Make Believe

Tiny Owners of a Dry Eden

It had been a few years since Wendy breathed in Seoul’s air.  


It didn’t change, she thought. It wasn’t entirely right, of course. There were several skyscrapers that weren’t built when she left. The city got louder, people busily walking by the side roads. 


“You look tired.” 


She looked at Chanyeol, who was sitting on the driver seat beside her. The guy was still the same. She remembered how he stood tall among the people who waited in front of the airport’s arrival hall, waving a banner that read, “WELCOME BACK, LOSER” with his goofy grin plastered wide on his face. 


“Should we just go straight back to the apartment?” Chanyeol asked as he kept his stare on the road. 


“I’m fine, Chanyeol-ah,” Wendy chuckled, once again reminded how delicate her friend was despite his big built. “I might be still in dazed after that grand welcome you threw me back at the airport.”


Chanyeol laughed at her tease, seemingly pleased that he could talk more about the surprise he threw. “I was going to make the banner by myself, but I got caught up by work. Imagine the phenomena it would be if the banner were made by the one and only Park Chanyeol.” 


Wendy snorted, she could imagine how it would be like if Chanyeol himself was the one who made the sign. It would be the combination of extravagant and beyond. “I should treat your boss or whoever that made you did overtimes.” 


“I know you’re playing hard to get, that deep inside you were actually crying in happy tears over my welcome,” Chanyeol nudged her slowly with an annoying smirk on his face, “And what can I say except you’re welcome?


Wendy groaned. “Please don’t start singing the whole tracks of the movie now.”


Chanyeol laughed out loud. “You are one particularly tough nut to crack. I’m trying my best here.”


“You are so lucky Baekhyun oppa tolerates you so much.” Wendy smiled through all his antics. Who would’ve thought that this guy with tattoos behind his sleeves likes to sing Disney songs in his meantime? 


“Since when do you like spicy food?” Chanyeol asked, eyes back on the road as the light turned green. He probably missed how Wendy tensed for a moment at his question. 


“I suddenly crave for it,” Wendy said, hand on her cheek, facing the car’s window so he couldn’t see her face. 


“I don’t think I have eaten tteok-bokki with you,” Chanyeol lightly remarked, not noticing the uneasiness in her voice. 


Wendy hummed in response. “Do you have your latest demo with you?” She asked instead, turning to Chanyeol to see a grin broke on his face. 


“It’s on my phone,” Chanyeol responded enthusiastically, explaining to Wendy how to play the asked file. Not long after, the music started playing inside the car. Chanyeol moved his head along the beat, pleased by his own music. 


“Wow, you’re good,” Wendy commented when the song ended. 


“I know, right?” Chanyeol grinned widely. “So, was it enough to convince you to sing one of my songs?” 


Wendy smiled. “Probably.” 


Chanyeol raised her eyebrows, not expecting that answer. “Wait, seriously?” He took glances to Wendy, expecting the girl to joke around but she just smiled at him. “I have been waiting for years for this!” 


Wendy chuckled through Chanyeol’s excitement. She didn’t think that she was ready to sing again. However, listening to his demo and watching his passion for it made her wanted to try. “There’s one condition though,” she smirked as terror clouded his face, “Can we eat something else? Now that I need to sing, I don’t think spicy food is good for my throat.”




Chanyeol brought her to a small diner that sold noodles. He said that it sold a great kalguksu which was perfect for warming up . “I have to take care of my singer, right?” He said right after they placed their order. It turned out that the noodle came in a generous portion. Chanyeol, however, gladly finished the remaining half that Wendy couldn’t. 


“You must’ve hit the gym a lot to stay in shape if you eat this much,” Wendy commented, amused at the guy in front of her drinking all the soup from the bowl.


Chanyeol hummed. “The gym among other things,” he said, wiping his mouth. His smile widened after seeing his friend’s furrowed eyebrows. “You know,” he continued, “I can always exercise at home too. Sometimes it’s more effective and exciting.” 


“What do you...” she paused, and then realisation washed her face as she looked at his smirking face,”...Park Chanyeol you jerk.” 


He laughed hard. “You and your vulgar mouth. I have just finished eating,” Wendy groaned, putting her hand to cover her face. 


“You should’ve seen your face just now,” Chanyeol grinned widely, pleased by Wendy’s reaction. “Are you finished? Should we go?” He said after he was done laughing at her. 


Wendy nodded, gathering her things. She looked at Chanyeol, who fiddled through his jacket’s pockets and then stood up to check his pant’s. “Wait, I will be right back,” he muttered before running outside the diner. 


Wendy chuckled. She stood up and walked to the cashier. “Hi, yes. I would like to pay.” She had just finished the payment when she felt a hand on her shoulder. 


“Why did you pay? It should’ve been my treat,” Chanyeol complained, muttering that he should not have left his wallet in the car.


“It’s alright,” Wendy dragged the guy out of the dinner,” You can always pay next time.” 


They were just out when Wendy saw her. 


Her heart dropped. It happened vastly, how they exchange glances, how her mind prayed that the girl would not notice. How Wendy wished that they could just cross paths without her recognising who Wendy was. 


But the universe always played it cruelly. Wendy saw how the girl’s small eyes widened, how a smile was formed on her face.


“Oh my God. Seungwan-ah?”


Wendy could see the happiness that screamed blatantly on Joohyun’s face.


“Son Seungwan, it really is you!” 


Before she could proceed to what was happening, Joohyun was already engulfing her into a hug. 


Joohyun rarely initiated a hug to her. She could count on one hand the occasions where the older did. So, when she felt the tiny arms behind her back, Seungwan froze. 


Joohyun let go for a moment, staring into Wendy’s face before pulling her to another hug. “It’s you, Seungwan-ah,” she muttered slowly, only loud enough for Wendy to hear.   


Wendy didn’t hug her back, letting the older held her tight. She couldn’t, not when her mind shouting at her to run, not when a stronger feeling punched her gut and warmed her chest. Not when she didn’t know whether she wanted to disappear or dwell. 


“I can’t believe this,” Joohyun said, finally letting go of her hold. She, however, gripped on Wendy’s arm with both of her hands, as if she was worried that Wendy was going to disappear from her sight. Like Wendy would run away again. “Why…” she paused, before quickly correcting herself, “How have you been?”


Wendy did not know what she answered, but she must’ve said something as Joohyun hummed and smiled. She still looked at her like that, and Wendy hated it. It was not fair that Joohyun could stare at her like that without feeling anything. How can every wall she built for these two years collapsed with only a smile? “I got to go,” Wendy muttered, more to herself. 


“Wait, wait,” Joohyun stopped her, still holding to her arm. “Do you live here now?”


Wendy gulped. “No,” she faintly replied, looking away so she wouldn’t see Joohyun’s disappointment. Or worse, the lack of it. 


“Oh,” Joohyun still gripped on her arm, not letting go yet, “Then how long are you staying in Seoul?” 


Wendy looked at the girl, or she tried to. All she could see were the flashbacks of the countless nights they spent lying and talking, and the stolen glances she made every time Joohyun was not looking. “Not long.”


She could feel Joohyun’s stare on her. She knew that that the older was trying to read her, trying to find to what went wrong. It was as if Joohyun was searching for the reason they broke apart.


“I have to go,” Wendy tried again. She couldn’t stay. What if Joohyun sees through her?


“Do you still use your old number?” Joohyun asked, still clutching both her hands on Wendy’s arm. Wendy nodded quickly. 


Seungwan then felt a big hand holding her other hand that wasn’t gripped by Joohyun. “I’m sorry,” Chanyeol said, shooting Joohyun an apologetic smile, “We have an appointment that we can’t miss.”


“Oh,” Joohyun looked at him, before looking back at Wendy, “I’ll call you. Answer it, okay?” 


Wendy looked at Joohyun’s pleading eyes, and her heart wrenched. She clenched her grip on Chanyeol’s hand forcefully, but the guy stayed still as if he didn’t feel a thing.


“Seungwan? Promise me?” 


Wendy hummed, putting her best smile she could manage. 


Joohyun smiled back, slowly letting go of her hold. “Okay,” she muttered, “I’m glad that you’re alright, Seungwan-ah.” 


Wendy muttered something back. She doubted that Joohyun could hear it, but she couldn’t think about that. She had to go quickly. 


“Answer my call, Seungwan-ah.” She could hear Joohyun as she walked away. Seungwan didn’t turn back. She let Chanyeol guided her back to the car. 


”She went inside the diner,” Chanyeol whispered into her ear, “She’s gone now.” 


Seungwan said nothing. She said nothing as she got into the car. She said nothing as Chanyeol drove her back into his spare apartment. She said nothing as she opened the door, letting Chanyeol out after he helped her with the luggage. 


He stayed for a while in front of the door. Wendy expected him to ask her questions, but he didn't. “Rest well, alright?” Chanyeol held her shoulder, “Tell me if you need anything.” 


She nodded. She closed the door and went to her room. Her phone’s screen lighted for a while before it went dark again. She looked at the notifications. 



Three missed calls.


She sighed, about to drop back her phone when a text popped up. 


Seungwan. Please.


Her heart stopped for a moment, before pounding so loudly that it was ringing in her ears. 


She wasn’t supposed to feel this way. Not now, not then. Not ever. 


Wendy was supposed to be satisfied with being friends. They were not meant to be something else. She was not allowed to ask for more. 


Her phone lighted up the same caller ID again. Wendy let it be, just like how she ignored the ringing these two years.


She let it be until the screen turned dark again. 


“Seungwan, please.” 


Wendy looked at pouty Joohyun and laughed. Joohyun always used the same method every time she asked Wendy for something. It was probably because it worked on the younger all the time. 


“Alright,” Wendy complied as the older cheered, “But just one song. I have a morning lecture tomorrow. Any special request?” 


“Nope,” Joohyun replied, popping the last syllable, “Just sing a song you want to sing right now.” 


Wendy looked at Joohyun a little longer. She sighed, then started to strum the guitar strings, singing the song she knew by heart. 


She stopped after finishing the first chorus, then cleared . 


“That was amazing!” Joohyun grinned widely. “Where did you find that song?”


“It was a song my parents played at their wedding,” Wendy explained as she put her guitar down.  


Joohyun hummed, then she looked at Wendy. “Have you ever imagine about it? Your wedding.” Joohyun didn’t wait for her answer. “I don’t have one, a dream wedding. I don’t even want to get married until I’m at least thirty,” she chuckled, “Or forty. Even better.” 


Joohyun laughed, embarrassed that she told Wendy about the matter. “I’m weird, huh?” 


“It’s not weird,” Wendy assured Joohyun, who smiled at her response. 


“So, how do you want your wedding to be like?” Joohyun asked.


“I used to have one,” Wendy started, looking elsewhere. “It will be at a beach, with only my closest friends and family. We’ll be exchanging our vows. My mom will be crying, of course,” Wendy chuckled, “And then that’s it. Just something small and simple.” 


“That sounds beautiful,” Joohyun remarked, before fully grinning, “Is he tall? The man of your dream?” 


Wendy smiled and hummed. “I think so,” she said, “But, it doesn’t matter now.”


Joohyun raised her eyebrows. “Why?”


Wendy looked at Joohyun, staring gently at the older, “Because I don’t want it anymore,” she muttered softly. 


Joohyun smiled. “So, you don’t want a private wedding on the beach with a tall guy.” 


It was Wendy’s turn to laugh. “No, even more so after you put it that way.”


“What do you want, then?” Joohyun asked.


“Well,” Wendy started, putting her fingers on her chin as if she was thinking, “I just want someone who looks at me like they needed to.”


“What do you mean by that?” Joohyun giggled. “That's it? No weddings, no vows?" Does he not have to be tall now?”


Wendy smiled, turned to Joohyun. “That person just has to be at least taller than me.” 


Joohyun laughed. “That’s ridiculous Seungwan. Even I am taller than you.” She looked at Wendy again. “You're weird. I think we can be weird together.” 


Wendy stilled, keeping her stare. “Yeah?” 


Joohyun hummed, completely pleased. “Yeah. I think that underneath we’re the same, right?”


Wendy didn’t answer then, letting Joohyun took her own conclusion to her laughter. It was only when Joohyun was lying next to her, completely asleep, that Wendy whispered her answer. “You have no idea how much I wish that it was true.”

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Chapter 1: noooo this was so sad
Chapter 7: I wonder what happened to them that resulted for seungwan to distance herself from joohyun. Chanyeol seem to know something too. And the desperation of Irene with connecting with her. I know that sometimes people just drift apart because life / adulthood happens and it's impossible not to be busy with our own lives and fighting our demons alongside it. But i just wonder what happened to them. Maybe I'm just reading too much of the situation and Irene was just desperate to reconnect with Wendy because she misses her and thought of the good old times. But it's just Wendy not wanting to interact because she doesn't want to reminisce things or at least dwell on the past. I hope she answers her calls or at least reply to her messages. Irene seems to be a good friend. She deserve at least that.
Chapter 6: I love the miscommunication. Joohyun acts like a kicked bunny. Didn't expect plot to turn out that way. I love how the maknaes just ganged up on joohyun lol. I swear i have read your stories before in my previous account that i forgot the password of lol. You write fun stories btw
Chapter 5: Yerim is so clever. Her gaming equipment vs. A huge size of gongcha for a week. Not only she helped her friend have a girlfriend. She also coax some filming just so they could be the cupid that they're. It's nice when the pretty ones make their move
Chapter 4: So is she going to do something about it? Or nah? I understand where is joohyun coming from tho. They're in a group together and if ever they push through a relationship it would affect the groups dynamic. Damn it Seungwan's having a hard time as much as joohyun but she deserves to be loved too. She can't just continue or wish for a miracle about her relationship with joohyun. At least the feelings had been laid out. Some things are just not meant to be. I'm sad. NAUR!
Chapter 3: The way you're ahead of the WenTae agenda. Joohyun is so cute being jealous and seungwan is so whipped as she should
Chapter 2: My mind went "can Wendy even reach the car's pedal?" I can't help but imagine short haired Wendy being an Uber driver. I just know that she will look so good and hot while driving and also Wendy is naturally oozing with charisma so there's no questioning that. God this is so good. Joohyun won that night. Sooyoung will be delighted and proud of her lol
Chapter 1: i currently have spare time that's why i read this. I didn't know it was this saddening. Now I'm sad 😭 I feel like crying
culoapaperella #9
gonna love this!
1188 streak #10
Chapter 12: This is why is such a good promise, it's full of devotion