cat on an oak tree

Junk of the Heart


the first of a series of casual holiday seulrene fics. 12 days of christmas, 12 seulrene fics. 



i. cat on an oak tree


Joohyun didn’t have any plans for the holidays. It was something she hadn’t realized until her friend had brought up her own plans of a winter getaway at some fancy ski resort in the mountains. 


When the question had been returned to her, she'd been embarrassed to admit that she had none. Her other friends were either too busy or too tired with other matters, and Joohyun didn’t bother going anywhere solo. She didn’t want to pester her parents either, despite their insistence that she spend the holidays with them at Daegu. In retrospect, Joohyun figured she should've just made something up so as not to seem like a total bore with no life outside of her corporate job. Because apparently, having no plans whatsoever meant that Joohyun had no excuse not to do her friend a favor.


To cat-sit her white, odd-eyed Turkish Van for an entire two weeks while she was away. 





Although Joohyun had scarce experience with pets, she miraculously got along rather well with the cat. Contrary to her name, Scratchy, she was sweet, gentle, and well-behaved.


Well-behaved…for the most part, that is. Otherwise, Joohyun wouldn't be staring out of her window at the cat perched on a tree at least forty feet high, dialing the fire department on a Sunday afternoon. 


“1-1-9, what’s your emergency?”


“Hi, um, would it be possible to send someone over for some cat trouble?” Joohyun said sheepishly, knowing how ridiculous she sounded.


“Cat trouble?”


Joohyun shot Scratchy with a quick, grimacing look. “Yeah, I have no idea if the whole cat-stuck-in-a-tree is an actual thing you guys do, but my friend’s cat has been stuck for hours and I’ve tried everything to get her down.”


She really had. She’d tried to lure her with some catnip and tuna, used a broomstick for Scratchy to cling on, and for a split-second contemplated on seeing where her flexibility would take her, but the cat was just too far and too high up to do any good.


The dispatcher on the other side of the line sounded amused at the least, and reassured Joohyun that help was on the way.


After the call disconnected, Joohyun finally let her body relax against the window frame. "You hear that, Scratchy? Help's on the way," she said, rewarded with silence and an odd-eyed stare. 





Help arrived about ten minutes later, in the form of a woman who looked no older than Joohyun. She didn’t know what to expect from a firefighter - she never really knew one - but this one definitely didn't have Joohyun's idea of someone with a face who's seen a fire up close, let alone been in a fire. Yes, Joohyun thought she was pretty.


The woman walked across the street to where Joohyun had been waiting and greeted her. “Hi, my name’s Seulgi. You must be Bae Joohyun? The one who called about…”


“About the cat situation? Yup, that would be me. And that would be the cat in question,” Joohyun pointed up to the tree behind them.


Seulgi raised her eyebrows. “Oh wow. That's pretty far up, isn’t it?”


“Yeah, I'm really sorry for the trouble,” Joohyun apologized. "I don’t know what she was thinking going up there."


"Ah, no worries. We haven't been very busy lately anyway, which is a good thing," Seulgi mused. 


Joohyun nodded affirmatively with a faint smile as they both looked back into the branches Scratchy found herself amongst. Beside her, Seulgi seemed to survey the area.


“What’s her name?” Seulgi asked.




"Hm, cute. Well, I think it's about time we get Scratchy down from there," Seulgi said, clapping her hands together. "I'll just move the truck a bit and bring her back in a jiffy."


"Thank you, Seulgi."




Joohyun stood from a small distance as she watched Seulgi get ready at the firetruck. When Seulgi removed her turnout coat, leaving her in a t-shirt and suspenders of sorts, Joohyun saw just how lean she was.


She wasn't stupid. She knew what to expect from a firefighter's physique, even underneath some bulky gear. But Joohyun would be lying if she said she wasn't attracted to Seulgi. Right then, and even the moment Seulgi’s coat had been zipped to the neck.


If she didn't know any better, she'd think Seulgi was doing it on purpose, rolling up her sleeves past her shoulders. Joohyun couldn’t help but let her mind wander to thoughts of Seulgi carrying people on her back, over her shoulder, in her arms- Which were things that Joohyun shouldn't have been thinking of at all when all Seulgi was here to do was fetch a little cat from a tree.


With the tiniest sliver of shame, Joohyun bade herself to tear her eyes away and instead look up at Scratchy and curious neighbors peeking from their windows. The cat would meow every once in a while for attention, preceding the coos and concerned remarks of her onlookers.


A revving started, and despite her resolve not to, the sound drew Joohyun’s glance back to the firetruck. The aerial ladder swiftly extended to the higher branches with Seulgi manning the control board. As it came to a halt, Seulgi put her gloves on before turning towards Joohyun’s direction and met her eyes with a warm smile. 


“I’ll be heading up now,” Seulgi told her, an arm ready to pull herself up the truck.


Ignoring the way the tips of her ears blushed as red as the firetruck, Joohyun smiled back and hoped the distance was enough for Seulgi not to notice. She’d just been caught staring.



Seulgi had her back to Joohyun the whole time, and the latter could only assume that Seulgi had reached the cat when she’d stopped moving. Scratchy’s meowing had stopped for some time as well, the occasional rustling of leaves all she could hear, until-


"Ah- ow!”


“Seulgi, are you okay?!” Joohyun asked in concern. No matter how much she tiptoed or craned her neck, she wasn’t able to get a good look at what was going on above.


“All good, don't worry! Just a twig!”


Shortly after, Seulgi was coming back down the ladder with a white cat hugged to her chest using one arm. Scratchy began to wriggle at the sight of her sitter as they finally reached the ground. 


“Here we go.” Seulgi passed her to Joohyun, who cradled the cat in her arms and gently petted the oddly unblemished fur. If their hands had touched in the process, Joohyun pretended it didn’t affect her.


In the face of the gripping reality of having Seulgi so near after the admittance of her fatal attraction to the woman, Joohyun was overcome with relief now that Scratchy was back in her arms at last. Scratchy must’ve felt the same because she was completely curled up against her, purring.


“Thank you,” Joohyun said softly. “I know this isn't exactly part of the job description, so it means a lot for you to take the time to come down and help.”


“It’s my pleasure. It’s not everyday we get to rescue a cat from a tree,” Seulgi laughed, looking at Scratchy fondly as she petted her head.




The woman looked up, staring straight into Joohyun’s eyes. They were so close. Joohyun thought her heart might have literally skipped a beat. “Yeah?” 


“You can- You should come up to my apartment to get something to drink before you go.”


Seulgi’s hand pulled away from Scratchy, dropping to her side. “Oh no, none of that's necessary. I should go ahead-”


“I insist. It's the least I can do.” Joohyun told her. Seulgi opened , but Joohyun beat her to it. “Please?”


Smiling meekly in resignation, Seulgi nodded. “Okay.”




Joohyun kicked her front door shut and placed Scratchy on the ground, who quickly walked off. She rubbed clammy palms on her pants legs and gestured Seulgi towards the kitchen table to take a seat. Seulgi laid her gloves on the table and looked around.


“What would you like to drink?” Joohyun asked, opening the refrigerator. “Juice, tea, coffee…”


“Water's perfect, thank you.”


Joohyun hastily took out a water pitcher and a glass, and brought it to the table. Scratchy had hopped onto the table while she was away, and indulged in the attention Seulgi was giving her. Joohyun found the sight endearing, pouring Seulgi a glass of water until she noticed a red splotch on her jaw just below the ear and realized that the woman had been cut.


She put the pitcher down and tilted Seulgi’s head to the side. “You're bleeding,” Joohyun confirmed worriedly. 


“I am? Ah, well Scratchy did kinda scratch me earlier,” Seulgi replied innocently.


“You said it was a twig,” Joohyun muttered, shaking her head.




“Wait here.”


She returned moments later with a small first aid kit and shooed the cat away as she sat in front of Seulgi. She held onto her chin and tilted her head to one side again. “Let me take a look.”


Joohyun gently dabbed the cut with wet cotton, soaking up the blood.


“Hey! Ow!” Seulgi grimaced.


Joohyun chuckled playfully and blew on the cut to ease the sting. “I expected a firefighter like you to be braver than this,” she teased.


Seulgi pouted at this, and Joohyun marveled at how she’d managed to survive this long. She finished cleaning the wound and placed a bandage over the corner of Seulgi’s jaw.


“Now I've got a battle wound to show off,” Seulgi joked.


Joohyun pulled away, smiling. She knew she wouldn’t be able to bring herself to look Seulgi in the eyes, so she fixed her gaze on the first aid kit instead, tidying the things she’d taken out.


“So does Scratchy usually do things like this?” Seulgi asked. “Like with climbing up the tree, I mean.”


“Oh no, she’s been so good up until now actually. I’m just taking care of her for a friend over the holidays.”


“Ah. You’re a good friend,” Seulgi said sincerely. The tone of her voice compelled Joohyun to finally look at her as she continued, “…I actually have cats of my own too. And though most people say they're low maintenance, taking care of them isn’t always the easiest thing either.”


Scratchy hopped back onto the table, nudging both Joohyun’s and Seulgi’s hands. “But they’re just the loveliest bunch.”


Their eyes locked, Joohyun wearing a tender smile that’d been there since Seulgi began speaking. With that alone, she felt more comfortable - less daunted but no less taken - in her presence. 


It was Seulgi who looked away this time as she cleared . "I, I should probably get going now. The people back at the station might be wondering what's happened,” she said, standing.


Nodding, Joohyun followed suit and they walked together towards the front door. “Right. Tell them you've been through a great ordeal,” she kidded with a gesture to the bandage on her jaw.


Seulgi laughed. “I will. Thank you for the drink, and for tending to…”


"Don't mention it,” Joohyun returned.


"See you around, Bae Joohyun. Happy holidays.”


“Happy holidays.”


Joohyun opened the door. "Goodbye, Seulgi."







When the door shut, Joohyun leaned against it and let out a breath. That was something.


She wondered if she had just imagined the entire thing. 


Once she convinced herself that the encounter was not, in fact, a figment of her imagination, Joohyun wondered if she'd ever be able to see Seulgi again…


Then came two knocks on the door. 


Joohyun’s eyes widened before she composed herself, turned around, and opened the door.


"Hey," Seulgi greeted.




"I forgot my gloves, sorry," Seulgi said, embarrassed. 


"Oh, yeah, come on in.” Joohyun opened the door wider for her to step inside.


Seulgi jogged to the kitchen table and quickly grabbed the pair of gloves. She paced back to the doorway, but not quite outside of Joohyun’s apartment just yet, stopping in front of her. "Got 'em. Thanks again."


"No problem," Joohyun softly replied.


They shared a look in silence as neither of them moved an inch. Then with an unexpected force, Scratchy nudged Joohyun’s leg with what felt like her whole body weight, sending her stumbling straight into Seulgi. Her hands wound around the straps of the firefighter's suspenders, doing nothing but pull them closer together like magnets. Seulgi’s own hands had closed about Joohyun’s shoulders to ensure she didn't fall.


Suddenly, all Joohyun could see, smell, hear, and feel was Seulgi. Whatever composure she previously thought she had was slowly crumbling away. 


Joohyun could feel Seulgi’s gaze flitter between her eyes and mouth. She knew, because she was doing the same thing. 


Seulgi finally moved to close the gap - or at least tried to - as Joohyun dodged her lips at the very last second, kissing Seulgi on the cheek instead. 


For a moment, Joohyun feared how Seulgi would react when she pulled away, but the delighted eye-smile on the woman’s face was enough to relieve her. 


Seulgi lowered Joohyun back flat on her feet and let out the most adorable giggle Joohyun had ever heard. "You know what, I know I’m technically on duty right now, but my shift ends in a couple hours, and um… say, do you have any dinner plans tonight? I'd love to have an evening with you. If that’s something you want.”


Joohyun felt Scratchy slithering back and forth between their ankles as she suddenly became aware of the unfamiliar smile that lifted her lips. She didn’t have any plans tonight. And she couldn't be any more glad.


“I’d love that too.”




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mga beks jose mari chan is actually my grandfather so im allowed to do this


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Chapter 1: just started reading and this is already so good
patotie #2
I don’t know if it was just my imagination but there was a new one-shot from this fic that I was planning to read the but I can’t seem to find it.
Chapter 12: Love it, thanks for this.
917 streak #4
Chapter 15: Reread this 🫠🫠
1120 streak #5
Better to be late than never so congrats in the feature authy 😁
2072 streak #6
2072 streak #7
Chapter 11: This story is so cute
2072 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
Grats on the feature!
2072 streak #10
Chapter 15: Congrats on the feature!