The Beginning of Someday


Somehow, you’re never prepared for endings. Like no matter how hard you try to steel your heart against the inevitable pain, it still crashes into you like so many waves, sweeping you off your feet. That’s how it felt to love him. And when I lost him I wasn’t sure if I’d ever learn to move along with the current; those same waves threatened to pull me under. But Jimin Park saved me and at once it was like I was in the midst of the most beautiful storm.


Hey guys! Welcome to my newest story a Jimin angst fic that I've been thinking about for months. This isn't going to be as happy go lucky as my stories are usually and will be dealing with a lot of loss and pain, which I'm hoping to portray well for all of you. It's going to be a bit slow but I think it'll work out well and I do hope you all enjoy! 


PS: Jimin will be wearing glasses in this fic at almost all times... you're welcome! :D


All credit to Heaven in Hiding GFX shop for the poster! Heaven in Hiding shop

My newest book is currently free on Amazon starting tmrw, just search Keys to Happiness or make your way to my blog for the link!


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Pure_complications #1
Chapter 8: Are you going to update the story?
Pure_complications #2
Chapter 7: I like this story
Chapter 8: I just binged this story today and it's so beautiful. I cannot wait to see where you take this story. I'm a huge fan having read all of your other stories, and this one just sparks my curiosity!
Chapter 8: I feel a blossom of hope springing forth even though this story is now into fall chronologically. It is so hard to just move forward after tragedy, for Zayne to realize she has a crush on Jimin is huge.
This is just WOW! Thank you!
740 streak #5
Chapter 8: I’ve really missed this story, so thank you very much for updating. Zayne is finally able to take baby steps, so proud of her. She is also finally realizing that there is a connection with Jimin. I love the fact that he instinctively knows to take things very slow, and handles her with kid gloves. Awesome chapter. Write whenever you can, we aren’t going anywhere.♡
Chapter 7: thanks for the update!
gnoboange #7
Chapter 7: Well u still be working on this book?
Chapter 7: Hi! I have never tried therapy. I have considered it at least a couple times but I am from a small town and the services provided would be....meh. So I try to overanalyze my feelings and thoughts to the point where I upset myself all over again.
Oh well.
Thank you for the update!!
740 streak #9
Chapter 7: Happy New Year and thank you for the update. To answer your question, I have tried therapy a couple of times and did not find it particularly helpful. Rather than focusing on my needs, they always veer off in a different direction and try to micromanage my life. One doctor even went so far as to tell me that I would make a good psychologist. My reasons for being there in the first place were never addressed, and it somehow always became personal for them. I am not soured on the whole concept though, and would not be averse to trying again.

This was a good chapter. Not sure if it’s what you were trying for, but I think she’s making more progress than she realizes. Just the fact that she even thought about confiding in Jimin pointed to a big shift in her emotions. Being comfortable with someone is not something she has felt since Jaime. Can’t wait to see what happens when she takes a leap of faith and walks into the restaurant.