘mood’ going on.”


“I wasn’t saying there was a specific mood going on.”


“Be honest, there’s actually no lockdown drill and you’re just making excuses so you can have me all to yourself, right?”


Jimin laughed, and even in the dim light her beauty stood out. Minjeong watched every second, drinking it in. “You’re ridiculous.”


“So you really don’t want me to sing you a romantic song in an empty classroom with just the two of us?” Minjeong asked, wriggling her brows, resulting in another bout of laughter.


“You forgot the ‘sitting under the table’ part.”


“Shh. You really don’t wanna hear me sing?”


“You’re serious?” Jimin studied her, “You sing?”


“Oh, yes.” Minjeong solemnly nodded, “Like an angel.”


Jimin snorted. “Right. Let’s hear it then.”


Minjeong wasn’t able to hold back a thrilled giggle. She had always wanted to do corny stuff like this. “Okay.” she cleared , “Trigger warning: you might fall in love.”


And to Jimin’s rolling eyes, Minjeong started singing,


Play this song for me, can you hear my heart?

Melody that resembles us, I place it as is by your ears.


She rested her head on Jimin’s shoulder to avoid the girl’s stare because as confident as she was, she’s also starting to get nervous.


Can you feel it? That moment, that day’s feeling.

Oh, I love,

Oh, I love,

Oh, I love the way we flow.


Singing was something that came easy to Minjeong. Melody would just randomly burst out of her lips at any given time. She had no qualms performing to a crowd but singing to someone who also turned out to be her biggest crush might be making her a teeny bit conscious. Yet Jimin attentively listened, like she always did.


La da da la da di

Oh, I love,

Oh, I love,

Oh, I love the way we flow.


La da da la da di

Oh, I love,

Oh, I love,

Oh, I love the way we flow.


Minjeong stopped there, grinning up at Jimin to mask her sudden jitters, though her burning cheeks probably gave her away. The girl just kept on wordlessly staring at her and it was making her squirm.

“You know, this is the perfect time for us to kiss.” she blurted out, as was her tendency whenever she got flustered. She expected to get a rough retort from Jimin and completely dispel whatever ‘mood’ it was that had fallen upon them.


What she didn’t expect was the soft lips on her cheek, a fleeting brush that couldn’t even pass as a kiss more than it was a touch but it was enough to make Minjeong’s brain short-circuit. Oh my god. Oh my god. Holy . Holy . Holy ksdjfs--


“Drill’s over. Let’s go.” Jimin said, casually checking her phone and getting up to her feet as if she did not just make Minjeong seriously contemplate on every good deed she’s ever done in her life to deserve what just happened in the span of three seconds.


Minjeong sat there, staring at space with no thoughts, head empty, just Jimin and her soft lips on her cheek like holy , holy , holy--


“Kim Minjeong, hurry up!”


Minjeong scrambled to her feet, “Yes, ma’am!”




Their school’s cultural festival was one of the most anticipated events every year. Two days of leisure, events, sports, and fun--an open event that cranked up the chances of meeting cute visitors from other schools. However, it also meant months of preparation and hard work for the people behind the scenes.


It was supposed to be a time of enjoyment but Jimin was too busy running around making sure everything was coming along well. She checked each class’s booths, the schedule, the flow of the program, and the set up for every event that will be held. And that’s before the festival could even start.


Now, she sat before the entire student body, waiting for their principal to finish her droning speech. To others, she might look alert and attentive but in reality, she was actually just executing the art of zoning out without being obvious that she had long before mastered.


Staring off into space, Jimin’s brain flew to outer space. Spaceships. Planets. God when will this end. Satellites. Aliens. Stars that Minjeong liked so much--Minjeong?


Jimin rapidly blinked, soul returning to her body upon realizing she had been unintentionally staring at the girl whose bright hair stood out in the sea of black. Minjeong noticed, obviously, and had been making weird faces for God knows how long.


Jimin frowned, What are you doing?


Minjeong grinned, crossed her eyes, scrunched her nose, wriggled her brows--basically doing everything to mess her face up--and waved, Hi?


Jimin pursed her lips to suppress a smile, finding her adorable. She wasn’t sure but something shifted since she heard her sing yesterday. The kiss was a mistake on her part though. She had done it with the intent of making Minjeong have a taste of her own medicine and though the blonde’s rare flustered state was definitely worth it, the way it replayed over and over in her head wasn’t, not to mention the horrifying ‘what-ifs’ that popped in her brain.


Their principal was still going. Minjeong pretended to fall asleep, mouth agape and all, and Jimin almost lost it. She lifted a hand to hide her grin.


“Hey,” Mark elbowed her, “It’s your turn.”


“Oh. Um, right.” Jimin cleared , throwing the snickering Minjeong a glare as she stepped up to the podium. She reminded everyone to observe proper behavior and read out the dos and don'ts and the schedule of the events that day, “...lastly, fifty meters freestyle swimming will be at 3:00PM.” her eyes went to the blonde who gave her a thumbs up, “Good luck. Now for the musical events...”


The day went by in a blur. Jimin fussed over everything and it was worrisome to watch. She just wanted to get everything done as soon as possible and Aeri who had been witnessing everything finally couldn’t take it and pulled her aside before she could take off to check the next booth’s progress.


“Whoa, there, Yooji. Why are you even roving around like you own the school or something?”


Jimin shook her head, “Mrs. Lee put me in-charge of the booths. I just want to get it done.”


“Come on, you’re a student. They don’t pay you for this. Besides, you still have two hours before the match.” Aeri said. “You won’t miss her game.”


Jimin frowned, “Of course I won’t.” she said. She didn’t suffer through an entire month of Minjeong’s loud just to miss it. She would drop everything if she had to.


“Then why are you in such a hurry--oh,” Aeri paused, coming to a realization. She leaned closer, and whispered, “Are you having bowel problems?”


“What? No!” Jimin hit her arm.


Aeri hit her back. “It’s either that or you just can’t wait to go and see her!”


Jimin looked away. ”


“Oh my god, you do want to see her!”


“Lower your voice, it’s not like that!” Jimin chided, ears feeling hot. “I just want to check on her. I mean, her condition. If she’s ready. What if she’s not feeling well? Or what if she’s having cold feet? I wanna be there and slap sense into her just in case.”


“Look at you being a huge worrywart, how cute.” Aeri mocked, earning another slap on her arm. “Ouch, just go see her already. I’ll tell Mark to take over.”


“But I don’t want to bother him.”


“Oh, believe me. He’ll need the distraction after getting pulled into that pocky game with Haechan.”




“Yes, I’ll tell you the details later now go, shoo! Or else I’ll give the kissing booth a tip to set you and Minjeong up.”


Running in the hallway was prohibited, even during the festival. Jimin had always respected that rule, but at that moment, she cursed whoever it was who made that a thing. Her long legs were of good use for once, she thought as she power-walked through the hallways.


Class 3-A’s haunted house booth was well-decorated. Spider webs crawled along the ceiling and bloody red handprints were stamped all over the windows. A huge Scream mask hung at the door as though warning all those who dared enter. As Jimin didn’t, she was about to ask the students posted outside the door when she realized it was Yizhuo and Minjeong in their halloween costumes.


Yizhuo was a fabulous vampire complete with the burgundy makeup and fake fangs while Minjeong was...a clown. Jimin briefly wondered who chose their outfits but knowing Minjeong’s weird , they probably picked them themselves.


Jimin’s not going to lie though. She’s relieved Minjeong’s enjoying herself and not worrying about the competition to death--unlike her.


“I thought this is supposed to be a haunted house, not a circus.” she greeted, walking up to them.


“Jimin-unnie!” Minjeong beamed and it really shouldn’t be possible for someone to still look cute in that ridiculous costume.


“Do you want to come in?” Yizhuo offered, speech a bit garbled by her sharp dentures. She rocked the vampire look so much she could pass as a real one.


Jimin was quick to shake her head, “No, I’m here for the clown.”


Minjeong stomped her feet. “I’m not just a clown!” she waved the red balloon in her hand, “I’m IT! Pennywise! I even spray dyed my hair red!”


Yizhuo and Jimin exchanged looks, you hear someone?


“Okay, clown.” Jimin conceded. “Have you eaten?”


Minjeong nodded. “Yeah.”


“How’s your condition?”


“I don’t know, pretty good, I guess.”


“Did you sleep well last night?”


“Yes but I was missing someone too much.”


Jimin paused, frowning and ignoring Yizhuo’s cough. Missing someone too much? Lucky someone. “Good for you.” she didn’t mean to sound so bitter. She started to leave, seeing Minjeong was up and ready without a single trace of anxiety. “Don’t be late for the warm ups.”


“Did you come here just to check on me?”


“I was just passing by.” she lied before getting out of there.


As soon as she got back to their classroom, Aeri whisked her away. To have some fun, she said. And because Mark refused to stop doing Jimin’s rounds. Turns out Aeri was right. That pocky game really gave him much to think about.


Without the burden of student council duties and her worries about Minjeong, Jimin allowed herself to have some fun. Arm in arm, she and Aeri went around trying out different booths (except the haunted house, of course), grabbing all sorts of food from the stalls, and watching the teachers getting dunked in a vat of water which Jimin frankly enjoyed more than she should.


Thirty minutes before three, they hurried to the indoor pool to secure a spot. Jimin couldn’t stop squirming in her seat, heart bouncing as if she was the one to compete down there. She chewed on her lip. Minjeong would be fine, right? Jimin swore to God if the blonde somehow gets hurt, she’ll jump from the bleachers straight to the pool.


She tried to find Minjeong in the midst of the players warming up but it was difficult, as they were all wearing the same swimming gear, complete with goggles and caps hiding the bright hair Minjeong was infamous for.


Aeri put a hand on her shaking knee. “Go.”




“I think you can go look for her downstairs.”




“Uhh, Kim Minjeong, who else?”


“What makes you think I want to do that?” Jimin bluffed.


“I don’t know, maybe the way you’re tapping your fingers like a maniac.” Aeri rolled her eyes. “Just drop the tsundere cosplay and go, Jimin. I’ll watch your seat.”


Jimin nodded and at once hurried down to the pool but she couldn't seem to spot the blonde. She was about to approach the official when hot breath was blown to her nape, making her jump.


“Looking for someone?”


Jimin spun, finding a giggling Minjeong behind her. Her irritation melted. “Have you warmed up yet?”


“Yup.” Minjeong stretched her arms and legs. “I was taught by the best.” she winked.


Jimin gaped at her. Indeed, Kim Minjeong and her overflowing confidence never disappoints. “You feeling okay?”


“I’m feeling wonderful. I watched a lot of swimming videos last night. I think the real question should be, do you feel okay?” Minjeong smiled, “It’s cool and all but you shouldn’t worry too much. It’s not like I’m going to the Olympics or something.”


“Yeah, I’m feeling better seeing you with that swimming cap. You’ll look good bald.”


“Hey, I’ll always look good.”


“Participants! Standby!” the official yelled somewhere.


Jimin and Minjeong exchanged looks. Damn, Jimin’s heart was going wild for multiple reasons all at once. Minjeong stepped closer, grabbing her cold hands. “Hey, calm down. I’m a mermaid, remember?”


That made Jimin smile. Their first practice felt so long ago. She could still remember Minjeong’s first flailing attempts. The blonde has gone so far and it was suddenly making her emotional. Swallowing down tears, she nodded. “Yeah. Okay.”


“Give me strength?”


Jimin stared at the raised fist, contemplating, before blowing a kiss to her knuckles. “Good luck.” she said, “Do it for the puppy.”


Minjeong’s already walking away backwards, “Nah. I’m doing it for you, babe.” she sent Jimin one last heart-stopping dimpled grin before jogging up to where the participants were huddled up.


Jimin dreamily sighed. Damn it, Kim Minjeong.


When she got back to her seat, Yizhuo had joined them and even brought snacks that Jimin couldn’t really swallow. She wrung her clammy hands, eyes fixated on Minjeong’s figure. The whistle echoed, making her flinch, and she watched as they stepped onto the starting block.


“Take your marks.”


They got into the starting position and Jimin was gripping Aeri’s arm tight. The signal was given and the players dived into the water and propelled like missiles.


Pride swelled in Jimin’s chest as she witnessed the mermaid-ification of Kim Minjeong. The blonde was doing better than she expected. The competition was tight, and Minjeong was keeping up.


“Yes! Make use of those heavy arms of yours for once!” Yizhuo hollered and Jimin could sense the underlying spite.


“Paddle harder, !” Aeri joined in.


As much as Jimin wanted to cheer, she was too busy holding her breath. Minjeong’s form looked good so far. The blonde really listened to her team’s advice, seeing as to how she’s keeping a mild pace instead of pouring it all out at once.


Minjeong was neck-to-neck for first place with the participant at the third lane. Jimin couldn’t believe it. In the span of twenty five seconds, the race was over.


Jimin was instantly on her feet, making a wild dash to the stairs and ignoring everyone who told her she couldn’t go down yet. Minjeong was sitting at the side of the pool, swimming cap and goggles off, combing through her wet blonde locks.


Minjeong saw her coming, “Jimin--”


Jimin tackled her in a hug, not caring that her clothes were getting wet. She squeezed her tight. “You did great.”


“But I only placed second…”


Jimin buried her face in the crook of Minjeong’s neck, grinning wide. “I’m so proud of you, you clown.”


No matter what the results were, Kim Minjeong would always be the champion in Jimin’s heart.


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A little late but YAY THIS STORY GOT FEATURED 🥳🥳🥳 thank you for loving and supporting high salt, low sugar jimin and puppy eyes™ minjeong's journey ❤️


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MmmmBUTTER 0 points #1
I have read this fic many times now since I first found it. It is still so good and definitely one of my all time favorites and it's just written so god damn well.
375 streak #2
Chapter 1: 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
taenggo09 11 streak #3
Chapter 5: dang!
why is this so cute?
i keep smiling all the time reading this fict (i'm not usually smile)
thanks for this story author
Kmjcentric #4
Chapter 5: This is actually beautifully written. It makes me want to inject this story into my brain. This might be one of my favorite fanfics now!!! Kudos to you author
Kmjcentric #5
Chapter 4: Not MJ flipping the table for a date😭😭😭
And also JM👀 Nice move you got there Yu
Kmjcentric #6
Chapter 3: Jimin's 'tsundere cosplay' is starting to melt😆
Kmjcentric #7
Chapter 2: This is ing adorable
Kmjcentric #8
Chapter 1: First chapter and Jimin's alreadys gay panicking over MJ owemji😭😭😭
154 streak #9
Chapter 5: No other story can top this one!
154 streak #10
Chapter 3: Jimin is such a softie for Minjeong, omg I love them so much