Of Fight and Persuading

Of Invulnerability and Promises
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"Will you hear me out first, Joohyun-ah?"


The calm and slient night was long gone when Joohyun start punching her and waking her up from her dreamland while screaming and crying out loud. Seulgi was beyond confused when Joohyun threw her phone at her and stormed out of the room in her bunny pajamas. But her questions was answered when she saw what was reflecting off the device.


"Joohyun, please." 


Seulgi was trying her best to hold the crying Joohyun back but the older was blocking her out. She was desprately trying to get out of here, she didn't even wish to breathe the same air as Seulgi. 


"Seulgi! It's enough." Joohyun harshly yanked the younger's hand away that was initally tightly wrapped around her wrist. It was as if she could hear her heart breaking into pieces when Joohyun turns around and face her with her blood-shot eyes and grimacing face.


The last thing Seulgi wanted to do was to hurt her lover. 


"Joohyun! Don't jump into conclusion! I can explain!" 


"EXPLAIN WHAT?" The latter protested, jabbing her finger towards the phone with the lewd picture showing, "ISN'T THE PICTURE OBVIOUS ENOUGH?" 


Seulgi shook her head and attemped to grab the older by her hand again, "No, Joohyun, I...   "


"Don't touch me."  


Seulgi frozed, as she let her hand fall back in place. 




Joohyun knew she had regretted what she said when she saw the confusion and hurt running past the younger's face. She wants Seulgi to touch her, hug her, kiss her and to assure her that the picture was fake. But at that point of time, she couldn't. What she was feeling was just purely pain, disappointment and more pain. 


"   I'm tired, Seulgi. Just let me go..." Joohyun sobbed, taking a few steps back as the younger was trying to approach her. 



"What's happening??"


In the midst of the heat up argument, Yerim and Seungwan appeared while rubbing their eyes sleepily only to let their jaw drop in surprise with the crying Joohyun. 


"J-Joohyun unnie?" Yerim stuttered as she glanced at her older sister then back to the other girl who avoided eyecontact with them. 


None of them dared to spoke until Seulgi decided that staying slient wasn't going to help at all. 


"Joohyun. I know you're mad right now and you won't listen to me. But all i ask for you is to just stay for the night, it's already three in the morning for goddness sake! I won't allow you to go back home this late." Seulgi sighed and ruffled her own hair in frustruation.




Seulgi was trying to surpress all of her frustrations, she knew she had no rights to shout or be angry at Joohyun. The person she should get angry to was herself and Naeun.

Her hand instinctively when up to Joohyun's shoulder, but the action was halted when she recalled what Joohyun said earlier. All she could do was to let out a sigh and plead the older girl.


"I get it Joohyun. You don't even want to see my face, and all i ask for you to stay for the night. You can have the room."


"Seulgi is right... It's late now. It's not safe for you to be out this late." Seungwan added on, eventhough she was clueless about everything that was unfolding infront of her.  


Knowning that the pair of bestfriends were right, Joohyun wiped her tears and went back to Seulgi's room with a loud slamming of door. Seulgi shuts her eyes tightly as she turned to face the other two younger girls who were still slightly fazed.


"I'm sorry, you guys should go back and sleep."


Yerim rolled her eyes as she pulled the older to the couch, "Do you think we will be able to sleep after witnessing the first ever fight between you two?" 


"Yeah, what happened?" Seungwan questioned as she joined them a few seconds later with a warm cup of water in her hand. 


Seulgi sighed and took the water before rubbing her temple, "She's back."






Yerim widen her eyes in shocked while Seungwan remained expressionless since it wasn't a piece of news to her. 


"W-When?" Yerim clenched her fist at the mention of the forbidden name. 


"I'm not sure, but she's working in Joohyun's work place now." Seulgi replied and showed them the photo that was sent to Joohyun earlier on, "I think she sent the photo." 


Yerim scoffed, "You think? IT'S OBVIOUSLY HER!"


Seulgi leans back to the couch as she closes her eyes to rest her tired mind.


"What are you going to do now, Seulgi?" Seungwan asked and Seulgi wished she could have an answer to that. 

All she could think of right now was how to appease Joohyun and how she should refrain herself from confronting Naeun.




Seulgi wished that she didn't agree to Joohyun's request of letting them have a short break from each other.

It had been three days without the clingy bunny beside her and it's making her go crazy. She wasn't used to not having the older girl snuzzling up against her body while they watching some re-runs of their favourite drama.


Heck, Joohyun doesn't even reply to her messages or even pick up her call anymore. 


"Seungwannn...help me..." Seulgi cries to the girl who was preparing their dinner. 




"I miss Joohyun..." Seulgi pouted while Yerim threw a pillow towards her face and snatched the remote control away.


"It's only been three days, unnie." 


Seulgi glared at her and snatch back the controller when Yerim tries to change to the kids channel, "Exactly! I used to see her every single day..." 


"Then why are you still sitting here?" Seungwan asked. 




"Go find her."


Seulgi deadpanned, "Seungwan! Are you rubbing salt on my wound? Of course i want to find her! But she don't want me too!" 


Yerim wanted to punch her sister so badly for being so dumb. 






"Are you really a girl?" 


Seulgi her brow at looked at her younger sister amusingly, "You called me unnie, kid."


"If you are a girl, why don't you know a girl's heart and mind?" 




"Sometimes, when a girl say she doesn't want..." Yerim trails as she sneakily grabbed the controller that was in Seulgi's hand when the latter was distracted.




Yerim smirked, "...it doesn't really mean that she doesn't want."





"Did something happened between you and Seulgi?" Yongsun questioned carefully as both of them sat down for their lunch, "It's been four days since i've last seen her."


"Yeah, i can't believe she could stand four days without me." Joohyun bitterly said.


Yongsun could only quirk a brow confusingly at the latter, "What happened?"


"did i not tell you?"


"Tell me what?" 


"That Naeun is Seulgi's ex." 


"Oh you didn't tell me   WAIT WHATTTTTT?!" Yongsun exclaimed in horror while Joohyun shrugged, already used to Yongsun's loud bubbly voice.


"To cut the story short, that caused us to have a fight and i told Seulgi that i needed a break form her." 


"Doesn't sound like something you would do." 


"Well, i had no choice if i really want my plan to be a successful one." 


Joohyun squinted her eyes sharply at the sight of Naeun walking to the caferia with Yura while stabbing her steak with th

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Chapter 1: im loving this so far!!
Chapter 18: I love this story so much! 💖
reveluv316 805 streak #3
congrats on feature
1188 streak #4
Chapter 1: WOAH okay that's a huge ask 😳
ilikeyouchi #5
charismarina #6
congrats on getting featured!!
Congratulations on the feature
i love ittttt! huhuhu thank u n congrats on the feature!!
2072 streak #9
Chapter 2: Nooooo what happened to Joohyun?
Chapter 2: Joohyun - 💋💋
Seulgi - 0