Royal Flush



Throughout the seventeen years of her life, Kim Ara had never received a card.

Her cousins and relatives that were about her age already had at least eight cards, and all of them had at least one A rank card in their deck. She was always envious of them, never really getting to hang out with them because they kind of 'shunned' her for having no cards at her age despite them being related. Whenever they came over, they would engage themselves in their so-called 'friendly battles' at the backyard of her house, but really those were just excuses for them to show off and prove that that they were better than each other.

Ara was in a family of decently-known Dealers, but people never really realised she existed, mainly because her Aunt and Uncle never mentioned about her to anyone. She knew it was because of her 'empty hands', and in her society where cards determined a person's status, she would be her family's source of shame.

She was determined to obtain a card. Not just because it was a bare essential in the power-driven society she lived in, but also to prove to her relatives that she was not useless and a burden.

And her chance finally came on her 18th birthday.



"Stop trying to be who you are not."





"...I don't even know who I am."


Hello! Thank you for showing interest in this story ^^ its been a long while since I actually read fanfics yet alone write one, but the plot bunny came one day and this just sat in my drafts since 2018. I actually have a vision for how my story will end, and how it will pan out unlike my previous stories, so I hope I actually have the motivation to complete this one.  Anyway I just hope my writing skills are good enough to portray my imagination and I hope they make sense HAHA

I actually chose this whole card au thing because there are quite a few such fanfics here, though not much. The concept has always been quite interesting, especially regarding exo's powers. As for the ranks of the cards, I actually got inspiration from the Superstar mobile game series XD

My OC may be a little unlikeable at first (not spoiling anything!!) but I have planned out some character development for her, although I just hope I am able to write it out properly. I've tagged romance for this story, but I'm not sure how it'll go because I don't think I'm good at that stuff(?) I just put it there in case anything comes to mind, but I'll try my best. Its also going to be OT12 because I'm having some major 2013 throwbacks hehe 

All the characters written here are not mine, except for OCs. The pictures used are also not mine, and credit goes to their original owners. I only own the OCs and the plot, so please be nice and no plagiarism!

Now enjoy my (probably not as well-writen) story! ^^


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Chapter 17: So I reread the story and caught up.. Thanks for the update.. So I guess this new warrior is Kyungsoo.. Since it's a tree.. Can't wait for the next chapter to know more.. I think this warrior himself wants to be found out and rescue by Ara.. Hope you will update soon..
Chapter 17: I think that's Kyungsoo? Since it's a tree 😂
740 streak #3
Chapter 17: Thank you so much for an update, I have really missed this story. I had to brush up a bit from the last chapter, but was able to jump back into the plot with no problem. First of all, I love how Sehun and Baekhyun were acknowledged by Yuna, that made for such a lovely moment. Hopefully, at some point things will change for all warriors, and the mistreatment will stop.

The conversation between Sehun and Baekhyun was interesting, I hope Baek will start to trust Ara more soon. It also looks like Sehun will be letting go of some of his resentment sooner than later. I wonder how things will be when she has the full deck.

Since his presence was around a tree, I am thinking that the next card will be Kyungsoo. Is he trapped? This was such a good chapter, I really enjoyed it.
AiiSoo #4
Chapter 17: Kyungsoo? Is he next? Oh my god! And thank you for your return..! I go back to read this story again because I can’t remember the details as it has been so long ago. I really really like fantasy genre so I’m really glad that this story will still continue and not left unfinished.
I’m guessing that Yuna might have the similar mindset as Ara but she just doesn’t have the courage to be so open to her Warriors publicly like Ara did to her Warriors. And Sehun’s uneasiness to Ryujin is definitely intriguing. Maybe he dislikes Warriors with the element of Spirit or he actually has a history with Ryujin.
Oh well. I hope Ara won’t have any trouble with Yeri being roommates and she will not not have a hard time getting her next card.
Thank you for this update, really..! I’ll be sure to anticipate the continuation of this story.
Chapter 16: I bet she'll find another card at the Training Centre. Let's see what'll happen.

Also , welcome baaaack!
You're back!!! I'm so happy <33
The tree is Kyungsoo, isnt it?