Curious about roleplays

Ok, so this will be my last blogpost for today.
I know that some of you guys are getting really annoyed from my constant posts.


I'm just curious.
I'm eyeing a roleplay right now since it really sounds interesting,
but I'm quite confused with how this whole thing works, like do I have to make another account or sth like that.
I noticed that alot of roleplays are getting featured these days...
Will it take a lot of my time though? Bec. if it does, I don't think I can participate. :/

Still, can someone please explain to me the basics? Haha
This is actually embarrassing since I've been here on AFF for years yet I still don't know how these "roleplay" works. Sorry. T^T
Thank you in advance.


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i saw this roleplays on AFF but i never tried it cuz it sound complicated :o though i once joined an instagram rp :D
maybe our rp wasn't that formal but everyone is creating his own character :D i actually like sulli from that roleplay XD
/i was role playing as yoogeunnie cuz all shinee memebers were taken sobs/

but if u were busy u could use a roleplay on a mobile app thingy like insta or twitter it would be waaay better and u can do it any time :D
Oh and there's also Au (alternate universe where your using the idol or ulzzang but it's basically not the idol's real personality) and there's non au where you act how the idol acts or try to interpert how they might act on stage.
I'm kind of a veteran rper so I can give you some tips if you want ^^

For AFF yes, you do have to make seperate accounts to create your roleplayer. It can be a hassle switching back and fourth but it's worth it considering how many awesome roleplays are on this site. I'm going to warn you that many rps demand active roleplayers to keep the rp going so if you don't think you are active enough right now, then maybe you should wait and think about it first before joining the roleplay.

As for the basics well there's really not much to rping. It's kind of like you're creating a story between you and the other person: You know how you chat with people on here? Basically just a back and fourth thing ^^

Some rps are also in either third pov, first pov or mixed pov.

And...I think that's all the information I can give you ^^; I hope it was somewhat helpful? :3 Have fun in the roleplaying world though XD Be can get addicting ha ha.