This melts me

it started with nudes (don't let it end)

In order to put Jennie's life into words Jisoo needs a deep insight on said life and not just what everyone knows about her. The book will sell if it gives new information about her. Stuff that no one would usually know. Not even her biggest fans.

Hence Jisoo is on a drive to Jennie's home in Seoul. She is going to stay there for a few days to work with her and obtain as much information on her life as possible.

She can't write it alone of course. It's about Jennie, so Jennie has to be present. Jisoo knows from experience that writing a biography for celebrities can be like a threapy session since they will start to regive their life from the very beginning. It's like reliving it as you recall it and to some it might not be a pleasant experience. Living it once might have been enough for some. Jisoo hoped that wasn't the case for Jennie because she didn't bring any tissues with her but who is she kidding. A billionare like Jennie must have tissues.

It didn't take long for Jisoo to find the right address but what she found at her destination surpassed her wildest imagination. It was a sprawling mansion, terraces spread across the huge garden with a bunch of trees and swimming pools. The inside must be just as huge, there were probably like 30 bedrooms alone. Her first thought was how alone Jennie must feel here.

Jisoo stood nervously in front of the guard. Her weight continually, swapping from one foot to the other. "Um.. I'm Kim Jisoo, I'm here for–"

And before she could finish her sentence the guard made space for her to pass through. "Go in."

Jisoo nodded with an awkward smile and walked inside Jennie's home. A maid greeted her right away.

"You must be Ms. Kim Jisoo. Jennie-ahgasshi is waiting for you in the library." The maid informed her. "Follow me." She guided her.

Jisoo followed her. So Jennie has a library in here. This fascinated Jisoo. If she could she would live in a library.

After a way too long walk because this place was way too huge they reached the library and it was even bigger than public libraries she visited. Jisoo stood there with a gaping mouth. Those books were screaming for her to read them but she had to stay cool. Couldn't make a fool out of herself in front of Jennie. She walked calmly to the figure who was sitting in the middle of the room by a table.

Yeah that was her. Her aura alone sent chills down Jisoo's spine. The maid excused herself and left the two alone.

"Uh...." Jisoo nervously fiddled with her fingers. Jennie still had her back turned to her while sitting down. "I–I'm Jisoo... nice to meet you Jennie-sshi...." She said with all her courage.

Jennie's ears perked up hearing Jisoo's voice right next to her. She stood up and turned around. Jisoo was mesmerized by her face. Her tiny ears, plump lips, cat-like eyes and chubby cheeks... Somehow this seemed familiar to Jisoo but she couldn't quite remember from where.

'Stupid Jisoo! Of course you have seen her before! Yesterday a lipstick ad played at the train station! That's why you feel like you have seen her before because you have like all of South Korea.'

"Hello." Jennie said in English. "I hope you don't mind me speaking English. I'm used to it since I practically grew up in New Zealand and feel more comfortable doing so." She lied. The truth is Jennie is 100% sure Jisoo would recognize her voice considering the amount of times they speak on the phone. Good thing Jennie's voice tone changes when she speaks another language.

"Yeah!" Jisoo nodded. "No problem, at all! I can understand you."

"Great." Jennie responded and motioned her to take a seat beside her.

Both then sat down. It was quiet. Jennie's face remained blank and Jisoo began to sweat bullets. She gave herself a mental slap. Starting conversations is her strong suit! Not letting a situation turn awkward is what she can do best. She just has to pretend Jennie is not someone that important and it will work. Yeah.

Thus she opened .



But so did Jennie.

They exchanged an awkward glance. Jisoo motioned for Jennie to go first but Jennie did the same. Great.

Jisoo tried again. "I'm sorry for being awkward. That's not what I'm usually like." She apologized. "Let me try again. Hi I'm Jisoo." She said in English this time with her adorable accent, making Jennie giggle softly and it was music to Jisoo's ears. She wanted to hear it again and again.

"I'm Jennie but you probably know that already."

"Of course! I don't live under a rock." Jisoo nodded. "I mean I'm a star, but not Patrick."

And for some weird reason to Jisoo Jennie actually laughed again and that made Jisoo grin. It was a bad joke, after all.

"Sorry again. That was lame but lame jokes are my forte." Jisoo pointed to herself. "Tell me about yourself Jennie-sshi."

"You can just call me Jennie." She told her. "What do you want to know about me?"

"Everything and nothing." Jisoo took out her notebook and a pen. "Let's start with simple trivias."

"Fine." Jennie was willing to answer every question. "But if you want to get to know me, I want to get to know you in return."

Jisoo cocked an eyebrow. "Really? I don't think that's necessary for your book nor for you."

Jennie shook her head. "It is necessary. I can't open up easily to strangers."

"I see." Jisoo seemed to understand where she came from. "Okay then I will try my best, so I won't be a stranger anymore."

Jennie appeared to be less tense than before. "Also treat me like you would treat your friends please..." She almost pleaded at the end and with that Jisoo made a mental note to stay her normal self around Jennie. That's an easy task for a social and brave girl like her. It's really only her inner gay that gets in the way.

"You want me to treat you like my friends? My friends don't want me to treat them like my friends." She said playfully.

The corners of Jennie's lips tugged into a bright smile. "Can't relate." Jennie simply shrugged.

All of Jisoo's nervousness was gone. For some reason speaking with Jennie seemed so easy. As if she already knew the girl.

Therefore Jennie and Jisoo spent hours talking about everything and nothing. Jisoo didn't take any notes yet, she wanted to find out what kind of person Jennie was before that.

Jennie was nothing like she heard. Sure she was intimidating but more than that she seemed a little shy. She spoke more about herself the more time they spent in each others presence. Whenever Jisoo would crack another lame joke Jennie miraculously found hilarious she was rewarded with Jennie's adorable gummy smile. It was the cutest smile Jisoo has ever witnessed. It would leave the sun jobless, Jisoo was convinced.

'Your smile leaves the sun jobless.'

Jennie's cheeks puffed up and her face became red. Jisoo rubbed her head. Why is she blushing?

After recovering from her embarrassment Jennie looked confidently at Jisoo and it almost melted her whole. That's the Jennie she always sees on screen.

"Why is that? Did it tell you to quit your job?" She asked Jisoo with a smirk.

Oh. So Jisoo said her thoughts out loud.

Now Jisoo was the one embarrassed and she didn't know whether it was because she accidentally told Jennie what she thought or because Jennie clearly complimented her in return.

"Uh..." Jisoo was speechless. The Jennie Kim was flirting with her and it made the butterflies in her stomach go crazy.

Hold on. Jisoo already had a Jennie. She wasn't supposed to feel this way. She promised.

She pinched her thigh and snapped out of it. Like she said before, this was normal. It's a celebrity crush. Who wouldn't blush in front of Jennie Kim? It's a natural human function like having to pee. Yup.

"You are quite the charmer huh?" Jisoo asked.

"Not really." Jennie said honestly. "But I do speak what's on my mind. Beautiful things have that effect on me."

Jisoo's ears reddened. Stupid ears.

"Anyway.." Jennie said. "It's getting late, let me show you your room." She stood up and reached for Jisoo's hand.

Jisoo hesistantly took Jennie's hand and Jennie held hers tightly in response. Her hand was so soft and warm. She felt Jennie holding it like she was holding onto something fragile that could break any second. It made the warmth from her ears lead through her whole body to her hand.

Jennie bit her lip to hold back her smile. Like she tried multiple times around Jisoo. She really tried to keep a blank face. She didn't want Jisoo to notice how extremely happy she was to see her but she couldn't hide it completely. A smile slipped every now and then. If only she wasn't so into Jisoo she could have kept her cold attitude but it was futile, so somewhere along the line she gave up. Jisoo made her easily crack. She didn't even try hard. It was natural.

Jennie offered Jisoo the biggest bedroom and had her maids change it a million times to make as comfortable as possible unbeknownst to her knowledge.

"Sleep tight and we'll continue whenever you are awake." Jennie gave her a sweet smile.

Slowly Jisoo let go of Jennie's hand, it made the smile on Jennie's face shrink. She wanted to hold her hand for longer.

"Goodnight Jich–JI-JISOO!" Jennie blurted out loudly. She almost made a huge mistake. Did Jisoo notice? She took a glance on the raven haired girl.

"Goodnight J-E-N-N-I-E!" Jisoo mimicked, spelling out her name equally as loud since she thought that was what Jennie was trying to do.

Jennie sighed in relief. Good thing Jisoo could be an annoyingly cute .

'Goodnight Jichu.' She thought and gave her another smile before she left her alone. 




Back in her room Jennie slumped herself on her bed. She pushed the pillow against her face and squealed inside of it.

"I jusht spokke withh Jichuu!!!!" She muffled. "Yayy!"

The screen of her phone lit up, so she picked it up and opened a message. A dopy grin immediately spread across her face as response.


Jichu 💗 [21:34]

First day done!

She was so cute!

Nothing like what people say!


Jichu 💗 [21:34]

She makes my heart flutter|

She makes my|




Jensetter [21:34]

You think so?


Jichu 💗 [21:34]


Her voice is so y!

That accent ugh!

Like please just run me over with your car

Her hair is so voluminous

Her skin is perfect

Her ears and nose are so cute

She is very easy going

A pleasure to talk and be with


Jichu 💗 [21:36]

Ah I'm sorry

That probably annoyed you

Let me stop here

Let's talk about something else


Jensetter [21:36]

No no no

Keep talking

It doesn't bother me at all


Jichu 💗 [21:38]



Jensetter [21:38]

Keep talking Jisoos!


Jichu 💗 [21:40]


Okay mam? lol


The best thing are her chubby cheeks and eyes

Her cheeks are beyond pinchable and squishy

I want to stretch them as far as possible

Istg those are the prettiest pair of brown orbs I have ever seen

Her eyes are so talented


Jensetter [21:41]

How can eyes be talented???

Are you drunk Chu? 😂

Also let her cheeks live

I don't think they would survive such an attack


Jichu 💗 [21:41]

Her eyes are!


Jensetter [21:41]



Jichu 💗 [21:43]

First of all

They make her look like a versatile cat

Her eyes can be sharp and intimidating

They tell you to piss off and never dare to breathe in her direction ever again

But when they soften....

They are as soft as melted chocolate balls

It makes me want to be the fire to melt them

Because when they are melted

They plead you to love them

Since that's all they ever wanted

And they will love you in return

Basically they are the mirrors to her soul

And her soul is golden

It craves warmth and affection like it lives on it

Which I wish I could provide her

She seems to be missing it

But everyone deserves it

I feel like hugging the life out of her while typing this tbh


Jichu 💗 [21:45]



Jichu 💗 [21:48]

You still there?

Did I go too fangirly?



Jensetter [21:49]

I love you


Jichu 💗 [21:49]



Jensetter [21:49]

I love you


Jichu 💗 [21:50]



Jensetter [21:50]

I love you 💗💗


Jichu 💗 [21:51]

Awww I love you too

Goodnight Jendeuk 💗

Tell the bed bugs I'll fight them if they bite you


Jensetter [21:51]

Will do! 😊

Night night Jichu 💗



With her widest gummy smile she put her phone aside and turned the lights off. It felt like forever since Jennie slept with so much happiness pumping through her veins.

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1120 streak #1
Oh congrats on being featured authy
565 streak #2
Oh featured!
2072 streak #3
Congrats on the feature!
reveluv316 805 streak #4
cant wait to start reading
idkwhattoputheree #5
Chapter 27: love this!
reveluv316 805 streak #6
congrats on the feature
2072 streak #7
Congrats on the feature!
1105 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
theoriginalhigh19 #9
Chapter 21: this is literally comedy gold with the right amount of uwu and awesomeness too. IM HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE READING THIS LMAO
mikaiori #10
I'll reread this in the future. I love it, thanks authornim! 🤍