One Thousand Years

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„No...please...don’t leave me. Don’t die on me!“


“Don’t----I don’t want you—to—kill. Not f-for---me. Or any—one. Don’t kill---innocents.”


“I know what you want to ask. Of course I won’t just do this without asking for something in return. For the next 1000 years, you will stick to the promise you gave your lover. You will not kill any humans, nor will you harm them and feed on their flesh. (...)– if a gumiho lives without killing and eating humans for a 1000 years, the Gods will reward its strong will with the gift of humanity."


“I’ll meet you again in a thousand years. I promise.”







another negiramen x nikittysan collab of sort!
greatly inspired by all of her great gyumiho fanart <3
go look at her works on
twitter or instagram. unsub if you don't know nikitty justjokingokay

also go check out her patreon and support her if you want <3

cover by nikittysan of course! i can't even thank her enough for the support and the art (and doodles omg).


so i recently made a blog post and asked you guys if you want to wait for me to (possibly never lol) finish or if i should start uploading the gyumiho fic. chopsticks have spoken so here is another chapered, currently unfinished fic (42k words atm). i've been writing on this for over a year now. it's a good fic, i think (and nikitty who's been supporting me in the shadows all this time T_T <3 *sends hearts*) I like it, she likes it - so here we are!


PS: definitely NOT a one-shot


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Chapter 8: Come back authornim!!! We miss this story update pls...
704 streak #2
Chapter 8: i miss this story. i still hope that one day it will be updated.
Chapter 8: Hope this story will be updated, love it
dgh2673 #4
🥲😭you don't have plan to finish it
dgh2673 #5
wow i think it was my first story that it wasn't finished and i started to read it with each updated😭so feel bad that it wasn't finished
Chapter 8: I can't believe the last update was in 2019. I miss this story a lot. Please come back 😭😭. I've been thinking about this story a lot more than i care to admit. Please bring my Jumon(Woohyun) and Sunggyu back to live.
nayday #7
It's been a year... I miss this story....
Chapter 8: Kinda miss this story.. Just wanted to let you know that I will be here when you comeback
Chapter 4: I really love your writing style! I never get bored and could draw the scene you write clearly in my heart
Chapter 3: Confused Sunggyu is so cute!!