Brown Eyes


Trapped in the dark for years,
Not knowing what the day is,
Or the time,
Forgetting all the memories you once had,
Scary, isnt it?

But that was how life was for him.

He didn't know when it started but the only source of light he had were from his own body. He glowed dimly but just enough to light up the cavern he was trapped within for years. Decades maybe. He didn't know, he couldn't tell. He couldn't escape for chains held him down. He tried countless of time to break free either only to be captured again before he could escape or fail miserably. The people that he saw weren't people. To him, they were more monstrous than he was. He was frightened of them for they hurt him, forced him to stay and do their bidding. Why and how? He couldn't remember for it had been that long. He couldn't remember the feeling of sun upon his skin or water beneath his feet. He only knew of the cold darkness, sometimes the voice of the people but they were never comforting.

One day, he finally broke out.


i am prob obsessed with hybrid aus by now but its fine, its fine. hopefully they wont feel repetitive to u guys. also this was also meant to be a one shot but again man, i type too much and end up taking too much time to actually do other stories 
sorry not sorry xDD

Im Trying to complete straight to my heart but getting side tracked by nuest fic fest on twitter and also red luggage 

Last chapter tmr >< and then I'll have to focus on the prompt story and also red luggage so I can get back on track with stmy


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189 streak #1
189 streak #2
Amalina123 #3
Chapter 8: Sorry I’ve just finished reading ?
I... need time to digest this uWu someone being so sweet here
Minhyun-ah, don't show it too much. You're so naive in hiding your heart beat, it hurts me.
Thanks Axel for providing Baekmin daily supplies ?
purpleviper #4
Chapter 8: Uuuh..this is cute!! The ending, i caaaaan't...!!yes pls stay away from our Baekmin!! Except Aron ,lol

Thankyou author-nim ;)
minbaekhoe #5
Chapter 8: One of the softest baekmin fic out there!!!!!! Thank you for this masterpiece!!! Ily ?
NeenaKang #6
Chapter 8: Thanks for this lovely story ?
Chapter 8: Yey!!! Done!! Another awesome story author-nim!! Great work as always!! Thank you! The story was unique and interesting and sweet! Not the usual hybrid fic that I have read! Great twist at that shocking end part! And the best part is that its a happy ending!! :))
Looking forward to more happy baekmin endings from you author-nim! Fighting :))))
minbaekhoe #8
Chapter 7: Ooohh!! Is it almost over? I cant believe we're almost at the end!! I forgot this is just a short fic...
My guess is right!! Aron will be an ally! Baekmin needs one!
So apparently there's a war among wizards! And Baekho's energy is being used so Jonghyun's group can fight! And Baekho is the only one left from his kind?? Gosh! I love it!!
Chapter 6: JRen as villain??!!! Gosh!! Why????? My mind is still not accepting JR as the bad wizard who tortured Baekho!!!! Grrrrr!!!!
This looks impossible to solve but this is happy ending right author-nim?? Lol!!
I think Baekho is powerful enough to save them considering that JR is using his energy to power his magic!!.. also, we still havent read about Aron so hopefully he can help Baekmin???