▬ ambrosia ; goo yumi ▬ HERA

character name
applicant. iMikiii
active rate. 9/10
nickname.  Miki ♥

plotline. Hera
full name. Goo Yumi
nicknames. Gumi (goomi), Yumi
birthdate. September 2, 1996
birth place. Shibuya, Japan
ethnicity. Korean-Japanese
languages. Korean & Japanese; fluent || English; Learning
face claim: Lee Eunji
backup face claim: LEE Yeonju (Mikki)
She likes headbands and hats to match her outfits. Even though with her personality, she likes sweets, candies, fluffy animals and stuffed toys. She likes to play the guitar, ukulele, and piano. She likes reading and also watch variety shows and korean and japanese sitcoms.
She doesn't like the taste and smell of alcohol, criminals and people who hurt or abuse children. She has a soft spot for kids. Sometimes she just doesn't want to know the truth about things, it makes her feel uneasy.
character history

Her personality showed even in early years. When she was in middle school, she had been very taunting and got a lot of the others mad. She often strikes people who doesn't know their place. For example, in her high school years, there was these girls who thought they were the bosses, Gumi simply 'talked' to them, and bang. Game over. But her character only came to this after the early training in singing and dancing. Her parents kind of forced her into training. They were the owners of a company and wanted her to be an idol, just so they can advertise it.

Having to train everyday, they tried spoiling her so she would listen. When she was 11, she began rebelling. She didn't attend her classes and was always on the rooftop of her school. But she made sure her grades were at the top. She didn't want to sink completely. 

She performed in school events and was known throughout the whole school. Almost everyone adored her, loved her. She knows her place, and always tries to stay confident. Almost every night, she tells herself before she sleeps, "Don't break." Her personality is like that because of too much stress and anger building up inside of her. It releases when she becomes rude or mean, or scream it all out.

character personality

Arrogant, that's how you would describe her.  She always thinks she's the best, showing from the success she has. Her looks can be deceiving when she looks so nice and innocent. She's very confident in herself. She's also sarcastic. Even from one word, she can reply to it sarcasticaly and it  can be very hurtful sometimes. She doesn't mean to be that way, it's natural in her. Having the talent of singing and dancing, she says that she 'only  takes advantage of these.' 

This arrogant and mean Gumi can also be very sweet and loving. Although that side of her only shows with her true friends and loved ones. She's loyal when it comes to love, and never abandon those who believe in her. In her group, she knows that they truly care for her, even when she was very rude at first and didn't even notice them when they try to talk to her. She learned to also depend on them, that someone is much higher than her, but her arrogant and snobbish self is again, natural in her.

She's also very neat and tidy. She doesn't want anything out of place. Even a tiny detail irritates her, a tiny thing out of place. And when you see her smile, that genuine happiness can really make you feel very special.

love interest
love interest. Ravi
age. 21 years old
relationship. Childhood Friends
picture links:

PERSONALITY. Ravi is caring and optimistic. The kind of person that would make you laugh and just have a good time. He is very understanding of situations and people. The one who can get you to talk and comfort you through times which are tough.

MEETING. Ravi and Gumi go way back. Eversince kindergarten, they have been friends. He was the one who never took Gumi's insults and stares personally and knew she was always like that. He has always supported Gumi, and was the one who accepted her hurtful and piercing words. He wanted her to be comforted, and has always patted her head when she does a good job. He never tried to change her into someone she wasn't and just wanted her to be natural -which is the rude and snobbish Gumi- but she has always had the sweet and loving one.

layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes



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