
One Word
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"And then you know what? It was the best feeling ever!" Lisa exclaimed to her best friend. "I seriously thought I won't head that way but Chaeyoung's really better than most of the guys I've been with."


"Hmm... So you're really a dyke now?" Lisa only shrugged so Jisoo pushed further. "Because honestly I thought we're both straight and now you're dropping this bomb. Care to explain?"


The orange head only smiled at her like a child receiving her reward for something big. "Love. Any more needed reason?"


Something crossed Jisoo's mind and she was brutally honest with it. "How do you... have then?"




"What? I'm curious as to how that works out for you. You aren't exactly Mother Theresa or something." Lisa shook her head at the sudden question which prompted Jisoo to say more. "Is it better than doing it with boys?"


They locked gazes and it was now Lisa's turn to shrug. "I don't know but... I love her, you know. And you might say it's cheesy and other stuff but I think when you really love someone, anything is possible and actually becomes the best thing in your life."


"Yeah right."


"Seriously. You need one."


"I'm with someone, you know."


"I meant an actual one. A relationship. Not those that only lasts for like what..? One to three weeks? Heck. Try giving it passed a month."



Jisoo rolled her eyes and just stared ahead. She saw the infamous introvert in their school. Her eyes always follow her junior ever since she was a freshman. Lisa followed her line of sight and grinned.



"You know, you've always been giving her attention and here you are teasing me being all Ellen Degeneres because I met the love of my life."


"Oh shut up, Lisa." She then saw the girl petting and being friendly to a cat which looked like her. "It's just... I don't know. I want to get to know Jennie Kim but she doesn't socialize herself with anyone. And I meant anyone."


"Tough luck, huh?" Lisa smirked at her.


"Shut up." Jisoo squinted her eyes. "But not really. She's really active in her extra-curricular activities."


"Just like you are with your ual activities?" She glared at Lisa and the latter threw her hands up. "I'm just saying. Because if she is that active then you found your loophole to get close to her."


"I know. But I'm not that active in my ual life, you jerk."


"Yeah yeah and if you are then I'm straight!" Lisa shook her head. "Don't bother hiding it, unnie. I know you."






=  =  =  =  =






"Oops! Sorry! I wasn't looking--"


Jennie Kim stared at her for a full three seconds before she shook her head. "It's fine. Just be careful next time, sunbae."



Jisoo took the musical sheets over all of Jennie Kim's things and she was planning to use it as a reason to approach her again. Just as she was thinking it was a job well done, the girl tugged at her cuff links.



"I think you have something of mine." Her gaze to the sheets was intense. "I'd like it back please."


"Oh!" Jisoo glanced at her hand and smiled apologetically. She gave her the smile that usually makes people crazy for it. "I was planning to return it. How silly of me to forget."



Jennie only smiled and carefully took the papers away. She walked passed her without even saying anything. Jisoo's eyes followed her and that was when she decided that joining the music club would be her first choice.






=  =  =  =  =






"It's not even a gym. It's for yoga, unnie. A lesser kind of working out."

"No, I hate all working out! Goddamn it, Lisa!"


"You'll thank me for this."


"Why would I thank you for pulling me to a place where there are sweating bodies and it's hot and--" Lisa forcefully turned Jisoo's head to one side and that shut her up. "Holy !"


"Told you. You'll thank me for this." She patted Jisoo on the head and started to walk away. "I'm just gonna do my thing and you can just wait and watch... And probably drool too."



Jisoo didn't respond to that remark as she was focused on Jennie Kim who seemed to be caught in long pieces of fabric. With her eyes widened and mouth agape, amazement and awe and disbelief course through her all at once. Never has she expected to see the great introvert doing things like this and yes... being all hot at the same time.


Jennie Kim looked just petite whenever she sees her yet now with her in training attire... Even the Jenners would be left awestruck by it. Or so Jisoo thinks. She got a glimpse of her stomach which was not only lean but there was the toned abs that looked too perfect for her. She was fit all throughout and has the best curves in the right place.


When Jennie got down from it and walked closer and closer to her, Jisoo was confused whether she'll hold her breath or inhale the scent of the girl. It was disturbing to her as how she was affected by this brunette who still act as if she wasn't just sweating and catching up her breath. The scene was also not helping as Jisoo could barely keep her dirty thoughts from taking flight when she got a clearer view of her.


The few droplets streaming from her jaw down to her neck didn't look disgusting to Jisoo. In fact, it looked so good that she wanted to reach her tongue out and it. She wanted to tangle her fingers through that almost wet hair that Jennie Kim let down. The heavy breathing and moist lips made her want to reduce that close gap between them and press her thirsty lips against the latter. She let her eyes travel south and gulped at the sight of those soft yet firm abs teasing her.


She didn't realize she was staring until Jennie Kim cleared . The brunette had her eyes on her as if she was demanding something. It was so dreamy to the older girl that she was still caught off guard. Jisoo did something intelligible like... stuttering and tripping with words she's used to casually give to people who triggers her so bad.



"U-umm? Yeah? Hey! N-nice to see y-you here. Like that."



Jennie Kim looked down and frowned at she definitely took those words the wrong way. Or the right way since Jisoo meant for it to be sensual and she got the message perfectly. Especially when those orbs escaped her gaze earlier and studied her from head to toe.


"Can you please move? You're blocking the way." Jisoo was like she met Medusa's venomous eyes and stayed petrified on her spot. "Sunbae? Kim Jisoo sunbae?"


"Ye-yeah?!" She was slowly grinning since she heard her name from the girl, she always thought, who never give a damn about others. "Sorry. What did you say?"



Jennie Kim only shook her head and tried to move out of her way, not intentionally bumping into Jisoo's shoulder due to being tired and all. It was fast but it was enough for Jisoo to feel her tummy turning and maybe even doing somersaults already. She turned around and had literally opened as she saw Jennie Kim's bum swaying from side to side.


She doesn't have a for butts before but now... She thinks she does.


She felt a piece of cotton on the side of and glanced sidewards. Lisa was there holding her handkerchief and grinning widely.



"Okay. I had no doubts when I said you can wait and watch but I never thought you'd actually drool."



She slapped Lisa's hand away and really wiped the corner of which was quite damped. They spent their hang out with her teasing and Jisoo blushing furiously whenever she remembered everything in that complex. Lisa laughed out loud the whole day and she never let Jisoo live.




And the black haired thought she also can't live until she gets to know Jennie Kim.






=  =  =  =  =






"Here. Drink this!"



Jisoo reached out a bottled water to the girl playing on the piano for long hours. It has been a busy week for their school as their foundation day was about to come up and all was expected to put on their best shoes. Of course, that put a lot more job needed to do for the Jennie Kim. After all... Though she's pretty much covered with cold and ice, there's still beauty and talent that make her everyone's first choice in big events.



"Have you been here long?"


"Hmm... Not really. Nope!" Jisoo stuck out the p-sound in that adorable way she always does when she wants to please possible candidate for affection.


Jennie strayed her eyes on the wall clock. "It's 2:15 now so you've been here for almost two hours, sunbae."


"Jisoo." She smiled widely. "Just call me Jisoo. And compared to you who hasn't taken her lunch... You've been here for twice the time."


Jennie squinted her eyes at the lunchbox settled on the floor. "You should eat. The performance is the day after tomorrow but you can't be excited that much to see me--"


"I told you it's Jisoo." She pointed her forefinger directly at the brunette's face whose orbs stared at it. "And yes. I'm that excited to see you."



She raised her eyebrows and gave a look of suspicion.



"I'm always intrigued and happy to see you play. But I think you'll do this sunbae of yours a favor if you eat something."


"I thought you want me to call you by your name?" She was about to reject Jisoo's offer of lunch when her stomach growled loudly. "E-excuse me."


"Oh come on! I swear it isn't that bad! This is well cooked and Lisa taste tested it earlier in case it causes food poisoning."


"Okay fine. As long as we share, sun-- Jisoo... sunbae."



Jisoo was being too cute and stubborn the whole while that refusing her was already out of Jennie's options. The older girl has been nice and doing sweet things to her for some time now yet Jennie might've had her own prejudice about it. Though that didn't stop her usual body need to function as Jisoo opened the lunchbox and served what seemed to be an okay and good enough meal to her.



"You sure Lisa didn't have an upset stomach?" The tone was indifferent yet the way Jennie sat in front said otherwise.


"Yeah. Too bad, huh?" Jennie looked up at her before she put an omelet in , stopping in her tracks. "I mean--!" She dropped her gaze and picked her own chopsticks to eat then muttered in a small voice. "It would've been funny."



She decided not to talk and weirded Jennie out anymore yet it seemed like things weren't going that way.



"Yeah. Too bad. I would've enjoy laughing my off to see it."



Their gazes locked and in no time, they were laughing and becoming comfortable with each word exchanged and each mouthful taken. They said food was a way to someone's heart and it was proven through what they shared. Even though it wasn't exactly a five star hotel cuisine coming from a Kim Jisoo.




It wasn't so bad... So does Jennie thinks.


Kim Jisoo, the flirt and rumored player, was actually being pleasant and friendly like a normal friend. So much different from the way she stared at her that time when she was doing yoga. Maybe she'd really give her senior a shot to be closer and be a friend to her.




As for Jisoo... It was so good compared to anything she experienced before.

It felt right, happy yet the tingling feeling didn't go away the whole time. She wants to spend time with Jennie Kim even if it was something so simple like eating and laughing with her. She wants to be with her and she considers the thought of doing that for an indefinite long time too.






=  =  =  =  =






"I think you should confess."


"How? How, Lisa, how?!!" Jisoo had her hands on both sides of her head. "I don't even know if she likes me back. I know she likes me enough to consider me as her friend but--"


"It's alright if she still calls you sunbae."


"I know but--"


"Besides that's really sweet."


"Of course. Especially coming from Jennie. But I meant--"


"And I'm pretty sure she already knew your reputation when it comes to dating--"


"Yeah yeah-- Wait. What?!" She held onto Lisa's arm. "Did you tell her?!"


"Uh uh. First, it's pretty much old news to everyone so it's obvious." She shook her head and continued, "And second... we're talking and good with each other but that doesn't mean I can tell her everything. Especially about you because that topic never really come up."


"See? She doesn't care about me that much." She exhaled a deep breath and from a distance she can see the brunette they were talking about. "And somehow... For some reason... Unlike before when someone do this to me... I don't want to give up."


"Gee. You are slowly becoming into girls, Kim Jisoo."






"The hell?! Jisoo, jinja? Is this true?!"


"Go away, Jiwon." Jisoo rolled her eyes at the loud voice interfering by their side. "Don't you have anything better to do?"


"I do. Girls, in fact." The two let out expressions of disgust. "But I didn't know you're down for that too."


"Oh off!" Jisoo shoved her other friend. "I may have XX chromosomes but I still have more balls than you."


"Really? Why don't you prove it then?" He stuck out his tongue and even acted like a ert. Lisa hit him for Jisoo.


"I don't need to do any proving." Jisoo shouldered her bag and prepared to leave. "Haven't been thinking of those for awhile so go ahead and amuse yourself by being an ."



Bobby blinked and looked at Lisa for confirmation. Lisa only shrugged with a small smile. Clearly, he won't stop bugging Jisoo about it but both his childhood friends' actions were enough.




Jisoo's really serious about this girl called Jennie Kim.




The two gazed at each other before Bobby stared at the two girls talking and laughing from a distance. "Does she even know?"


Lisa rolled her eyes. "Yeah and Jennie didn't care. She's okay with Jisoo unnie now and--"


"I meant the thing about Jennie Kim."


"What thing?" He squinted his eyes at Lisa almost looking like it disappeared from his face. "Is this about her being an introvert? Because everyone knows that and Jisoo unnie is okay with--"


"No. Not that."


"Then what?"


"Jennie Kim... She's--" He trailed off and their eyes landed on the two with the brunette subtle avoiding Jisoo's attempt to hold hands.




"She's aual. And I'm dead serious when I say that because it came from her, herself, when she rejected someone back then."






=  =  =  =  =






"Thanks again. It was a nice night, sun--" She cut off when she saw Jisoo intently staring at her. "Jisoo sunbae."


"Thanks for giving me a chance for a date."


Jennie tilted her head to the side. "Was that a date? I thought you said--"


"I meant-- Yeah right! I forgot." She realized her tongue slipped again and just made things awkward so she rambled, "I got extra tickets and then you agreed. Then I fetch you then we ate and yeah that's not a date. No way that it is! Then we went to this water filled place then blah blah blah... And hey you liked the view!"


"I did. The aquarium and fishes were just lovely. How about you? Did you like it too? Or did you even see it?" Jennie has a gummy smile on her face while they stopped on her doorstep. "Because not to boast or anything but your eyes and lens were focused on me a couple of times."


"Really?! I did that?!" Jisoo exclaimed and pretended to be shocked. "Noooo waaaay!"


"Yes, you did." Jennie nodded.

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Not going to accept requests for awhile. Sorry. I’ll finish those in my notes first...


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congrats!! on getting featured!
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Chapter 17: enjoyed reading this chapter
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Congrats authy
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Congrats on the feature
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Congrats on the feature!
Grats on the feature!
congrats! haven't seen a BP fic get featured before! <3 Love it.