

The image of the four of them crowded around her in a small semi-circle, the light of the candles casting an orange glow over their smiles, and the way Joohyun's eyes had shined. 'I wish for us to always be together like this.' // Trainee setting. Sooyoung struggles to find her way while trying to get Joohyun to open up more.


Trainee Sooyoung/RV. I'm not sure what happened here. I was craving something Joyrene, so I wrote down a few scenes that I had imagined from their trainee time and expanded on them a... little bit. 12,000 words of slow, slow character development for Joy and Irene. There's no desperate pining or drama, no sad one sided loves.

I didn't proofread or have a BETA, so I apologize if there are sentences that don't make sense due to my brain mush.

Would appreciate any comments/upvotes very much :)




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soshivelvetM #1
Chapter 1: I really really like this. I’ve read it for the nth time already. 💚💗
Chapter 1: What a wonderful story. I loved. It made me think about how difficult it was for the girls to get to where they are today. I love how you write with your sensitivity and inclusion, how you take into account all the girls even though the story focuses on Joyrene. You are very good
Chapter 1: geez I'm here again still crying
cupcaketree123 #4
Chapter 1: WHO THE HELL IS CUTTING ONIONS?!?! Ahh that was so nice!! Seeing your story of how trainee period was, was amazing. I can‘t imagine how hard it must be for every trainee. The hardships, the uncertainty, the rivalry but also the friendship and the companionship. God, what idols mentally go through to become who they are now
rantiini #5
Chapter 1: This was so good. The very slow build up and the slow and detailed characterization.
BlazingSeraph #6
Chapter 1: YOU'RE KIDDING ME HOW DID YOU AND WRITE THAT SO WELL!!!!! I'm actually dead, like legit I'm gone after reading that like how tf did you capture all of them so well??? Also the emotions! The softness! The tenderness! You popped off hard with this fic like your fr bodied that, and just wow thanks so much for writing this fic and blessing us all.
Agiaht #7
Chapter 1: I'm so glad i read this, the ending was so soft I don't think I will stop smilong so soon ^.^
Chapter 1: I love how you write this fic, the way you described the feelings of each members perfectly suits them. The emotions and struggles ugh heartbreaking, but there's a rainbow always after the rain so yeah at the end of the fic it's still a fluffy ending uwu