Finding the Type

No Stage Like Ours
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"Miss Kang. Come to my office for a minute. I’d like to talk to you about something.”

Seulgi’s fingers stopped typing across her keyboard and she looked up from her laptop with surprise to find her professor, Dr. Goh, staring down at her expectantly.

Looking around the classroom confusedly, it took her a second to realize that she had been so immersed in typing ideas from the lecture into her notes, she had missed all her classmates fleeing outside after dismissal.

“Um, sure. I mean, yes, Professor. I will – I will just take a minute. If you will.”

Shutting her laptop and sweeping the messy stuffs on her table into her bag hurriedly, she quickly chased after the old man down the hallways as a hundred different thoughts flashed through her mind.

What was going on?

What was he going to talk to her about?

Seulgi thought that it could be about the short film script she had just submitted to him for assignment 3 days ago, but she didn’t see any reason for him to talk about it privately with her unless it was…really, really bad and in need of direct, face-to-face critique.

The thought made her cringe and nearly turned her around on her heels to sprint back to the classroom and hide under her table.

God, she wouldn’t survive a harsh criticism.

She had never been built to receive sharp words.

“Why do you look like you’re passing a kidney stone over there? Come and sit down.” Professor Goh gave her a mildly amused look as he gestured at the empty seat across his own.

Seulgi swallowed and did as she was told while trying to look less terrorized, if possible.

Get it together. Get it together. Adults can face a little critique without dying.

“So…” Professor Goh began, turning on his PC and pushing up his glasses on his nose as he squinted at the bright screen. “I’ve seen the script you sent me. Heart of Hers, isn’t it? The title of your short film?”

Seulgi’s fingers curled tightly on her lap as her palms sweated. “Um, yes, that will be correct.” She cleared . God, could she sound any stiffer? “Is there anything wrong with it…? Something I need to fix perhaps? I – I can do better with a little guidance, I promise.”

Professor Goh looked at her as if she had just sprouted out a second head. “What are you talking about? I was going to say that this is great! More than great actually, this is brilliant! I love the storyline and the characterizations. They are all exquisitely written.”

Seulgi’s jaw fell open.

He thought her script was great?

He actually called her here to praise her and not to criticize her?

She shook her head a few times to make sure that she wasn’t hallucinating. “I’m sorry, Professor. You…you like the plot? And the characters? You don’t think they need any fixing?”

Professor Goh let out a soundful laugh and took off his glasses. “Miss Kang, I don’t usually say this to my students because I believe that anyone who sits in college – for film industry, no less – must be adult enough to not require coddling, but I’m going to give you some leniency because you’re a very talented writer.”

Throwing his glasses onto the table, he scooted forward on his chair and fixed her with a serious, strong look. “You need to work on that pitiful self-esteem. It’s not going to get you anywhere, especially in this line of work. It doesn’t matter how great your writing is, you will be stuck behind if you don’t know your own worth.”

Mouth still hanging open, Seulgi blinked at him slowly as the words settled.

He shook his head at her stunned expression as if she was silly. “Look, I really like this script. I’m old and I’m not really big on technology, but I think this story tackles more, deeper issues than its – at first glance – seemingly superficial robot gig. A female humanoid letting her male maker think he is studying and toying with her when in fact, she is the one who’s been studying his traits and manipulating him to escape?”

Seulgi held her breath as she waited for his next verdict.

“It’s brilliant! Messed up, but brilliant. It brings to light all the issues of the objectification of women by men, the overualization, and also the unethical results all of these similar projects one day – in real life – if we allow them to happen without restrictions.”

Seulgi was still so stunned, she didn’t even realize that he had finished speaking until he blinked at her expectantly for an answer.

“Oh.” She said dumbly, the breath finally rushing out of her lungs in a big whoosh. It took her a couple more swallows to finally calm down and find her voice. “Thank you, Professor. That – that means a lot to me.”

Professor Goh waved her off as if it was nothing. “That is not why I call you here today, though. I could have easily said that in front of the entire class if I wanted. I call you here today because I want to ask you to make this film. Shoot it. The faculty will fund it.”

Now Seulgi was the one who looked at him as if he had just grown a second head. “I’m sorry, but I think I heard wrong –”

“The Busan International Film Festival is going to happen this mid-Autumn, in four more months. We haven’t had any decent entry to that festival for five years, which is terribly embarrassing for me as one of the ex-judges.” Professor Goh sighed. “I want this story to compete for the short film category. Shoot it. We will fund it. It’s going to be an indie-level production, so it won’t require too much fund anyway.”

Seulgi still thought that she was hallucinating.

All this time, she had only written for their college’s theatre plays and even those were scarce because she had to share parts with the other students.

To have an entire movie filmed and based solely on her writing?

With no one else’s vision but hers alone to produce?

In front of a huge film festival audience instead of their regular, small audience at college?

To say that she was both excited and terrified the hell out would be an understatement.

“I’m sorry, Professor, but this is so sudden and I have never filmed a movie before – I…I’m not even sure if I can gather an entire filming crew in such short notice – Are you sure you want this one to be filmed –"

“You are a screenwriter. You don’t gather the filming crew. That’s a producer’s job. I will be the producer. I already have my regular crew, director, and casting director.”

Seulgi still thought that he was joking with her. At this point, she was blinking so much, he probably thought she was going blind.

“You get any more question, Miss Kang? Or has the instruction been clear enough but you are just trying to find excuses to bail out because you are scared?”

Seulgi opened but closed it again because okay, that one hit too close to home.

But how on earth was she supposed to take this in stride with no worry? She had never been afforded such a big responsibility before.

She was just…her.

“Miss Kang, if you really refuse this opportunity, then you may as well just quit your study and start thinking of another profession.” Professor Goh sighed impatiently.

“The Busan International Film Festival is one of the most renowned film festivals in Asia. Even big filmmakers from other countries fly in and come to see it. If you do it right, it will shoot your name out and gain you massive network. It’s practically a golden key to your future career. My question is, are you sure you really want this career? Or are you too terrified to do it?”

When Seulgi looked at him and found serious question in his eyes, something in her clicked together with fire and she decided that she would do it.

She would do it even if it killed her.

Because she wanted this and because the old man was right: she would be stupid to refuse this golden opportunity simply because she was too wimpy.

“I will do it.” She said, voice shaky but clear nonetheless. “I will shoot it. Who should I start meeting with to set everything up?”

Professor Goh reclined on his chair with a satisfied smile. “Talk to my teaching assistant, Lay. He will explain to you further about the details.”




“One iced Americano for my frowny friend.”

Seulgi startled from her phone screen and looked up to find Sooyoung staring at her with a lopsided grin as she placed the cold-sweating plastic cup on her table.

“Thanks, Sooyoung. You don’t have to deliver it to me, though. I could have picked it up at the counter like everybody else.”

Sooyoung shrugged and threw herself onto the seat across hers. “I don’t mind. Besides, I’m just looking for an excuse to sit my down. My legs have been screaming at me for standing up for 6 hours. This part-time job, man…I hate capitalism.”

Seulgi laughed as she took her cold coffee cup. “That’s big coming from someone who majors in finance.”

Sooyoung waved her off as if she had said nothing. “That’s totally irrelevant. I can hate capitalism while ruthlessly capitalizing.” She looked around the café to see if her boss was around and then turned back to her once she was sure that she was safe. “Please tell my grumpy boss that you were the one who asked me to sit down if she pops out and gets mad?”

“Sure. Only if my next Americano is free, though.”

“Look at you.” Sooyoung gasped and pretended to clutch her heart in shock. “Already embracing Seoul’s full-blown capitalism to heart and exploiting a friend in need. Our old high school friends back in Sokcho will be terrified to find out.”

Seulgi laughed and hurled a small ball of tissue paper at her. “You’re so dramatic. Time like this makes me remember that you used to be in the drama club too back then.”

“Well, acting professionally didn’t really work out for me, but I figure that I will keep my dramatic flair in real life.” Sooyoung flipped her hair with flourish to prove her point.

Seulgi smiled. Her high school friend had tried to go on auditions too when she first arrived in Seoul around the same time as she and Joohyun, but after one year, she had decided that the profession wasn’t made for her and applied to a finance course at a neighboring college instead.

So far, it seemed to work perfectly well for her and Seulgi was happy for her.

“God, I can never handle the constant scrutiny and critics.” Sooyoung shuddered. “And don’t even get me started on the rampant ersion and the toxic competitiveness.” She grimaced. “I enjoy acting, but I certainly don’t enjoy all of those things.”

Seulgi scrunched her nose and nodded slowly in solidarity. Not that she had ever really experienced any of those. Nobody really paid attention to screenwriters, but she had heard more than enough instances from Joohyun.

“Joohyun said it all the time too. I guess it’s true then.”

“Oh, it so is.” Sooyoung grabbed her coffee and proceeded to sip on it without even asking for her permission. Seulgi rose an eyebrow, which was promptly ignored.

“A lot of people can act and can be actors, but it takes a special kind of person to thrive as a star, you know?” Sooyoung continued after a big gulp. “Mind of steel. Heart of steel. That person must pretty much have everything in herself or himself made of steel. Well, more so for women, I believe. Joohyun, our dear friend, is the perfect example for that.”

Sooyoung made a gesture with her hand at the two of them. “Look, you and me, normal people, alright? We crumble under pressure, critics, and scrutiny. Her? Abnormal person who thrives under pressure, feels challenged to turn critics into acclaims, and revels in public scrutiny because it means that people can’t shut up about her.”

She leaned back on her chair and laughed. “I’ve always known since we were in high school that if any of us would hit it big in life, it would be her. She’s way too determined to not hit it big. She already worked her off when we were all still busy fretting about boys, worrying about prom dress, and whatnots.”

“Well,” Seulgi sighed, knowing that it was true but feeling sour because that same admirable determination had perhaps, gone too far lately. Not that she would say it to Sooyoung. Joohyun had trusted it only to her and Krystal, so she would carry it to grave. “Not me, though. I don’t think I really…fretted over boys.”

“That’s true.” Sooyoung clicked her tongue and gave her an assessing look.

Seulgi suddenly squirmed uncomfortably on her seat.

“Now that I think about it, you really never fretted over boys, did you? Have you not find anyone worthwhile in your college too?”

Seulgi scrunched her nose and shook her head slowly.

There were…several boys showing interest in her before, but she had never agreed to go out with any of them because she didn’t feel anything about them.

Most of them felt way too…brash and too rough for her.

She wanted someone softer, both inside and outside.

She didn’t even fully understand what it was that she wanted – if it was even possible to find a guy like that – so she had been alone for longer than she cared to admit. “I’m not seeing any guy.”

“Damn. And here I thought you were frowning at your phone when I got here because a boy you were supposed to meet here stood you up for another date.”

Seulgi laughed. “That’s a very negative thought. I was just trying to reach Joohyun, silly. I have something to tell her.”

“Oh? She didn’t come to her class today?”

“Nope.” Seulgi sighed. “Truth to be told, she is barely at college at all these days. She’s always out shooting something. A CF, a movie, a drama, a variety show, you name it. I don’t even really see her anymore in our apartment. I saw her more often when we were living apart in Sokcho. How ironic is that?”

Seulgi only realized that she had sounded a little too bitter when Sooyoung passed her iced coffee back with a concerned look. “Girl, take some drink and cool off. You need it.”

Seulgi snatched up the drink and cleared before taking a sip embarrassedly.

Maybe being stood up by Joohyun for their promised movie night last night was still grating on her nerves more than she realized.

They had planned to catch up with each other while doing a movie marathon like they used to back in the days, but Joohyun hadn’t showed up.

She didn’t even come home last night and she didn’t even call her to tell her beforehand.

Seulgi knew that she was terribly busy, but the least she could do out of decency was to fire a quick text to her apologizing that she would have to call off their plan.

Instead, she got nothing at all. Not even until this afternoon, so close to another sunset already. It irritated her – disappointed her – more than she wanted to admit.

“Alright. If our friend Joohyun is too busy for you now,” Sooyoung attempted to lighten up her obviously gloomy mood, “maybe you can start finding new friends too! I have some cool people from my college. Ooor –”

She paused and looked beyond Seulgi as the bell above the café’s door chimed. “You can hang out with that hot gentleman who just walks into the café and is currently fixing his clothes nervously while glancing at you. Are you actually here for a date, young lady? Don’t lie to me!”

Seulgi turned around to look over her shoulder and laughed when she saw who her friend had meant. “That’s my senior, you silly. We are here to discuss a project.”

Seulgi smiled and bowed her head politely – well, awkwardly, really – at Lay, who instantly stopped fixing his shirt and beamed at her.

“Seulgi, hi. It’s nice to see you again.” He walked over to her table with an awkward laugh.

Well, at least Seulgi wasn’t the only one in the awkward department then.

Sooyoung flashed a lopsided grin at her and stood up from her seat. “I better get working then. Enjoy your ‘project’ talk, Seulgi.”




“I’m sorry I’m late. Have you waited for a long time?” Lay settled on the seat across her and gave her a sheepish grin. “I wanted to come here as fast as I could but I had to wrap up grading some students’ papers first. Professor Goh has been giving me hell about it.”

Seulgi forced out a smile she hoped wasn’t too awkward. “It’s okay, really, sunbaenim. I’ve only been here for 15 minutes –”

“Please, just call me Lay. I’ve told you before to not act so formal with me. It makes me feel old.” He laughed.

“Right.” Seulgi tried to echo his laughter, but it just came out sounding like she was strangled. God, could she be any more socially inept? “I just…keep forgetting because I don’t usually talk casually with my seniors.”

“Well, I usually don’t either, but I, uh, I’d prefer that with you, if you don’t mind.” He smiled anxiously and then looked around at the ordering counter. “I’ll get us some pastries to snack on before we begin. Do you want any drink too?”

“No, it’s okay. I’ve had mine.” Seulgi lifted her half empty cup with an awkward smile.

“Alright then.” He smiled at her timidly and then fretted out of his seat to hurry over to the ordering counter.

Seeing him being just as nervous as she was slowly put Seulgi’s nerves to rest. She stared at the back of his tidy, blue dress shirt as he ordered and wondered how Joohyun could even think that someone like him would have any underlying motive.

Admittedly, Joohyun was annoyingly correct on the part that Lay was…interested in her in more ways than a senior would to a junior – he had tried to ask Seulgi out for coffee one too many times for Seulgi to still refuse to read the truth – but it didn’t mean that he had any bad scheme up his sleeves.

Joohyun was just…weirdly skeptical and full of irrational dislikes when it came to him – or to any other guy who had ever tried to ask Seulgi out, really.

She always went on and on about how awful most men were and how careful Seulgi should be, which was funny considering that she was the one who was always playing fire with boys.

Seulgi shook her head.

Could she stop thinking about Joohyun for a second?

Here she was, working through the biggest breakthrough in her study so far with a nice, handsome senior – who was a clever graduate student already ten times more mature th

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64 streak #1
Slow burn? Damn....
64 streak #2
Slow burn? Damn....
64 streak #3
Slow burn? Damn....
Winkle #4
Chapter 10: I miss them 😭
eunxiaoxlove #5
Miss thissss
Luvylynn #6
Chapter 10: Authornim! Where are you? Please. Please save me from this heartache and give us some update. You cant just leave me hanging authornim. This story hurts so good. Please come back.
reveluv316 805 streak #7
please give us an update
Chapter 10: please comeback authornim TT
It hurts me so much that this story isn't finished and stopped at this crucial moment 😭
Chapter 10: Please comeback 🥺